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Created July 7, 2014 09:25
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SourceKit Playground
// JAZMusician.h
// JazzyApp
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
JAZMusician models, you guessed it... Jazz Musicians!
From Ellington to Marsalis, this class has you covered.
@interface JAZMusician : NSObject
The name of the musician. i.e. "John Coltrane"
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *name;
The year the musician was born. i.e. 1926
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger birthyear;
Initialize a JAZMusician.
Don't forget to have a name and a birthyear.
@warning Jazz can be addicting.
Please be careful out there.
@param name The name of the musician.
@param birthyear The year the musician was born.
@return An initialized JAZMusician instance.
- (instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)name birthyear:(NSUInteger)birthyear;
// JAZMusician.m
// JazzyApp
#import "JAZMusician.h"
@implementation JAZMusician
- (instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)name birthyear:(NSUInteger)birthyear {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_name = [name copy];
_birthyear = birthyear;
return self;
// Musician.swift
// JazzyApp
Musician models jazz musicians.
From Ellington to Marsalis, this class has you covered.
class Musician {
The name of the musician. i.e. "John Coltrane"
var name: String
The year the musician was born. i.e. 1926
var birthyear: UInt
Initialize a Musician.
Don't forget to have a name and a birthyear.
@warning Jazz can be addicting.
Please be careful out there.
@param name The name of the musician.
@param birthyear The year the musician was born.
@return An initialized Musician instance.
init(name: String, birthyear: UInt) { = name
self.birthyear = birthyear
# Usage: ./ ObjCHeader.h SwiftFile.swift
# Comment out what you're not testing
# Input arguments
# Generate temporary files
echo "module $module_name { header \"$objc_header_file\" }" > $module_file
# miscellaneous
# Displays symbol table in swift binary
# nm `xcrun -f swift`
# Prints the expanded demangled format of the input mangled Swift symbol string
# xcrun swift-demangle -expand _TtC11lldb_expr_012MySwiftClass
# swift
# Prints a structured version of the AST to stderr
# Slower, more complete than dump-parse
# This output is still difficult to parse
# xcrun swift -dump-ast $swift_file
# Prints a structured version of the parsed source to stderr
# Faster, less complete than dump-ast
# This output is still difficult to parse
# xcrun swift -dump-parse $swift_file
# Generates .swiftdoc and .swiftmodule files from input
# xcrun swift -emit-module $swift_file
# Compiles the swift file
# xcrun swift $swift_file
# sourcekitd-test
# Prints a JSON array of the Swift file's syntax map
# followed by a JSON array of the Swift file's parsed tokens
# JSON strings aren't quoted
# xcrun sourcekitd-test -req doc-info $swift_file
# Prints the Swift interface of a module (Objective-C or Swift)
# strips out the comments
# followed by a JSON array of the syntax map
# followed by a JSON array of the parsed tokens
# JSON strings aren't quoted
# xcrun sourcekitd-test -req doc-info -module $module_name -- -I `pwd` -sdk `xcrun --show-sdk-path`
# Prints the Swift interface of an Objective C module
# preserves comments
# followed by a JSON array of the syntax map
# followed by a JSON array of the parsed tokens
# JSON strings aren't quoted
# xcrun sourcekitd-test -req interface-gen -module $module_name -- -I `pwd` -sdk `xcrun --show-sdk-path`
# Indexes a Swift file
# xcrun sourcekitd-test -req index $swift_file -- `pwd`/$swift_file
# Prints a JSON array of the Swift file's syntax map
# xcrun sourcekitd-test -req syntax-map $swift_file
# swift-ide-test
# Prints expanded usage instructions
# xcrun swift-ide-test -help-hidden
# Work in progress: will allow printing a JSON array of possible code completion options
# code-completion-token not defined
# xcrun swift-ide-test -code-completion -code-completion-token=unkown -source-filename $swift_file
# Parses and prints swiftdoc file generated by `swift -emit-module`
# xcrun swift -emit-module $swift_file
# xcrun swift-ide-test -parse-rest -source-filename $swift_file"doc"
# Prints Swift file without any comments
# xcrun swift-ide-test -print-ast-typechecked -source-filename $swift_file
# Prints Swift file without any comments and without typechecking
# xcrun swift-ide-test -print-ast-not-typechecked -source-filename $swift_file
# Prints parsed comments from the input Swift file:
# RawComment, BriefComment and FullCommentAsXML
# xcrun swift-ide-test -print-comments -source-filename $swift_file
# Prints USRs from the input Swift file
# xcrun swift-ide-test -print-usrs -source-filename $swift_file
# Prints a human-readable AST structure
# xcrun swift-ide-test -structure -source-filename $swift_file
# Prints HTML-style tags around tokens for syntax coloring:
# <kw>, <comment-block>, <type>, etc.
# xcrun swift-ide-test -syntax-coloring -source-filename $swift_file
# Prints Swift file with syntax coloring applied using terminal escape codes
# xcrun swift-ide-test -syntax-coloring -terminal -source-filename $swift_file
# Prints Swift interface of a module (Objective-C or Swift)
# xcrun swift-ide-test -print-module -source-filename /dev/null -print-regular-comments -module-to-print Swift
# xcrun swift-ide-test -print-module -source-filename /dev/null -print-regular-comments -module-to-print Foundation
# xcrun swift-ide-test -print-module -source-filename /dev/null -print-regular-comments -module-to-print Foundation.NSArray
# Remove temporary files
rm $module_file
rm $swift_file"doc" $swift_file"module"
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I believe this is all superseded now by

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