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Created May 2, 2013 14:43
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Rozpoczęte spolszczenie rozszerzenia Speed Dial 2 dla Google Chrome.
"add": {
"message": "Add"
"alignment": {
"message": "Alignment"
"appDesc": {
"description": "App description.",
"message": "Speed dial 2 is fast and clean extension for your favorite pages and quick access to your apps, bookmarks and browsing history."
"appName": {
"description": "App name.",
"message": "Speed Dial 2"
"applications": {
"message": "Applications"
"apps_app_uninstalled": {
"message": "Application was uninstalled successfully"
"apps_do_you_want_to_uninstall": {
"message": "Do you realy want to uninstall selected application?"
"back": {
"message": "Back"
"back_to_dials": {
"message": "Back to my dials"
"background_color": {
"message": "Background color"
"bottom": {
"message": "Bottom"
"cancel": {
"message": "Cancel"
"center": {
"message": "Center"
"clear": {
"message": "clear"
"color": {
"message": "Color"
"coming_soon": {
"message": "Coming soon"
"custom": {
"message": "Custom"
"dark": {
"message": "Dark"
"default": {
"message": "default"
"delete": {
"message": "Delete"
"disabled": {
"message": "Options"
"edit": {
"message": "Edytuj"
"help": {
"message": "Pomoc"
"help_features": {
"message": "Show extension's feratures!"
"help_help": {
"message": "Help"
"help_show_online_help": {
"message": "Show online help"
"help_take_tour": {
"message": "Take the tour!"
"help_take_tour_help": {
"message": "Please take a while to get introduced to basics of our extension.\u003Cbr /\u003E It will help you to understand it's possibilities and allow you to easily \u003Cbr /\u003Eget around it's different settings so you can customize it the way you want it!"
"help_tour": {
"message": "Take the tour of extension's features!"
"high": {
"message": "High"
"large": {
"message": "Large"
"left": {
"message": "Left"
"light": {
"message": "Light"
"low": {
"message": "Low"
"medium": {
"message": "Medium"
"name": {
"message": "Tytuł"
"new_tab_add_dial_error": {
"message": "Fill both required fields please."
"new_tab_dial_saved": {
"message": "Bookmark saved."
"new_tab_enter_group_name": {
"message": "Please enter a new group name"
"new_tab_group_edited": {
"message": "Group updated."
"new_tab_group_removed": {
"message": "Group has been removed."
"newtab_add_dial": {
"message": "Dodaj element"
"newtab_add_new_dial": {
"message": "Dodaj element"
"newtab_app_launch": {
"message": "Launch application"
"newtab_clear_results": {
"message": "clear results"
"newtab_create_group": {
"message": "Utwórz grupę"
"newtab_custom_logo": {
"message": "Custom logo url"
"newtab_dial_aremove_warning": {
"message": "Name"
"newtab_dial_remove_warning": {
"message": "Do you really want to remove this dial?"
"newtab_edit_dial": {
"message": "Edytuj element"
"newtab_edit_group": {
"message": "Edit group"
"newtab_group_name_and_color": {
"message": "Name of a group / Color"
"newtab_group_remove_warning": {
"message": "This will remove selected group with all dials inside it. \u003Cbr /\u003EDo you wish to continue?"
"newtab_homegroup": {
"message": "This is your home group"
"newtab_new_tab": {
"message": "Szybkie wybieranie"
"newtab_open_all_links": {
"message": "Open all links"
"newtab_open_in_new_tab": {
"message": "Otwórz w nowej karcie"
"newtab_predefined_logo": {
"message": "Predefined logo"
"newtab_reload_thumbnail": {
"message": "Odśwież miniaturę"
"newtab_remove_group": {
"message": "Remove group"
"newtab_remove_question": {
"message": "Remove?"
"newtab_search_your_history": {
"message": "Search your history"
"newtab_select_logo": {
"message": "Or select from predefined logos"
"no_title": {
"message": "No title"
"none": {
"message": "None"
"options": {
"message": "Ustawienia"
"options_apps_about": {
"message": "Read more about"
"options_apps_icon_size": {
"message": "Icon size"
"options_apps_icons_only": {
"message": "Only icons"
"options_apps_panel_position": {
"message": "Panel position"
"options_apps_panel_theme": {
"message": "Panel theme"
"options_apps_show_panel": {
"message": "Show Apps panel?"
