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Last active December 27, 2018 06:17
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Force-directed graph with elliptic forces
license: gpl-3.0

Don't like overlapping labels in force layout? Put them inside nodes! A rewrite of force repulsion algorithm, it is more costly to compute, but it deals better with nodes that aren't circles or equal boxes.

See d3-ellipse-force for download and instructions.

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
function constant(x) {
return function() {
return x;
var ellipseForce = function (padding, innerRepulsion, outerRepulsion) {
var nodes;
if (typeof padding !== "function") padding = constant(padding == null ? 4 : +padding);
innerRepulsion = innerRepulsion == null ? 0.5 : +innerRepulsion;
outerRepulsion = outerRepulsion == null ? 0.5 : +outerRepulsion;
function force(alpha) {
var i, j, n = nodes.length,
// dimensions of this node
node, my_padding, my_w, my_h, my_x, my_y,
// often used multiples
my_w2, my_h2, my_wh,
// dimensions of the other node
other, other_padding, other_w, other_h, other_x, other_y,
// distance between nodes
dist_x, dist_y,
// components for the overall result
force_ratio, dist, gap, repulsion, x_component, y_component,
// computing elliptical force
g, g2, x1, y1, x2, y2, d1, d2,
force_ratio1, force_ratio2,
// parameters
myOuterRepulsion = outerRepulsion * 16;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
node = nodes[i];
my_padding = +padding(node, i, nodes);
my_w = node.rx + my_padding;
my_h = node.ry + my_padding;
my_w2 = my_w * my_w;
my_h2 = my_h * my_h;
my_wh = my_w * my_h;
my_x = node.x + node.vx;
my_y = node.y + node.vy;
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
if (j == i) {
other = nodes[j];
other_padding = +padding(other, j, nodes);
other_w = other.rx + other_padding;
other_h = other.ry + other_padding;
other_x = other.x + other.vx;
other_y = other.y + other.vy;
dist_x = my_x - other_x;
dist_y = my_y - other_y;
if (dist_x == 0 && dist_y == 0) {
node.vx += (Math.random() * 4) - 2;
node.vy += (Math.random() * 4) - 2;
} else if (dist_x == 0) {
force_ratio = (my_h / my_w + other_h / other_w) / 2;
dist = Math.abs(dist_y);
gap = dist - my_h - other_h;
} else if (dist_y == 0) {
force_ratio = 1;
dist = abs(dist_x);
gap = dist - my_w - other_w;
} else {
// ellipse is defined as x^2 y^2
// --- + --- = 1
// w^2 h^2
// here x,y are points on ellipse's arc.
// we have a line going between center points of two ellipses and we want to know
// the point where it crosses the ellipse's arc. Because we know the line, we
// know that y = g * x, where
g = dist_y / dist_x;
// now the only unknown in ellipse above is x, and thus we can find it by
// moving pieces around (pen and paper work). equation becomes:
// w * h
// x = ---------------------
// sqrt(h^2 + g^2 * w^2)
g2 = g * g;
x1 = my_wh / Math.sqrt(my_h2 + g2 * my_w2);
y1 = g * x1;
// the length of the little bit from the center of ellipse to its margin.
// For circle it would be 'r', but for ellipse it varies.
