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Created November 13, 2016 19:56
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import weechat
from weechat import *
SCRIPT_NAME = 'twitch'
SCRIPT_AUTHOR = 'JP Senior <>'
SCRIPT_DESC = 'Enables enhanced Twitch IRCv3 support - subscription, deletions, clears, mod status'
hooks = []
global_debug = False
#cleanup after registering.
def twitch_shutdown():
for hook in hooks:
return 0
import re, json
CLUT = [ # color look-up table
# 8-bit, RGB hex
# Primary 3-bit (8 colors). Unique representation!
('00', '000000'),
('01', '800000'),
('02', '008000'),
('03', '808000'),
('04', '000080'),
('05', '800080'),
('06', '008080'),
('07', 'c0c0c0'),
# Equivalent "bright" versions of original 8 colors.
('08', '808080'),
('09', 'ff0000'),
('10', '00ff00'),
('11', 'ffff00'),
('12', '0000ff'),
('13', 'ff00ff'),
('14', '00ffff'),
('15', 'ffffff'),
# Strictly ascending.
('16', '000000'),
('17', '00005f'),
('18', '000087'),
('19', '0000af'),
('20', '0000d7'),
('21', '0000ff'),
('22', '005f00'),
('23', '005f5f'),
('24', '005f87'),
('25', '005faf'),
('26', '005fd7'),
('27', '005fff'),
('28', '008700'),
('29', '00875f'),
('30', '008787'),
('31', '0087af'),
('32', '0087d7'),
('33', '0087ff'),
('34', '00af00'),
('35', '00af5f'),
('36', '00af87'),
('37', '00afaf'),
('38', '00afd7'),
('39', '00afff'),
('40', '00d700'),
('41', '00d75f'),
('42', '00d787'),
('43', '00d7af'),
('44', '00d7d7'),
('45', '00d7ff'),
('46', '00ff00'),
('47', '00ff5f'),
('48', '00ff87'),
('49', '00ffaf'),
('50', '00ffd7'),
('51', '00ffff'),
('52', '5f0000'),
('53', '5f005f'),
('54', '5f0087'),
('55', '5f00af'),
('56', '5f00d7'),
('57', '5f00ff'),
('58', '5f5f00'),
('59', '5f5f5f'),
('60', '5f5f87'),
('61', '5f5faf'),
('62', '5f5fd7'),
('63', '5f5fff'),
('64', '5f8700'),
('65', '5f875f'),
('66', '5f8787'),
('67', '5f87af'),
('68', '5f87d7'),
('69', '5f87ff'),
('70', '5faf00'),
('71', '5faf5f'),
('72', '5faf87'),
('73', '5fafaf'),
('74', '5fafd7'),
('75', '5fafff'),
('76', '5fd700'),
('77', '5fd75f'),
('78', '5fd787'),
('79', '5fd7af'),
('80', '5fd7d7'),
('81', '5fd7ff'),
('82', '5fff00'),
('83', '5fff5f'),
('84', '5fff87'),
('85', '5fffaf'),
('86', '5fffd7'),
('87', '5fffff'),
('88', '870000'),
('89', '87005f'),
('90', '870087'),
('91', '8700af'),
('92', '8700d7'),
('93', '8700ff'),
('94', '875f00'),
('95', '875f5f'),
('96', '875f87'),
('97', '875faf'),
('98', '875fd7'),
('99', '875fff'),
('100', '878700'),
('101', '87875f'),
('102', '878787'),
('103', '8787af'),
('104', '8787d7'),
('105', '8787ff'),
('106', '87af00'),
('107', '87af5f'),
('108', '87af87'),
('109', '87afaf'),
('110', '87afd7'),
('111', '87afff'),
('112', '87d700'),
('113', '87d75f'),
('114', '87d787'),
('115', '87d7af'),
('116', '87d7d7'),
('117', '87d7ff'),
('118', '87ff00'),
('119', '87ff5f'),
('120', '87ff87'),
('121', '87ffaf'),
('122', '87ffd7'),
('123', '87ffff'),
('124', 'af0000'),
('125', 'af005f'),
('126', 'af0087'),
('127', 'af00af'),
('128', 'af00d7'),
('129', 'af00ff'),
('130', 'af5f00'),
('131', 'af5f5f'),
('132', 'af5f87'),
('133', 'af5faf'),