"options_apps_show_panel_help": {
"message": "You can show your installed Apps in standalone panel \u003Cbr /\u003Eor list your Apps in sidebar (see also \u003Ci\u003ESidebar\u003C/i\u003E section)."
"options_background_file_warning": {
"message": "Because of special way how Chrome handles local files, using this feature is highly not recommended. Background images loaded from your computer will result in \u003Cb\u003Emuch higher memory usage\u003C/b\u003E (possibly hundreds of megabytes of RAM) and will slow down overal loading time of Speed Dial 2 as well as overal performance of Your browser! We recommend that you use some of image hosting services like"
"options_background_image_service": {
"message": "You can use image hosting provider like"
"options_background_leave_empty": {
"message": "Leave empty for no background image"
"options_background_nav_file": {
"message": "File"
"options_background_nav_image": {
"message": "Background images"
"options_background_nav_patterns": {
"message": "Background patterns"
"options_background_nav_url": {
"message": "Custom URL"
"options_background_patterns_from": {
"message": "All these great patterns comes from"
"options_background_repeat": {
"message": "Repeat"
"options_background_repeat_no": {
"message": "Don't repeat"
"options_background_repeat_x": {
"message": "Repeat-horizontally"
"options_background_repeat_y": {
"message": "Repeat-vertically"
"options_customize_background_color": {
"message": "Background color"
"options_customize_border_colors": {
"message": "Border color"
"options_customize_customize_colors": {
"message": "Customize colors"
"options_customize_explain": {
"message": "Explain"
"options_customize_font_face": {
"message": "Font face"
"options_customize_font_size": {
"message": "Font size"
"options_customize_font_style": {
"message": "Font style"
"options_customize_font_style_bold": {
"message": "Bold"
"options_customize_font_style_bold_italic": {
"message": "Bold italic"
"options_customize_font_style_italic": {
"message": "Italic"
"options_customize_font_style_normal": {
"message": "Normal"
"options_customize_inner_background_color": {
"message": "Inner background color"
"options_customize_no_shadow": {
"message": "No shadow"
"options_customize_padding": {
"message": "Padding"
"options_customize_preview": {
"message": "Show preview"
"options_customize_rounded_corners": {
"message": "Rounded corners"
"options_customize_sample_title": {
"message": "Sample title"
"options_customize_shadow": {
"message": "Shadow"
"options_customize_show_title": {
"message": "Show title of a dial?"
"options_customize_show_visits": {
"message": "Show number of visits?"
"options_customize_text_align": {
"message": "Text alignment"
"options_customize_title": {
"message": "Title"
"options_customize_title_color": {
"message": "Title color"
"options_customize_title_position": {
"message": "Title position"
"options_customize_title_position_inside": {
"message": "Inside"
"options_customize_title_position_outside": {
"message": "Outside"
"options_enter_your": {
"message": "Enter your"
"options_export_export": {
"message": "Export settings"
"options_export_export_help": {
"message": "This section allows you to easily import/export your dials and setting to another computer. To export and backup your setting click \u003Cb\u003EExport settings\u003C/b\u003E button and copy all of generated text that appears."
"options_export_exported_settings": {
"message": "These are your exported settings"
"options_export_exported_settings_help": {
"message": "copy and paste through 'Import settings' button to use on different PC."
"options_export_import": {
"message": "Import settings"
"options_export_import_help": {
"message": "To import your setting, press \u003Cb\u003EImport settings\u003C/b\u003E button and paste settings you previously saved. Note that importing your settings will erase all your dials and saved options!"
"options_export_paste": {
"message": "Paste settings"
"options_export_paste_help": {
"message": "you previously exported through 'Export settings' button"
"options_export_warning": {
"message": "Warning: This will wipe all your settings and dials and replace them with ones included in imported settings. If you are a Pro user, these groups and bookmarks will replace existing bookmarks on our server. Do you wish to continue?"
