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Last active November 20, 2018 21:36
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Basic examples of promises using the Q library
'use strict';
var Q = require('q');
Here are some basic examples of promises using the Q library
To run a specific scenario, install an execution environment and uncomment the respective
method call (runScenarioX()).
The code is tested using node.js v0.12.7 ( and Q v1.4.1 library
function getPromiseFulfilled(info) {
return Q(info || 'inputPromise fulfilled');
function getPromiseRejected(reason) {
return Q.reject(reason || 'inputPromise rejected');
Scenario 1
If you return a value in a handler, outputPromise will get fulfilled.
function runScenario1() {
console.log('Scenario 1 is running...');
getPromiseRejected() // inputPromise
.then( // outputPromise
function(input) {
console.log('Unreachable code');
function(reason) {
//return void 0; returns undefined
function(input) {
console.log('outputPromise fulfilled');
// runScenario1();
Console output:
inputPromise rejected
outputPromise fulfilled
Scenario 2
If you throw an exception in a handler, outputPromise will get rejected.
function runScenario2() {
console.log('Scenario 2 is running...');
getPromiseFulfilled() // inputPromise
.then( // outputPromise
function(input) {
throw 'Error from inputPromise handler';
function(reason) {
console.log('Unreachable code');
function(reason) {
console.log('outputPromise rejected, reason: ' + reason);
// runScenario2();
Console output:
inputPromise fulfilled
outputPromise rejected, reason: Error from inputPromise handler
Scenario 3
If you return a promise in a handler, outputPromise will
“become” that promise. Being able to become a new promise is useful
for managing delays, combining results, or recovering from errors.
function runScenario3() {
console.log('Scenario 3 is running...');
getPromiseRejected() // inputPromise
.then( // outputPromise
function(input) {
console.log('Unreachable code');
function(reason) {
return getPromiseFulfilled('Recovery promise fulfilled'); //become that promise
function(info) {
// runScenario3();
Console output:
inputPromise rejected
Recovery promise fulfilled
Scenario 4
If the inputPromise gets rejected and you omit the
rejection handler, the error will go to outputPromise:
function runScenario4() {
console.log('Scenario 4 is running...');
getPromiseRejected() // inputPromise
.then( // outputPromise
function(input) {
console.log('Unreachable code');
} // rejection handler missing
).fail( // The error passed to the outputPromise
function(reason) {
// runScenario4();
Console output:
inputPromise rejected
Scenario 5
If the inputPromise gets fulfilled and you omit the fulfillment handler, the
value will go to outputPromise:
function runScenario5() {
console.log('Scenario 5 is running...');
getPromiseFulfilled() // inputPromise
.then() // outputPromise. Fulfillment handler missing
function(input) {
// runScenario5();
Console output:
inputPromise fulfilled
Scenario 6
Q promises provide a fail shorthand for then when you are only
interested in handling the error:
function runScenario6() {
console.log('Scenario 6 is running...');
function(reason) {
// runScenario6();
Console output:
inputPromise rejected
Scenario 7
Promises also have a finally function that is like a finally clause.
function runScenario7() {
console.log('Scenario 7 is running...');
function() {
console.log('finally is called!');
// runScenario7();
Console output:
finally is called!
Scenario 8
Ending a promise chain makes sure that, if an error doesn’t get
handled before the end, it will get rethrown and reported.
function runScenario8() {
console.log('Scenario 8 is running...');
getPromiseFulfilled('promiseA fulfilled') // promiseA
.then( // promiseB
function(input) {
throw 'Exception at promiseA fulfillment handler';
).done(); // If not ended the exception is swallowed
// runScenario8();
Console output:
throw e;
Exception at promiseA fulfillment handler
Scenario 9
If you have a number of promise-producing functions that need
to be run sequentially, you can of course do so manually:
return foo(initialVal).then(bar).then(baz).then(qux);
function runScenario9() {
console.log('Scenario 9 is running...');
var getPromise1 = function() {
return getPromiseFulfilled('promiseA fulfilled') // promiseA
.then( // promise B
function(info) {
return getPromiseFulfilled('promiseC fulfilled') // promiseC
.then( // promiseD
var getPromise2 = function() {
return getPromiseRejected('promiseE rejected') // promiseE
.fail( // promiseF
var getPromise3 = function() {
return getPromiseFulfilled('promiseG fulfilled') // promiseG
.then( // promise H
function(info) {
return getPromiseFulfilled('promiseI fulfilled') // promiseI
.then( // promiseJ
function(info) {
return getPromiseFulfilled('promiseK fulfilled') // promiseK
.then( // promiseL
// runScenario9();
Console output:
promiseA fulfilled
promiseC fulfilled
promiseE rejected
promiseG fulfilled
promiseI fulfilled
promiseK fulfilled
Scenario 10
Complex scenario with error propagation
function runScenario10() {
console.log('Scenario 10 is running...');
getPromiseRejected('promiseA rejected') // promiseA
.then( // promiseB
function(reason) {
console.log('Unreachable code');
} // rejection handler missing (scenario 4)
).then( // promiseC
function(info) {
console.log('Unreachable code');
} // rejection handler missing (scenario 4)
).fail( // promiseD
function(reason) { // finally, the promiseA rejection is handled at promiseC rejection handler
return getPromiseFulfilled('PromiseE fulfilled') // promiseD becomes promiseE
.then( // promise F
function() {
return getPromiseRejected('PromiseF rejected');
).fail( // promiseG
function(reason) { // promiseF rejection handler
function() {
console.log('finally is called!');
// runScenario10();
Console output:
Scenario 10 is running...
