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jpsim /
Created April 22, 2018 13:20 — forked from iosdevzone/
A function to find the offsets of newlines ('\n') in UTF-16 encoded string. Try as I might, I cannot get a Swift version within an order of magnitude of the C++ version. Both routines must return arrays of the same size and with equal elements.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#import <iostream>
#import <vector> // Needed for gist to compile.
#pragma mark - Pure Implementation Functions
const static unichar kUTF16Newline = (unichar)'\n'; // old naming habits die hard!
* Calculates an array of line end "positions" for a given string.
* The equivalent Swift function was `(String) -> [Int]` or `(NSString) -> [Int]`