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Last active November 25, 2021 17:12
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  • Save jpvincent/867010d224d61a6539d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jpvincent/867010d224d61a6539d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
never blocking loop mechanism, using setTimeout 0 trick and time control to break the loop and let the browser breath
* NEVER BLOCKING LOOP : implementation of the infamous setTimeout 0 hack, with time checking in order to guarantee fluidity without sacrificing execution speed.
* var array = ["a way too big array that is heavy to process"]
* optimizeFor({
* nbIterations: array.length,
* each:function( index ) {
* doSomethingUsefulWith( array[ index ] );
* },
* end: function() {
* console.log('ended processing array as fast as possible without blocking the browser');
* }
* );
* @nbIterations : number of loops to execute (or a function that returns true / false)
* @each : will be executed each time. iterationNumber will be given as an argument
* @end : will be called once loop ends
* @step : max number of milliseconds a loop can block the browser. step up = loop runs faster, browser is less fluid. 0 = max fluidity, task last longer
* namespace: window by default, but you dont want globals right ?
* extend : jQuery OR underscorejs extend method
* noop : empty function, you can use $.noop
(function (namespace, extend, noop) {
namespace.optimizedFor = function(options) {
// for IE10, or if you include a decent setImmediate polyfill (say
var setImmediate = window.setImmediate || function(callback) {
setTimeout(callback, 0);
// native or polyfill way to have a number of milliseconds
now = || function() {
return Number(new Date);
// replace ourselves
namespace.optimizedFor = function optimizedFor(options) {
options = extend({
nbIterations: 0,
each: noop,
end: noop, //
step: 40 //
}, options);
var i = 0,
// allow the user to provide its own stop method
if (typeof options.nbIterations === 'function') {
check = options.nbIterations;
} else {
// by default, just check we can still
check = function(i) {
return i < options.nbIterations;
(function mainLoop() {
for (var lastStart = now(); check(i); i++) {
if ((now() - lastStart) > 40) {
// let the browser breath
// break the loop but do not forget to increment
// final method (must be async too)
}(window, $.extend, function(){}));
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