promiseA rejected
PromiseF rejected
finally is called!
Scenario 11
Complex scenario ...
function runScenario11() {
console.log('Scenario 11 is running...');
getPromiseFulfilled('promiseA fulfilled') // promiseA
.then( // promiseB
function(reason) {
return getPromiseFulfilled('PromiseC fulfilled'); // promiseB becomes that promise, promiseC
).then( // promiseD
function(info) {
throw 'promiseD exception';
).fail( // promiseE
function(reason) { // the error raised at promiseC fulfillment handler, is handled at promiseD rejection handler
return getPromiseRejected('PromiseF rejected'); // promiseE becomes that promise, promiseF
).fail( // promiseG
function(reason) { // promiseF rejection handler
function() {
console.log('finally is called!');
// runScenario11();
Console output:
promiseA fulfilled
PromiseC fulfilled
promiseD exception
PromiseF rejected
finally is called!
Scenario 12
Scenario with finally...
function runScenario12() {
console.log('Scenario 12 is running...');
getPromiseFulfilled('promiseA fulfilled') // promiseA
.then( // promiseB
function(input) {
return getPromiseRejected('promiseC rejected') // promiseB becomes that promise, promiseC
.finally( // the final handler is called in any case, either on promise rejection or fulfillment
function() {
console.log('PromiceC final handler, clean up resources');
).fail( // promiseD
function(reason) { // promiseC rejection handler
// runScenario12();
Console output:
PromiceC final handler, clean up resources
promiseC rejected
Scenario 13
Scenario with delay
function runScenario13() {
console.log('Scenario 13 is running...');
function(info) {
return getPromiseFulfilled('promiseA fulfilled');
function(info) {; // executed after 5 secs
// runScenario13();
Console output:
Scenario 13 is running...
promiseA fulfilled
Scenario 14
Scenario with timeout
// returns a fulfilled promise with specific delay
function getPromiseFulfilledWithDelay(delay) {
return Q.delay(delay)
function() {
return getPromiseFulfilled();
function runScenario14() {
console.log('Scenario 14 is running...');
/* since the promise is not fulffiled within 2000 sesc,
it is rejected */
function(err) {
// runScenario14();
Console output:
Scenario 14 is running...
{ [Error: Timed out after 2000 ms] code: 'ETIMEDOUT' }
Scenario 15
Scenario with deferred
function runScenario15() {
console.log('Scenario 15 is running...');
function promiseD() {
var deferred = Q.defer();
getPromiseFulfilled() // promiseA
.then( // promiseB
function(info) {
return getPromiseRejected('PromiseC rejected') // promiseC
function(reason) {
// promiseD is fulfilled when the promiseC is rejected
return deferred.promise; // return the promise
function(info) {
console.log('promiseD fulfilled, info: ' + info);
// runScenario15();
Console output:
Scenario 15 is running...
promiseD fulfilled, info: PromiseC rejected
Scenario 16
Scenario with done()
Exceptions thrown by done will have long stack traces.
The Golden Rule of done vs. then usage is: either return your promise to someone else,
or if the chain ends with you, call done to terminate it.
function runScenario16() {
console.log('Scenario 16 is running...');
//Lets define a node style synch method
var nfun = function(cb) {
// a async method
process.nextTick(function() {
cb(null, 'asynch result');
var pfun = Q.denodeify(nfun);
pfun().done(function(res) {
console.log('res: ' + res);
// The done() terminates the promise, in any case
// the returned resolved promise is ignored
return Q('Some other resolution');
// But, the returned rejected promise throws an error with
// the rejection reason. Uncomment the next line to test it
// return Q.reject('Promise rejected');
// Errors are not 'swallowed' silently.
// If then() is used instead of done() the error is 'swallowed'
// Uncomment the next line to test it
// throw 'This error is not swallowed';
// You can not continue the promise chain. Uncomment to get an error
// .then(function(resolution) {
// console.log('resolution: ' + resolution);
// });
// runScenario16();
Console output:
--> return the resolved promise
Scenario 16 is running...
res: asynch result
--> return the rejected promise
Scenario 16 is running...
throw e;
Promise rejected
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Very helpful examples. Thanks for sharing. 👍

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