"options_nav_apps": {
"message": "Apps"
"options_nav_background": {
"message": "Background"
"options_nav_backup": {
"message": "Import/export"
"options_nav_changelog": {
"message": "Changelog"
"options_nav_customize": {
"message": "Customize dial style"
"options_nav_options": {
"message": "Dial options"
"options_nav_sidebar": {
"message": "Sidebar"
"options_nav_sync": {
"message": "Sync (Pro)"
"options_options": {
"message": "Options"
"options_options_advanced_options": {
"message": "Advanced options"
"options_options_center_vertically": {
"message": "Center rows vertically?"
"options_options_columns": {
"message": "Number of columns"
"options_options_columns_help": {
"message": "Number of dials to be shown in one row. Number of rows is calculated automatically according to overal number of saved dials."
"options_options_columns_in_a_row": {
"message": "in a row"
"options_options_custom_ratio": {
"message": "Custom thumbnail ratio"
"options_options_default_group_name": {
"message": "Name for default group"
"options_options_fit_logos": {
"message": "of screen width"
"options_options_fit_logos_dont_resize": {
"message": "No resizing"
"options_options_fit_logos_fit": {
"message": "Fit (default)"
"options_options_fit_logos_fit_and_center": {
"message": "Fit width and center"
"options_options_fit_logos_fit_width": {
"message": "Fit width"
"options_options_highlight_pages": {
"message": "Highlight most visited pages?"
"options_options_highlight_pages_help": {
"message": "Speedial2 keeps track of your daily habits and remembers which pages do you visit in the morning, afternoon, evening and night. By turning on this option, you should see a red corner on 3 pages you visit often at current part of a day."
"options_options_modify_width": {
"message": "Modify width"
"options_options_modify_width_screen": {
"message": "of screen width"
"options_options_open_in_new_tab": {
"message": "Open links in new tab?"
"options_options_open_in_new_tab_help": {
"message": "Turn on to open all links in new tab. If turned on, middle click or Ctrl+click will open links in current tab instead of new tab."
"options_options_order_dials": {
"message": "Order by"
"options_options_order_dials_help": {
"message": "Dials can be ordered automatically by number of visits or by your own manual order. If you choose to order pages manually, you can drag them to change their position."
"options_options_order_manual": {
"message": "Manual order"
"options_options_order_most_visited": {
"message": "By most visited"
"options_options_plus_button_button": {
"message": "button"
"options_options_plus_button_show": {
"message": "Show"
"options_options_refresh_thumbnail": {
"message": "Refresh thumbnail image"
"options_options_refresh_thumbnail_disabled": {
"message": "Disabled (default)"
"options_options_remember_group": {
"message": "Remember active group"
"options_options_remember_group_help": {
"message": "Option to remember and open last used group on new launch."
"options_options_scroll_layout": {
"message": "Scroll layout"
"options_options_scroll_layout_help": {
"message": "Scroll dials infinitely instead focing them to fit on screen."
"options_options_spacing": {
"message": "Dial spacing"
"options_options_thumbnail_quality": {
"message": "Thumbnail quality"
"options_options_thumbnail_quality_help": {
"message": "We recommend setting HIGH QUALITY for less than 10 dials, MEDIUM quality for 10-20 thumbnails and LOW quality for \u003E 20 thumbnails.\u003Cb\u003EPlease keep in mind\u003C/b\u003E that thumbnail quality also determines loading time of a new tab."
"options_pagetitle": {
"message": "New tab - options"
"options_save": {
"message": "Save settings"
"options_sidebar_access_by": {
"message": "Access sidebar by"
"options_sidebar_access_by_mouse": {
"message": "Entering the right side of the screen"
"options_sidebar_access_by_scroll": {
"message": "Scrolling down the mousewheel"
"options_sidebar_show_bookmarks": {
"message": "Bookmarks"
"options_sidebar_show_history": {
"message": "Show Recently closed tabs?"
"options_sidebar_show_tags": {
"message": "Always show tags"
"options_sidebar_use_shortcut": {
"message": "Display URL?"
"options_sidebar_use_sidebar": {
"message": "Use sidebar?"
"options_sync": {
"message": "Sync"
"options_sync_access_anywhere": {
"message": "Access your bookmarks from anywhere"
"options_sync_access_devices": {
"message": "Works with any mobile device - mobile phones and tablets"
"options_sync_access_devices_1": {
"message": "Works with mobile phones and tablets."
