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Last active March 22, 2024 13:42
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Getting spot prices from ENTSO-E with zero dependencies
Querying dayahead electricity prices from ENTSO-E with pure Python.
Entsoe-py is very cool, covering all ENTSO-E features, but it builds upon > 10 (transitive) dependencies (including huge
ones such as numpy) which isn't maybe that nice when running on a Raspberry Pi.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from urllib.request import urlopen
from xml.etree import ElementTree
def get_dayahead_prices(api_key: str, area_code: str, start: datetime = None, end: datetime = None):
Get 4.2.10. Day Ahead Prices [12.1.D]
* One year range limit applies
* Minimum time interval in query response is one day
:param api_key:
:param area_code:
:param start: Start date(time) for the query. If no tzinfo is defined, UTC is assumed. Default = now.
:param end: End date(time) for the query. If no tzinfo is defined, UTC is assumed. Default = start + 1 day ahead.
:return: Dictionary (ordered on Python 3.6+) of mappings {datetime(UTC) : price(EUR/MWH)}, *as returned by
ENTSO-E, not strictly bound by start/end.* ENTSO-E returns whole day(s), and due to time zone boundaries the result
might also contain end of yesterday, beginning of the day after tomorrow, etc.
if not start:
start =
elif start.tzinfo and start.tzinfo != timezone.utc:
start = start.astimezone(timezone.utc)
if not end:
end = start + timedelta(days=1)
elif end.tzinfo and end.tzinfo != timezone.utc:
end = end.astimezone(timezone.utc)
fmt = '%Y%m%d%H00' # Somehow minutes must be 00, otherwise "HTTP 400 bad request" is returned.
# GET /api?documentType=A44&in_Domain=10YCZ-CEPS-----N&out_Domain=10YCZ-CEPS-----N&periodStart=201512312300&periodEnd=201612312300
url = f'{api_key}&documentType=A44&in_Domain={area_code}' \
with urlopen(url) as response: # Raises URLError
if response.status != 200:
raise Exception(f"{response.status=}")
xml_str =
result = {}
for child in ElementTree.fromstring(xml_str):
if child.tag.endswith("TimeSeries"): # endswith to ignore namespace
for ts_child in child:
if ts_child.tag.endswith("Period"):
for pe_child in ts_child:
if pe_child.tag.endswith("timeInterval"):
for ti_child in pe_child:
if ti_child.tag.endswith("start"):
# There's no canonical way to parse ISO formatted dates. datetime.fromisoformat doesn't work. This works.
start_time = datetime.strptime(ti_child.text, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
elif pe_child.tag.endswith("Point"):
for po_child in pe_child:
if po_child.tag.endswith("position"):
delta = int(po_child.text) - 1 # 1...24 to zero-indexed
time = start_time + timedelta(hours=delta)
elif po_child.tag.endswith("price.amount"):
price = float(po_child.text)
result[time] = price
return result
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