('134', 'af5fd7'),
('135', 'af5fff'),
('136', 'af8700'),
('137', 'af875f'),
('138', 'af8787'),
('139', 'af87af'),
('140', 'af87d7'),
('141', 'af87ff'),
('142', 'afaf00'),
('143', 'afaf5f'),
('144', 'afaf87'),
('145', 'afafaf'),
('146', 'afafd7'),
('147', 'afafff'),
('148', 'afd700'),
('149', 'afd75f'),
('150', 'afd787'),
('151', 'afd7af'),
('152', 'afd7d7'),
('153', 'afd7ff'),
('154', 'afff00'),
('155', 'afff5f'),
('156', 'afff87'),
('157', 'afffaf'),
('158', 'afffd7'),
('159', 'afffff'),
('160', 'd70000'),
('161', 'd7005f'),
('162', 'd70087'),
('163', 'd700af'),
('164', 'd700d7'),
('165', 'd700ff'),
('166', 'd75f00'),
('167', 'd75f5f'),
('168', 'd75f87'),
('169', 'd75faf'),
('170', 'd75fd7'),
('171', 'd75fff'),
('172', 'd78700'),
('173', 'd7875f'),
('174', 'd78787'),
('175', 'd787af'),
('176', 'd787d7'),
('177', 'd787ff'),
('178', 'd7af00'),
('179', 'd7af5f'),
('180', 'd7af87'),
('181', 'd7afaf'),
('182', 'd7afd7'),
('183', 'd7afff'),
('184', 'd7d700'),
('185', 'd7d75f'),
('186', 'd7d787'),
('187', 'd7d7af'),
('188', 'd7d7d7'),
('189', 'd7d7ff'),
('190', 'd7ff00'),
('191', 'd7ff5f'),
('192', 'd7ff87'),
('193', 'd7ffaf'),
('194', 'd7ffd7'),
('195', 'd7ffff'),
('196', 'ff0000'),
('197', 'ff005f'),
('198', 'ff0087'),
('199', 'ff00af'),
('200', 'ff00d7'),
('201', 'ff00ff'),
('202', 'ff5f00'),
('203', 'ff5f5f'),
('204', 'ff5f87'),
('205', 'ff5faf'),
('206', 'ff5fd7'),
('207', 'ff5fff'),
('208', 'ff8700'),
('209', 'ff875f'),
('210', 'ff8787'),
('211', 'ff87af'),
('212', 'ff87d7'),
('213', 'ff87ff'),
('214', 'ffaf00'),
('215', 'ffaf5f'),
('216', 'ffaf87'),
('217', 'ffafaf'),
('218', 'ffafd7'),
('219', 'ffafff'),
('220', 'ffd700'),
('221', 'ffd75f'),
('222', 'ffd787'),
('223', 'ffd7af'),
('224', 'ffd7d7'),
('225', 'ffd7ff'),
('226', 'ffff00'),
('227', 'ffff5f'),
('228', 'ffff87'),
('229', 'ffffaf'),
('230', 'ffffd7'),
('231', 'ffffff'),
# Gray-scale range.
('232', '080808'),
('233', '121212'),
('234', '1c1c1c'),
('235', '262626'),
('236', '303030'),
('237', '3a3a3a'),
('238', '444444'),
('239', '4e4e4e'),
('240', '585858'),
('241', '626262'),
('242', '6c6c6c'),
('243', '767676'),
('244', '808080'),
('245', '8a8a8a'),
('246', '949494'),
('247', '9e9e9e'),
('248', 'a8a8a8'),
('249', 'b2b2b2'),
('250', 'bcbcbc'),
('251', 'c6c6c6'),
('252', 'd0d0d0'),
('253', 'dadada'),
('254', 'e4e4e4'),
('255', 'eeeeee'),
def _str2hex(hexstr):
return int(hexstr, 16)
def _strip_hash(rgb):
# Strip leading `#` if exists.
if rgb.startswith('#'):
rgb = rgb.lstrip('#')
return rgb
def _create_dicts():
short2rgb_dict = dict(CLUT)
rgb2short_dict = {}
for k, v in short2rgb_dict.items():
rgb2short_dict[v] = k
return rgb2short_dict, short2rgb_dict
def rgb2short(rgb):
""" Find the closest xterm-256 approximation to the given RGB value.
@param rgb: Hex code representing an RGB value, eg, 'abcdef'
@returns: String between 0 and 255, compatible with xterm.
>>> rgb2short('123456')
('23', '005f5f')
>>> rgb2short('ffffff')
('231', 'ffffff')
>>> rgb2short('0DADD6') # vimeo logo
('38', '00afd7')
rgb = _strip_hash(rgb)
incs = (0x00, 0x5f, 0x87, 0xaf, 0xd7, 0xff)