d1 = Math.sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1);
// Strength of force that this ellipse eminates is modified by ratio of this bit
// to the ellipse's width. (It doesn't matter if we use width or height as reference
// point)
force_ratio1 = d1 / my_w;
// And same for the other ellipse:
x2 = (other_w * other_h) / Math.sqrt(other_h * other_h + g2 * other_w * other_w);
y2 = g * x2;
d2 = Math.sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2);
force_ratio2 = d2 / other_w;
// now we can calculate the gap or overlap between two ellipses, and force ratio on
// how strongly they should push as average of their force_ratios
dist = Math.sqrt(dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y);
gap = dist - d2 - d1;
force_ratio = (force_ratio1 + force_ratio2) / 2;
x_component = dist_x / dist;
y_component = dist_y / dist;
if (gap < 0) { // force GROWS as gap goes further into negative
repulsion = Math.min(Math.max(1.0, innerRepulsion * force_ratio * -gap), 5.0);
node.vx += repulsion * x_component;
node.vy += repulsion * y_component;
} else { // force DIMINISHES as gap becomes larger
repulsion = Math.min(20.0, (force_ratio * myOuterRepulsion * alpha) / gap);
node.vx += repulsion * x_component;
node.vy += repulsion * y_component;
force.initialize = function(my_nodes) {
nodes = my_nodes;
force.outerRepulsion = function(my_outerRepulsion) {
if (arguments.length) {
outerRepulsion = +my_outerRepulsion;
return force;
} else {
return outerRepulsion;
force.innerRepulsion = function(my_innerRepulsion) {
if (arguments.length) {
innerRepulsion = +my_innerRepulsion;
return force;
} else {
return innerRepulsion;
force.padding = function(my_padding) {
if (arguments.length) {
if (typeof my_padding === "function") {
padding = my_padding;
} else {
padding = constant(+my_padding);
return force;
} else {
return padding;
return force;
exports.ellipseForce = ellipseForce;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var graph = {
"nodes": [
{"id": "Myriel", "group": 1},
{"id": "Napoleon", "group": 1},
{"id": "Mlle.Baptistine", "group": 1},
{"id": "Mme.Magloire", "group": 1},
{"id": "CountessdeLo", "group": 1},
{"id": "Geborand", "group": 1},
{"id": "Champtercier", "group": 1},
{"id": "Cravatte", "group": 1},
{"id": "Count", "group": 1},
{"id": "OldMan", "group": 1},
{"id": "Labarre", "group": 2},
{"id": "Valjean", "group": 2},
{"id": "Marguerite", "group": 3},
{"id": "Mme.deR", "group": 2},
{"id": "Isabeau", "group": 2},
{"id": "Gervais", "group": 2},
{"id": "Tholomyes", "group": 3},
{"id": "Listolier", "group": 3},
{"id": "Fameuil", "group": 3},
{"id": "Blacheville", "group": 3},
{"id": "Favourite", "group": 3},
{"id": "Dahlia", "group": 3},
{"id": "Zephine", "group": 3},
{"id": "Fantine", "group": 3},
{"id": "Mme.Thenardier", "group": 4},
{"id": "Thenardier", "group": 4},
{"id": "Cosette", "group": 5},
{"id": "Javert", "group": 4},
{"id": "Fauchelevent", "group": 0},
{"id": "Bamatabois", "group": 2},
{"id": "Perpetue", "group": 3},
{"id": "Simplice", "group": 2},
{"id": "Scaufflaire", "group": 2},
{"id": "Woman1", "group": 2},
{"id": "Judge", "group": 2},
{"id": "Champmathieu", "group": 2},
{"id": "Brevet", "group": 2},
{"id": "Chenildieu", "group": 2},
{"id": "Cochepaille", "group": 2},
{"id": "Pontmercy", "group": 4},
{"id": "Boulatruelle", "group": 6},
{"id": "Eponine", "group": 4},
{"id": "Anzelma", "group": 4},
{"id": "Woman2", "group": 5},
{"id": "MotherInnocent", "group": 0},
{"id": "Gribier", "group": 0},
{"id": "Jondrette", "group": 7},
{"id": "Mme.Burgon", "group": 7},
{"id": "Gavroche", "group": 8},
{"id": "Gillenormand", "group": 5},
{"id": "Magnon", "group": 5},
{"id": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "group": 5},
{"id": "Mme.Pontmercy", "group": 5},
{"id": "Mlle.Vaubois", "group": 5},
{"id": "Lt.Gillenormand", "group": 5},
{"id": "Marius", "group": 8},
{"id": "BaronessT", "group": 5},
{"id": "Mabeuf", "group": 8},
{"id": "Enjolras", "group": 8},
{"id": "Combeferre", "group": 8},
{"id": "Prouvaire", "group": 8},
{"id": "Feuilly", "group": 8},
{"id": "Courfeyrac", "group": 8},
{"id": "Bahorel", "group": 8},
{"id": "Bossuet", "group": 8},
{"id": "Joly", "group": 8},
{"id": "Grantaire", "group": 8},
{"id": "MotherPlutarch", "group": 9},
{"id": "Gueulemer", "group": 4},
{"id": "Babet", "group": 4},
{"id": "Claquesous", "group": 4},
{"id": "Montparnasse", "group": 4},
{"id": "Toussaint", "group": 5},
{"id": "Child1", "group": 10},
{"id": "Child2", "group": 10},
{"id": "Brujon", "group": 4},
{"id": "Mme.Hucheloup", "group": 8}
"links": [
{"source": "Napoleon", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mlle.Baptistine", "target": "Myriel", "value": 8},
{"source": "Mme.Magloire", "target": "Myriel", "value": 10},
{"source": "Mme.Magloire", "target": "Mlle.Baptistine", "value": 6},
{"source": "CountessdeLo", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Geborand", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Champtercier", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Cravatte", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Count", "target": "Myriel", "value": 2},
{"source": "OldMan", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Valjean", "target": "Labarre", "value": 1},
{"source": "Valjean", "target": "Mme.Magloire", "value": 3},
{"source": "Valjean", "target": "Mlle.Baptistine", "value": 3},
{"source": "Valjean", "target": "Myriel", "value": 5},
{"source": "Marguerite", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.deR", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Isabeau", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gervais", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Listolier", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fameuil", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fameuil", "target": "Listolier", "value": 4},
{"source": "Blacheville", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 4},
{"source": "Blacheville", "target": "Listolier", "value": 4},
{"source": "Blacheville", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 4},
{"source": "Favourite", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 3},
{"source": "Favourite", "target": "Listolier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Favourite", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 3},
