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Created January 29, 2016 00:00
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An asynchronous cellular automaton for simulating the behavior of circuits of Reversible Logic Elements with Memory.
;asynchronous rlem cellular automata
;Guile v2.2
Three-in/three-out reversible logic elements with memory (RLEMs/rlems)
tessellate to cover a hexagonal grid. Each RLEM has three neighbors, adjacent
on each of its A, B, and C channels.
Ex: \B
\B /C
/C \B
Each RLEM executes a reversible automaton operation, moving symbols from input
to output, and changing the value in memory. Of the many three input/output
RLEMs (of the many n input/output RLEMs), 3-453 behaves as follows:
Standard RLEM 3-453:
0/1 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
When viewed in diagram form, MEM=0 rotates symbols to the right, while MEM=1
rotates to the left.
Extending this behavior to simultaneous process multiple non-zero input signals
yields the following transition table:
Multi-signal rlem 3453:
0/1 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Considered as cells in an asynchronous cellular automaton, each RLEM maintains
a quasi-delay invariant [0] dependence on the receipt of symbols from its
neighbors by adopting a pull-based state update strategy. In hardware, or truly
concurrent software processes, this might be done by all RLEMs cyclically
polling their neighbors output channels for non-zero values. In the software
simulated concurrency of this program, every "time step" sees all RLEMs placed
in a random order and triggered sequentially by the master scheduler. In its
turn, each active RLEM scans the output channels of its neighbors, consumes any
accessible non-zero values, and performs the appropriate state transition.
[0] Robust to timing differences, except insofar as the signal fan-in/fan-out
interval is assumed constant.
Pull-based RLEM state update:
At every time step T:
CELLS={R0, R1, R2, ... Rn} (immutable)
;;import record types
(use-modules (srfi srfi-9))
(define-record-type <rlem-3453-state>
(rlem-3453-state id memory a-in b-in c-in a-out b-out c-out
neighbor-a neighbor-b neighbor-c)
(id id id!)
(memory mem mem!)
(a-in ai ai!) (b-in bi bi!) (c-in ci ci!)
(a-out ao ao!) (b-out bo bo!) (c-out co co!)
(neighbor-a nba nba!) (neighbor-b nbb nbb!) (neighbor-c nbc nbc!)
(define (rlem-3453-lattice r c . cl-list)
(define cell-list (if (null? cl-list) (rlem-hex-grid r c) (car cl-list)))
(define activation-order (map id (random-permutation (cdr cell-list))))
;;perimeter aware list access
(define (cell-list-ref index) (if (equal? index 'p)
(car cell-list)
(list-ref (cdr cell-list) index)))
(define (reset-activation-order)
(set! activation-order (random-permutation activation-order)))
(define (cell-mem! index value)
(mem! (cell-list-ref index) value))
(define (cell-in! index channel value)
(let ([op (case channel ['a ai!] ['b bi!] ['c ci!])])
(op (cell-list-ref index) value)))
(define (cell-out! index channel value)
(let ([op (case channel ['a ao!] ['b bo!] ['c co!])])
(op (cell-list-ref index) value)))
(define (update-cell index)
(let* ([cell (cell-list-ref index)]
[in (lambda () (list (ai cell) (bi cell) (ci cell)))] ;lazy in
[out (list (ao cell) (bo cell) (co cell))]
[nbra (cell-list-ref (nba cell))]
[nbrb (cell-list-ref (nbb cell))]
[nbrc (cell-list-ref (nbc cell))]
[empty? (lambda (c) (equal? '(0 0 0) c))]
[inhale ;gather new input from neighbors' outputs
(lambda ()
(ai! cell (ao nbra)) (bi! cell (bo nbrb)) (ci! cell (co nbrc))
(ao! nbra 0) (bo! nbrb 0) (co! nbrc 0)))] ;clear nbr outputs
(lambda ()
(if (not (empty? (in))) ;did (inhale) acquire new input?