"options_sync_account_connected": {
"message": "You account is connected..."
"options_sync_become_pro": {
"message": "How to become a Pro"
"options_sync_become_pro_1": {
"message": "Create your account by visiting"
"options_sync_become_pro_2": {
"message": "Log in at"
"options_sync_become_pro_3": {
"message": "and pay for your Speed Dial 2 Pro with"
"options_sync_become_pro_4": {
"message": "Finally, enter your username \u003Cbr /\u003Eand password at the top of this page."
"options_sync_connecting": {
"message": "Connecting to sync server..."
"options_sync_connection_error": {
"message": "There was an error while connecting to server"
"options_sync_create_account": {
"message": "Create account"
"options_sync_create_pro_account": {
"message": "Create Pro account"
"options_sync_enter_credentials": {
"message": "Enter username and password"
"options_sync_error": {
"message": "There was an error while importing your settings."
"options_sync_how_it_works": {
"message": "How does it work?"
"options_sync_how_it_works_1": {
"message": "With Speed Dial Pro, you bookmarks and settings are being automatically synchronized to our server"
"options_sync_how_it_works_2": {
"message": "This means your extension with all dials, groups and settings will be synchronized across different computers right after you provide you sync creditials (username and password). Synchronization with our server takes place every time you start a browser and any other changes (creating new bookmarks or group) are immediatelly replicated online."
"options_sync_importing": {
"message": "Importing your settings..."
"options_sync_lifetime_account": {
"message": "lifetime account"
"options_sync_love": {
"message": "If you like Speed Dial 2, you\u2019ll \u003Cspan\u003E\u003Cb\u003Elove\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/span\u003E to have it in your pocket!"
"options_sync_my_bookmarks": {
"message": "My bookmarks"
"options_sync_not_active": {
"message": "Your sync account is not active. Please log in to activate it."
"options_sync_online_access": {
"message": "Mobile / online access"
"options_sync_online_access_1": {
"message": "Since your groups and bookmarks will be available online, you can access them from any other browser or mobile device by logging in at"
"options_sync_online_access_2": {
"message": "They're optimized to be viewed on mobile devices and tablets as well as desktop computers. To quickly access your bookmarks from your mobile device, set Speed Dial 2 as a homepage or pin it as a bookmark on your Homescreen."
"options_sync_password": {
"message": "Password"
"options_sync_reset_password": {
"message": "Reset password"
"options_sync_synchronization": {
"message": "Synchronization"
"options_sync_to_phone": {
"message": "Synchronize to your phone"
"options_sync_username": {
"message": "Sync username"
"options_sync_wait": {
"message": "Please wait for synchronization to complete..."
"options_sync_wrong_email": {
"message": "Wrong username, e-mail or password"
"or": {
"message": "OR"
"position": {
"message": "Position"
"read_more": {
"message": "Read more"
"recently_closed_tabs": {
"message": "Recently closed tabs."
"remove": {
"message": "Usuń"
"repeat": {
"message": "Repeat"
"reset_to_default": {
"message": "Reset to default"
"right": {
"message": "Right"
"search": {
"message": "Search"
"sidebar_applications": {
"message": "Aplikacje"
"sidebar_bookmarks": {
"message": "Zakładki"
"sidebar_clear_list": {
"message": "Clear the list."
"sidebar_delicious_bookmarks": {
"message": "Delicious."
"sidebar_delicious_last25_bookmarks": {
"message": "Show recently saved bookmarks."
"sidebar_google_bookmarks": {
"message": "Google Bookmarks."
"small": {
"message": "Small"
"statistics": {
"message": "Statystyki"
"statistics_afternoon": {
"message": "Afternoon"
"statistics_evening": {
"message": "Evening"
"statistics_loading_message": {
"message": "Please wait while we analyze your browsing history."
