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Last active December 4, 2022 03:05
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
def eval(instructions: list):
stack = []
mem = {}
exec = list(reversed(instructions))
binary_ops = {
"add": lambda v1, v2: v1 + v2,
"sub": lambda v1, v2: v1 - v2,
"mul": lambda v1, v2: v1 * v2,
"div": lambda v1, v2: v1 / v2,
"gt": lambda v1, v2: v1 > v2,
"lt": lambda v1, v2: v1 < v2,
"gte": lambda v1, v2: v1 >= v2,
"lte": lambda v1, v2: v1 <= v2,
"eq": lambda v1, v2: v1 == v2,
def run(val):
if isinstance(val, list):
while len(exec) > 0:
instr = exec.pop()
if isinstance(instr, str):
if instr in binary_ops:
v2 = stack.pop()
v1 = stack.pop()
stack.append(binary_ops[instr](v1, v2))
elif instr == "dup":
elif instr == "exch":
stack[-1], stack[-2] = stack[-2], stack[-1]
elif instr == "def":
value = stack.pop()
key = stack.pop()
mem[key] = value
elif instr == "if":
iftrue = stack.pop()
cond = stack.pop()
if cond:
elif instr == "ifelse":
iffalse = stack.pop()
iftrue = stack.pop()
cond = stack.pop()
if cond:
elif instr.startswith("/"):
return stack.pop()
def read(input: str) -> list:
ret = [[]]
tokens = input.replace("{", " { ").replace("}", " } ").split()
for token in tokens:
if str.isdigit(token):
elif token == "{":
elif token == "}":
arr = ret.pop()
return ret[-1]
def read_eval(input: str):
return eval(read(input))
def test(fn, arg, expected):
actual = fn(arg)
if actual != expected:
print("Arg: ", arg)
print("Expected: ", expected)
print("Actual: ", actual)
# Part 1: Building an RPN Calculator
# 1. Take a list of instructions, push each instruction onto a stack, return the top element of the stack
# 2. If the instruction is the string 'add', pop the last 2 elements off the stack and add them. Push the result on the stack.
# 3. Add the remaining math instructions in a similar manner:
# mul: [v1, v2, 'sub'] => push(v1 * v2)
# sub: [v1, v2, 'sub'] => push(v1 - v2)
# div: [v1, v2, 'div'] => push(v1 / v2)
# 4. Add the following stack instructions
# dup: duplicate the top element of the stack
# exch: swap the top two elements of the stack
# 5. Add the following logic instructions
# gt: [v1, v2, 'gt'] => push(v1 > v2)
# lt: [v1, v2, 'lt'] => push(v1 < v2)
# gte: [v1, v2, 'gte'] => push(v1 >= v2)
# lte: [v1, v2, 'lte'] => push(v1 <= v2)
test(eval, [5, 4, 3], 3)
test(eval, [5, 4, "add"], 9)
test(eval, [5, 4, "sub"], 1)
test(eval, [5, 4, "add", 3, "sub"], 6)
test(eval, [5, 4, 3, "add", "mul"], 35)
test(eval, [12, 3, "div"], 4)
test(eval, [4, "dup", "mul"], 16)
test(eval, [4, 5, "exch", "sub"], 1)
test(eval, [5, 4, "gt"], True)
test(eval, [4, 5, "gt"], False)
test(eval, [5, 5, "gt"], False)
test(eval, [5, 4, "lte"], False)
test(eval, [4, 5, "lte"], True)
test(eval, [5, 5, "lte"], True)
# Part 2: Variables
# 6. When you see a string prefixed with '/', push the string onto the stack
# 7. Add the command 'def': pop the last 2 values off the stack, key and value.
# Store the key and value in a dictionary representing memory
# def: [key, value, 'def'] => mem[key] = value
# 8. When you see a string value, look it up in memory and push it onto the stack
test(eval, [5, 4, 3], 3)
test(eval, [5, 4, "add"], 9)
test(eval, [5, 4, "sub"], 1)
test(eval, [5, 4, "add", 3, "sub"], 6)
test(eval, [5, 4, 3, "add", "mul"], 35)
test(eval, [12, 3, "div"], 4)
test(eval, [4, "dup", "mul"], 16)
test(eval, [4, 5, "exch", "sub"], 1)
test(eval, [5, 4, "gt"], True)
test(eval, [4, 5, "gt"], False)
test(eval, [5, 5, "gt"], False)
test(eval, [5, 4, "lte"], False)
test(eval, [4, 5, "lte"], True)
test(eval, [5, 5, "lte"], True)
test(eval, ["/blah"], "blah")
test(eval, ["/x", 5, "def", 4, "x"], 5)
# Part 3: Simple Functions and conditionals
# 9. Ensure that arrays are pushed onto the stack verbatim
# 10. When retrieving a variable value, if it is an array, execute the instructions found in the array
# 11. Add the command if: [conditional, array, 'if'] => if(conditional) then run(array)
# 12. Add ifelse: [cond, iftrue, iffalse, 'ifelse'] => if(cond) then run(iftrue) else run(ifelse)
test(eval, [5, 4, 3], 3)
test(eval, [5, 4, "add"], 9)
test(eval, [5, 4, "sub"], 1)
test(eval, [5, 4, "add", 3, "sub"], 6)
test(eval, [5, 4, 3, "add", "mul"], 35)
test(eval, [12, 3, "div"], 4)
test(eval, [4, "dup", "mul"], 16)
test(eval, [4, 5, "exch", "sub"], 1)
test(eval, [5, 4, "gt"], True)
test(eval, [4, 5, "gt"], False)
test(eval, [5, 5, "gt"], False)
test(eval, [5, 4, "lte"], False)
test(eval, [4, 5, "lte"], True)
test(eval, [5, 5, "lte"], True)
test(eval, ["/blah"], "blah")
test(eval, ["/x", 5, "def", 4, "x"], 5)
test(eval, [5, [4, "/blah"]], [4, "/blah"])
test(eval, ["/sq", ["dup", "mul"], "def", 5, "sq"], 25)
test(eval, ["/test", [5, "eq", [10], "if"], "def", 5, "test"], 10)
[1, "sub", "dup", 1, "sub", "fib", "exch", "fib", "add"],
# Part 4: Reader
# 13. Add a read function that takes a string out outputs a list of tokens
# 14. Tokens are space separated. Integers should map to integers, everything else maps to strings.
# 15. Add support to read arrays. Arrays are enclosed by brackets {}. Spaces are not needed before and after brackets.
test(read, "5", [5])
test(read, "5 4 3", [5, 4, 3])
test(read, "5 4 3 abc /def", [5, 4, 3, "abc", "/def"])
test(read, "5 {4 3 2} 3", [5, [4, 3, 2], 3])
/fib {dup 1 gt
{1 sub dup 1 sub fib exch fib add
} if
} def
11 fib
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