(case (mem cell) ;rotate input right/left, write to output
['0 (ao! cell (ci cell)) (bo! cell (ai cell)) ;right
(co! cell (bi cell))]
['1 (ao! cell (bi cell)) (bo! cell (ci cell)) ;left
(co! cell (ai cell))])
(ai! cell 0) (bi! cell 0) (ci! cell 0) ;clear inputs
(if (equal? (nba cell) 'p)
(ao! cell 0)) ;}if cell borders the perimeter
(if (equal? (nbb cell) 'p) ;}immediately dispose of its
(bo! cell 0)) ;}output channel values
(if (equal? (nbc cell) 'p)
(co! cell 0))
(mem! cell (abs (- (mem cell) 1))))))]) ;mem switch
[(and (empty? out) (empty? (in))) (begin (inhale) (process))]
[(and (empty? out) (not (empty? (in)))) (process)]
[(and (not (empty? out)) (empty? (in))) (inhale)])
(define (update-lattice steps)
(let next ([t 0])
(if (< t steps)
(map update-cell activation-order)
(next (+ 1 t))))))
(define (self msg)
(case (car msg)
['cell-list cell-list]
['activation-order activation-order]
['cell-state (cell-list-ref (cadr msg))]
['reset-activation-order (reset-activation-order)]
['cell-mem! (cell-mem! (cadr msg) (caddr msg))]
['cell-in! (cell-in! (cadr msg) (caddr msg) (cadddr msg))]
['cell-out! (cell-out! (cadr msg) (caddr msg) (cadddr msg))]
['update-cell (update-cell (cadr msg))]
['update-lattice (update-lattice (cadr msg))]
An example 3x5 hex grid constructed by (rlem-hex-grid), overlaid on a
rectangular co-ordinate graph. The first element of the first row, indexed as
id-0, is at hex-co-ordinate x(0,0), equivalent to ortho-co-ordinate r(2,2) on
this graph due to a 2-up, 2-right translation. Element id-1 is at x(0,1) or
r(3,3). Elements id-0 through id-5, id-6 through id-B, and id-C through
id-H comprise rows 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Column 1 is composed of
elements id-0, id-6, and id-C, and so forth for the others. Rows grow up and to
the right (alternatively from south-west to north-east); with respect to Row 1,
subsequent rows can be generated by a 1-up translation. "p" indicates the
special perimeter cell, which does not update state, always sources "0" on its
output channels, and immediately sinks its neighbors' non-zero output channel
values so that they do not block.
A p
| \
9 p H-p
| \ /
8 p F-G
| \ / \
7 D-E B-p
| / \ /
6 p-C 9-A
| \ / \
5 7-8 5-p
| / \ /
4 p-6 3-4
| \ / \
3 1-2 p
| / \
2 p-0 p
| \
1 p
;;f(rows, cols) => cell-list
(define (rlem-hex-grid rows cols)
(let* ([size (* rows cols)]
[p (rlem-3453-state 'p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '_ '_ '_)]
[base (map (lambda (t) (rlem-3453-state t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
(iota size))])
(let next ([i 0] [r 0] [c 0])
(if (equal? i size) (cons p base) ;all points en-neighbored?
(let ([e (list-ref base i)])
(id! e i)
[(even? c) ;point in even column?
(nba! e (if (zero? c) 'p (west-index i))) ;left-most column?
(nbb! e (if (or (zero? r) (equal? c (- cols 1))) ;bottom row or
'p ;right-most column?
(south-east-index i cols)))
(nbc! e (if (equal? c (- cols 1)) ;right-most column?
(north-east-index i)))]
[(odd? c) ;point in odd column?
(nba! e (if (equal? c (- cols 1)) ;right-most column?
(east-index i)))
(nbb! e (if (equal? r (- rows 1)) ;upper row?
(north-west-index i cols)))
(nbc! e (south-west-index i))])
(if (equal? c (- cols 1)) ;end of row?