"statistics_morning": {
"message": "Morning"
"statistics_most_visited_history": {
"message": "Most visited pages (browser history)"
"statistics_most_visited_sd2": {
"message": "Most visited pages (speed dial)"
"statistics_night": {
"message": "Night"
"statistics_overall": {
"message": "Overall"
"statistics_pagetitle": {
"message": "Speed dial 2 - Statistics"
"statistics_statistics": {
"message": "Statistics"
"tip": {
"message": "Tip"
"title": {
"message": "Title"
"top": {
"message": "Top"
"transparent": {
"message": "Transparent"
"uninstall": {
"message": "Uninstall"
"url": {
"message": "Adres URL"
"visits": {
"message": "visits"
"warning": {
"message": "Warning"
"welcome_10_1": {
"message": "According to your browsing history we've found that \u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Cb\u003Ethese are websites you visit most often.\u003C/b\u003E \u003Cbr /\u003E Would you like to import them to Speed dial 2?"
"welcome_10_2": {
"message": "Please wait while we analyze your browsing history. The process can take a minute."
"welcome_10_3": {
"message": "Import selected websites"
"welcome_10_4": {
"message": "Skip"
"welcome_10_5": {
"message": "You can optionally select which websites to import \u003Cbr /\u003Eby checking/unchecking checkboxes."
"welcome_10_h1": {
"message": "Your most visited websites."
"welcome_11_1": {
"message": "We wish you a lot of \u003Cbr /\u003Egreat experience with our extension"
"welcome_11_2": {
"message": "Follow a guy who made this"
"welcome_11_3": {
"message": "Start"
"welcome_11_h1": {
"message": "Congrats - you're about to start."
"welcome_12_1": {
"message": "Show list of installed applications in Sidebar."
"welcome_12_2": {
"message": "We haven't found any installed applications in your browser."
"welcome_12_3": {
"message": "We've found \u003Cb\u003E\u003C/b\u003E applications in your browser."
"welcome_12_4": {
"message": "Bookmarks"
"welcome_12_5": {
"message": "Use Chrome bookmarks"
"welcome_12_6": {
"message": "Use Delicious bookmarks"
"welcome_12_7": {
"message": "Delicious username?"
"welcome_12_h1": {
"message": "Setup"
"welcome_1_2": {
"message": "Please take a while to get introduced to basics of our extension. It will help you to understand its possibilities and allow you to easily get around different settings so you can customize it the way you want it!"
"welcome_1_3": {
"message": "It will take just a minute."
"welcome_1_h1": {
"message": "Hey, welcome to Speed dial 2"
"welcome_2_1": {
"message": "The most important things around here are called \u003Cb\u003Edials\u003C/b\u003E. \u003Cbr /\u003E You can think of them as of \u003Cb\u003Evisual bookmarks of your favorite websites.\u003C/b\u003E"
"welcome_2_2": {
"message": "You can keep as many dials as you want, or even organize them into different groups."
"welcome_2_3": {
"message": "The only thing you need to create new dial is its url address. After you specify an address, you can customize it with one of predefined logos, custom image from the internet or you just visit the page for a first and let Chrome to create its thumbnail."
"welcome_2_h1": {
"message": "Dial - your favorite website"
"welcome_3_1": {
"message": "\u003Cb\u003ENow how can you create a dial?\u003C/b\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003E It's pretty easy and you can do it by three different ways shown at the picture above."
"welcome_3_2": {
"message": "Look around to find a \u003Cb\u003Eplus button\u003C/b\u003E and fill the dialog which appears after you click it."
"welcome_3_3": {
"message": "Or \u003Cb\u003Eright-click\u003C/b\u003E on empty space while having your extension open and select \u003Cb\u003EAdd dial\u003C/b\u003E. Please note that you can also acces Options, Statistics and Help section by the same way."
"welcome_3_4": {
"message": "Or add new dial directly while you're browsing - let's say you open an \u003Ca\\u003C/a\u003E website. If you want to keep it in speed dial, right-click anywhere on the page and select \u003Cb\u003ESpeed dial 2 » Add curent page\u003C/b\u003E from \u003Cb\u003EChrome's context menu\u003C/b\u003E."
"welcome_3_h1": {
"message": "Adding a dial"
"welcome_4_1": {
"message": "To change settings of a dial - just right-click on it and select \u003Cb\u003EEdit\u003C/b\u003E from a context menu."
"welcome_4_2": {
"message": "You can modify title of a dial, its logo and url address, place it in a different group of create a new one. \u003Cbr /\u003E You can remove a dial by the same way - just select \u003Cb\u003ERemove\u003C/b\u003E instead of \u003Cb\u003EEdit\u003C/b\u003E."
