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Created April 12, 2024 16:09
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Given a version string, download the update DMGs for Acrobat DC and Acrobat Reader DC, and extract *.pkg files
#!/bin/zsh -eux
VERSION="$1" # ex. 24.002.20687
VERSION="${VERSION:gs/\./}" # ex --> 2400220687
curl -LO "${VERSION}/AcroRdrDCUpd${VERSION}_MUI.dmg"
curl -LO "${VERSION}/AcrobatDCUpd${VERSION}.dmg"
ADBTMP="$(mktemp -d)";
ls -1 Acro*.dmg \
| while read -r DMG; do
if [[ -e "$DMG" ]]; then
hdiutil attach -nobrowse -noautoopen -noverify -mountpoint $ADBTMP $DMG \
&& ditto -V $ADBTMP/*.pkg . \
&& hdiutil detach $ADBTMP;
echo "Unable to find DMG '$DMG'???";
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