# Break 6-char RGB code into 3 integer vals.
parts = [ int(h, 16) for h in re.split(r'(..)(..)(..)', rgb)[1:4] ]
res = []
for part in parts:
i = 0
while i < len(incs)-1:
s, b = incs[i], incs[i+1] # smaller, bigger
if s <= part <= b:
s1 = abs(s - part)
b1 = abs(b - part)
if s1 < b1: closest = s
else: closest = b
i += 1
#print '***', res
res = ''.join([ ('%02.x' % i) for i in res ])
equiv = RGB2SHORT_DICT[ res ]
#print '***', res, equiv
return equiv, res
RGB2SHORT_DICT, SHORT2RGB_DICT = _create_dicts()
if global_debug == True:
import pybuffer
pydebug = pybuffer.debugBuffer(globals(), "twitch_debug")
debug_buffer = weechat.buffer_search('python', 'twitch_debug')
def debug(string):
if global_debug == True:
def verbose(name,**kwargs):
debug('----------%s----------' % name)
for key in kwargs:
debug('%s %s: %s' % ( key, type(kwargs[key]), kwargs[key]))
debug('%s' % ('-' * (name.__len__() + 20)))
nickname = 'sartandragonbane'
server = 'twitch.#thefatwizard'
prefix = '+='
# This lets us find a nick and prefix it in the nick list:
buffer_search = weechat.buffer_search('irc', server)
nick_search = weechat.nicklist_search_nick(buffer_search, '', nickname)
#set the prefix
weechat.nicklist_nick_set(buffer_search, nick_search, "prefix", prefix)
# testing modifiers
#hook = weechat.hook_modifier(modifier, callback, callback_data)
def twitch_modifier_cb(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
#plugin + ';' + buffer_name + ';' + tags
if 'irc;server.twitch;' in modifier_data:
if ' USERSTATE' in string:
return ''
if 'irc: command "USERSTATE" not found' in string:
return ''
if ' CLEARCHAT' in string:
return ''
if 'irc: command "CLEARCHAT" not found' in string:
return ''
return "%s" % string
return string
def twitch_hook_notice(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
#verbose('twitch_hook_notice', data, modifier, modifier_data, string)
weechat.prnt('','string: %s' % string)
#return "%s" % string
#@msg-id=slow_off NOTICE #channel :This room is no longer in slow mode
def twitch_hook_hosttarget(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
#verbose('twitch_hook_hosttarget', data, modifier, modifier_data, string)
return "%s" % string
#host starts target
#' HOSTTARGET #hosting_channel :target_channel [number]'
#host stops message HOSTTARGET #hosting_channel :- [number]
def twitch_hook_clearchat(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
#verbose('twitch_hook_clearchat', data, modifier, modifier_data, string)
return "%s" % string
#username is timed out on channel CLEARCHAT #channel :twitch_username
#entire channel is cleared CLEARCHAT #channel
def twitch_hook_userstate(data, signal, signal_data): USERSTATE #channel
#verbose('twitch_hook_userstate', data, modifier, modifier_data, string
#verbose('twitch_hook_userstate', data=data, signal=signal, signal_data=signal_data)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
def twitch_hook_roomstate(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
#verbose('twitch_hook_roomstate', data, modifier, modifier_data, string)
return "%s" % string ROOMSTATE #channel
def twitch_hook_privmsg(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
#additional parsing
server = modifier_data
irc_message = weechat.info_get_hashtable('irc_message_parse',{"message" : string})
nick = irc_message['nick']
channel = irc_message['channel']
channel_buffer = weechat.info_get("irc_buffer","%s,%s" % (server,channel))
nick_search = weechat.nicklist_search_nick(channel_buffer, '', nick)
#verbose('buffers',server=server,channel=channel,nick=nick,channel_buffer=channel_buffer, nick_search=nick_search)
prefix = ''
for tag in irc_message['tags'].split(';'):
if tag == 'subscriber=1':
prefix += '+'
debug('%s on %s - user is subscriber' % (nick, channel))
if tag == 'turbo=1':
debug('%s on %s - user has turbo' % (nick, channel))
prefix += '='
if tag == 'user-type=mod':
debug('%s on %s - user is mod' % (nick, channel))
prefix += '@'
if tag == 'user-type=admin':
debug('%s on %s - user is admin' % (nick, channel))
prefix += '%'
if tag == 'user-type=staff':
debug('%s on %s - user is staff' % (nick, channel))
prefix += '~'
if 'color' in tag:
color = tag.split('=')[1]
if '#' in color:
debug('%s on %s haz a color: %s - %s' % (nick, channel, color, term_color ))
if prefix.__len__() > 0:
# verbose('twitch_hook_privmsg', data=data, modifier=modifier, modifier_data=modifier_data, string=string, info=info)
return string
weechat.prnt("","JPs' script loaded")
hooks = [
weechat.hook_modifier("weechat_print", "twitch_modifier_cb", ""),
weechat.hook_signal("*,irc_raw_in_userstate", "twitch_hook_userstate", ""),
weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_privmsg", "twitch_hook_privmsg", ""),
weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_notice", "twitch_hook_notice", ""),
weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_hosttarget", "twitch_hook_hosttarget", ""),
weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_clearchat", "twitch_hook_clearchat", ""),
weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_roomstate", "twitch_hook_roomstate", ""),
# request capabilities
twitch_buffer = weechat.buffer_search('irc','twitch')
weechat.command(twitch_buffer,"/quote CAP REQ")
weechat.command(twitch_buffer,"/quote CAP REQ")
weechat.command(twitch_buffer,"/quote CAP REQ")
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