"welcome_4_h1": {
"message": "Editing a dial"
"welcome_5_1": {
"message": "To change settings of a dial - just right-click on it and select \u003Cb\u003EEdit\u003C/b\u003E from a context menu."
"welcome_5_2": {
"message": "You can modify title of a dial, its logo and url address, \u003Cbr /\u003Eplace it in a different group of create a new one."
"welcome_5_h1": {
"message": "Add & Edit dialog"
"welcome_6_1": {
"message": "Sidebar is a special feature of our extension - it provides you with access to your \u003Cbr /\u003E \u003Cb\u003ERecently closed tabs\u003C/b\u003E, list of installed \u003Cb\u003Eapplications\u003C/b\u003E from Chrome Web Store, \u003Cbr /\u003Eyour Google Chrome \u003Cb\u003Ebookmarks\u003C/b\u003E or even \u003Cb\u003Ebookmarks and tags\u003C/b\u003E from \u003Ca\\u003C/a\u003E \u003Cbr /\u003E- You can turn specific sidebar features on and off in options."
"welcome_6_2": {
"message": "Please note that sidebar is hidden by default! \u003Cbr /\u003EIt only shows up when you navigate your mouse near right edge of browser screen."
"welcome_6_3": {
"message": "Access sidebar by navigating your mouse to the right edge of the screen."
"welcome_6_h1": {
"message": "The sidebar."
"welcome_9_1": {
"message": "Please keep in mind that Speed dial 2 is \u003Cbr /\u003Enot just ordinary new tab replacement - you can \u003Cbr /\u003Eturn it into a powerful tool and customize it to look like"
"welcome_9_and": {
"message": "and ..."
"welcome_9_finally": {
"message": "finally"
"welcome_9_h1": {
"message": "Last thing to remember."
"welcome_9_like_this": {
"message": "like this"
"welcome_9_note_1": {
"message": "\u003Cb\u003EA beautiful startpage\u003C/b\u003E, a place where you keep your most favorite websites."
"welcome_9_note_11": {
"message": "If you want to \u003Cb\u003Eorganize\u003C/b\u003E your favorite websites a better way - simply put them \u003Cb\u003Einto different groups.\u003C/b\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EKeep even hundreds of favorite websites - neatly organized into categories."
"welcome_9_note_12": {
"message": "... or if you like to keep it \u003Cb\u003Esimple\u003C/b\u003E, turn all the features off \u003Cbr /\u003Eand customize it with \u003Cb\u003Ebundled\u003C/b\u003E or your own \u003Cb\u003Ethemes\u003C/b\u003E."
"welcome_9_note_13a": {
"message": "There's a lot of different options that hasn't been introduced - we would like \u003Cbr /\u003Eto \u003Cb\u003Eencourage you to explore\u003C/b\u003E them by yourself and turn our extension into \u003Cbr /\u003Esomething that works for you the best way. All the customization can be made in Options."
"welcome_9_note_13b": {
"message": "New features are already in development and the other ones \u003Cbr /\u003Ewill be coming gradually - please feel free to share your experience \u003Cbr /\u003Eor leave your suggestions at our"
"welcome_9_note_13c": {
"message": "support page"
"welcome_9_note_3": {
"message": "... with access to your \u003Cb\u003Ebookmars and browsing history\u003C/b\u003E ..."
"welcome_9_note_6": {
"message": "... or even your \u003Cb\u003Etags and bookmarks\u003C/b\u003E from \u003Ca\\u003C/a\u003E ..."
"welcome_9_note_8": {
"message": "... and installed \u003Cb\u003Eapplications\u003C/b\u003E from \u003Cb\u003EChrome Web Store.\u003C/b\u003E"
"welcome_9_or": {
"message": "or"
"welcome_9_this": {
"message": "this"
"welcome_back": {
"message": "back"
"welcome_continue": {
"message": "Continue"
"welcome_finish": {
"message": "Finish"
"welcome_pagetitle": {
"message": "Speed dial 2 - Welcome"
"welcome_skip_the_tour": {
"message": "Skip the tour"
"welcome_thanks": {
"message": "Thank you for installing our extension!"
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