(next (+ i 1) (+ r 1) 0)
(next (+ i 1) r (+ c 1)))
(define (west-index i) (- i 1))
(define (east-index i) (+ i 1))
(define (north-east-index i) (+ i 1))
(define (south-west-index i) (- i 1))
(define (north-west-index i cols) (- (+ i cols) 1))
(define (south-east-index i cols) (+ (- i cols) 1))
;;randomly permute a list
(define (random-permutation list)
(let tail ([acc '()] [ls list])
[(null? ls) acc]
[else (let ([r (random (length ls))])
(tail (cons (list-ref ls r) acc) (remove-list-ref ls r)))])))
;;produce list sans element at index ref
(define (remove-list-ref ls ref)
(append (list-head ls ref) (list-tail ls (+ ref 1))))
;;utility functions
(define (dispnl* txt . res)
[(pair? txt) (begin (display (car txt)) (newline) (dispnl* (cdr txt)))]
[(not (null? txt)) (begin (display txt) (newline) (dispnl* res))]))
;;test suite
;;generate a random lattice
(define (random-lattice r c)
(let ([lat (rlem-3453-lattice r c)]
[flip (lambda () (random 2))])
(map (lambda (i)
(lat `(cell-mem! ,i ,(flip)))
(lat `(cell-in! ,i a ,(flip)))
(lat `(cell-in! ,i b ,(flip)))
(lat `(cell-in! ,i c ,(flip)))
(lat `(cell-out! ,i a ,(if (equal? (nba (lat `(cell-state ,i))) 'p)
0 (flip))))
(lat `(cell-out! ,i b ,(if (equal? (nbb (lat `(cell-state ,i))) 'p)
0 (flip))))
(lat `(cell-out! ,i c ,(if (equal? (nbc (lat `(cell-state ,i))) 'p)
0 (flip)))))
(lat '(activation-order)))
;;display the overall lattice state evolution over t units of time
(define (step lat . t)
(dispnl* (cons 'original-lattice-state (lat '(cell-list))))
(let next ([ts (if (null? t) 1 (car t))])
[(equal? ts 1) (begin
(dispnl* (list 'current-activation-order
(lat '(activation-order))))
(lat '(update-lattice 1))
(dispnl* (cons `(steps-to-go ,ts)
(lat '(cell-list)))))]
[else (begin
(dispnl* (list 'current-activation-order
(lat '(activation-order))))
(lat '(update-lattice 1))
(dispnl* (cons `(steps-to-go ,ts) (lat '(cell-list))))
(next (- ts 1)))])))
;;test subjects
(define tstrlem0 (rlem-3453-state 'tst 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
(define tstgrid0 (rlem-hex-grid 5 4))
(define tstlat0 (rlem-3453-lattice 5 4))
(define randlat0 (random-lattice 5 5))
(define biglat0 (random-lattice 10 10))
;;the exam
(define (tests)
;simple tests
(dispnl* (cons 'tstlat0-cell-list-new-born (tstlat0 '(cell-list))))
(dispnl* (list 'activation-order (tstlat0 '(activation-order))))
(dispnl* (cons 'reset-activation-order (tstlat0 '(reset-activation-order))))
(dispnl* (list 'activation-order (tstlat0 '(activation-order))))
;single cell tests
(dispnl* (cons 'cell-5-pre-ai! (tstlat0 '(cell-state 5))))
(dispnl* (cons 'cell-in!-5-a-1 (tstlat0 '(cell-in! 5 a 1))))
(dispnl* (cons 'cell-5-pre-update (tstlat0 '(cell-state 5))))
(dispnl* (cons 'update-cell-5 (tstlat0 '(update-cell 5))))
(dispnl* (cons 'cell-5-post-update (tstlat0 '(cell-state 5))))
(dispnl* (cons 'cell-8-pre-update (tstlat0 '(cell-state 8))))
(dispnl* (cons 'update-cell-8 (tstlat0 '(update-cell 8))))
(dispnl* (cons 'cell-8-post-update (tstlat0 '(cell-state 8))))
;randomized lattice tests
(dispnl* (cons 'randlat0-cell-list-new-born (randlat0 '(cell-list))))
(dispnl* (cons 'randlat0-update-lattice-5 (randlat0 '(update-lattice 5))))
(dispnl* (cons 'randlat0-cell-post-update-lattice-5 (randlat0 '(cell-list))))
;show the work
(dispnl* 'step-through-random-10x10-lattice-10-times)
(step biglat0 10)
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