{"source": "Favourite", "target": "Blacheville", "value": 4},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 3},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Listolier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 3},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Blacheville", "value": 3},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Favourite", "value": 5},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 3},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Listolier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 3},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Blacheville", "value": 3},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Favourite", "value": 4},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Dahlia", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 3},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Listolier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 3},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Blacheville", "value": 3},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Favourite", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Dahlia", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Zephine", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Marguerite", "value": 2},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Valjean", "value": 9},
{"source": "Mme.Thenardier", "target": "Fantine", "value": 2},
{"source": "Mme.Thenardier", "target": "Valjean", "value": 7},
{"source": "Thenardier", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 13},
{"source": "Thenardier", "target": "Fantine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Thenardier", "target": "Valjean", "value": 12},
{"source": "Cosette", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 4},
{"source": "Cosette", "target": "Valjean", "value": 31},
{"source": "Cosette", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 1},
{"source": "Cosette", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Valjean", "value": 17},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Fantine", "value": 5},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 5},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Cosette", "value": 1},
{"source": "Fauchelevent", "target": "Valjean", "value": 8},
{"source": "Fauchelevent", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bamatabois", "target": "Fantine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bamatabois", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bamatabois", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Perpetue", "target": "Fantine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Simplice", "target": "Perpetue", "value": 2},
{"source": "Simplice", "target": "Valjean", "value": 3},
{"source": "Simplice", "target": "Fantine", "value": 2},
{"source": "Simplice", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Scaufflaire", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Woman1", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Woman1", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Judge", "target": "Valjean", "value": 3},
{"source": "Judge", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 2},
{"source": "Champmathieu", "target": "Valjean", "value": 3},
{"source": "Champmathieu", "target": "Judge", "value": 3},
{"source": "Champmathieu", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 2},
{"source": "Brevet", "target": "Judge", "value": 2},
{"source": "Brevet", "target": "Champmathieu", "value": 2},
{"source": "Brevet", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Brevet", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 1},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Judge", "value": 2},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Champmathieu", "value": 2},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Brevet", "value": 2},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 1},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Judge", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Champmathieu", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Brevet", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Chenildieu", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 1},
{"source": "Pontmercy", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Boulatruelle", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Eponine", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 2},
{"source": "Eponine", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Anzelma", "target": "Eponine", "value": 2},
{"source": "Anzelma", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 2},
{"source": "Anzelma", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Woman2", "target": "Valjean", "value": 3},
{"source": "Woman2", "target": "Cosette", "value": 1},
{"source": "Woman2", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "MotherInnocent", "target": "Fauchelevent", "value": 3},
{"source": "MotherInnocent", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gribier", "target": "Fauchelevent", "value": 2},
{"source": "Mme.Burgon", "target": "Jondrette", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gavroche", "target": "Mme.Burgon", "value": 2},
{"source": "Gavroche", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gavroche", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gavroche", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gillenormand", "target": "Cosette", "value": 3},
{"source": "Gillenormand", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Magnon", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Magnon", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 9},
{"source": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "target": "Cosette", "value": 2},
{"source": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Mme.Pontmercy", "target": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Pontmercy", "target": "Pontmercy", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mlle.Vaubois", "target": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Lt.Gillenormand", "target": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "value": 2},
{"source": "Lt.Gillenormand", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Lt.Gillenormand", "target": "Cosette", "value": 1},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "value": 6},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 12},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Pontmercy", "value": 1},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Lt.Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Cosette", "value": 21},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Valjean", "value": 19},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 1},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 2},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Eponine", "value": 5},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 4},
{"source": "BaronessT", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "BaronessT", "target": "Marius", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mabeuf", "target": "Marius", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mabeuf", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mabeuf", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Marius", "value": 7},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 7},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Javert", "value": 6},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 1},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Valjean", "value": 4},
{"source": "Combeferre", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 15},
{"source": "Combeferre", "target": "Marius", "value": 5},
{"source": "Combeferre", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 6},
{"source": "Combeferre", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 2},
{"source": "Prouvaire", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Prouvaire", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 4},
{"source": "Prouvaire", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 2},
{"source": "Feuilly", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 2},
{"source": "Feuilly", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 6},
{"source": "Feuilly", "target": "Prouvaire", "value": 2},
{"source": "Feuilly", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 5},
{"source": "Feuilly", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 1},
{"source": "Feuilly", "target": "Marius", "value": 1},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Marius", "value": 9},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 17},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 13},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 7},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 2},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Feuilly", "value": 6},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Prouvaire", "value": 3},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 5},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 5},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Courfeyrac", "value": 6},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 2},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 4},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Feuilly", "value": 3},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Prouvaire", "value": 2},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Marius", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Marius", "value": 5},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Courfeyrac", "value": 12},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 5},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Bahorel", "value": 4},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 10},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Feuilly", "value": 6},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Prouvaire", "value": 2},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 9},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Bahorel", "value": 5},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Bossuet", "value": 7},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 3},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Courfeyrac", "value": 5},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 5},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Feuilly", "value": 5},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Prouvaire", "value": 2},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 5},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 1},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Marius", "value": 2},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Bossuet", "value": 3},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 3},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 1},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Courfeyrac", "value": 2},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Joly", "value": 2},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Bahorel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Feuilly", "value": 1},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Prouvaire", "value": 1},
{"source": "MotherPlutarch", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 3},
{"source": "Gueulemer", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 5},
{"source": "Gueulemer", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gueulemer", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gueulemer", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gueulemer", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gueulemer", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 6},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Gueulemer", "value": 6},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Javert", "value": 2},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 4},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Babet", "value": 4},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Gueulemer", "value": 4},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 1},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Babet", "value": 2},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Gueulemer", "value": 2},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Claquesous", "value": 2},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Toussaint", "target": "Cosette", "value": 2},
{"source": "Toussaint", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Toussaint", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Child1", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 2},
{"source": "Child2", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 2},
{"source": "Child2", "target": "Child1", "value": 3},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Babet", "value": 3},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Gueulemer", "value": 3},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Claquesous", "value": 1},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Montparnasse", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Bossuet", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Joly", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Grantaire", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Bahorel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Courfeyrac", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 1}
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