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Last active February 25, 2020 22:06
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Examples of using Basemap with Julia

Julia Basemap Examples

Last Update: 04.16.2019 (Updated to Julia 1.0 & PyPlot 2.8)

N.B. The Basemap library will be maintained until 2020, after which it will be replaced by Cartopy. Gist on how to use Cartopy with Julia here. Announcement on here.




To install and begin using Basemap, run the following commands in the Julia command line:

using Conda


Python -> Julia PyPlot Translation

When using Python modules (of which Basemap is an example) in Julia rather than in Python, the syntax generally changes as follows:

  • Python: map.fillcontinents(color='coral')
  • Julia 1.0: map.fillcontinents(color="coral")
  • Julia ≤0.7: map[:fillcontinents](color="coral")

Some Python functions are not replicated in Julia and must be either substitued or calculated by hand:

Python Julia
X, Y = meshgrid(x,y) X, Y = repeat(x', length(y), 1), repeat(y, 1, length(x))
parallels = np.arange(0., 90, 10.) parallels = collect(0:10:90)
np.indices((nlats, nlons))[0,:,:] repeat([i for i = 1:nLats], 1, nLons)
np.indices((nlats, nlons))[1,:,:] repeat([j for j = 1:nLons]', nLats)

Basemap Examples

using PyPlot, PyCall
basemap = pyimport("mpl_toolkits.basemap")

# Set up orthographic map projection with perspective of satellite looking down at 45N, 100W.
# Use low resolution coastlines.
map = basemap.Basemap(projection="ortho", lat_0=45, lon_0=-100, resolution="l")

# Draw coastlines, country boundaries, fill continents.
map.fillcontinents(color="coral", lake_color="aqua")

# Draw the edge of the map projection region (the projection limb)

# Draw lat/lon grid lines every 30 degrees.

# Make up some data on a regular lat/lon grid.
nLats = 73; nLons = 145; δ = 2π/(nLons-1)
lats = repeat(0.5π .- δ*[i for i = 1:nLats], 1, nLons)
lons = repeat*[j for j = 1:nLons]', nLats)

wave = 0.75(sin.(2lats).^8).*cos.(4lons)
mean = 0.5cos.(2lats).*(sin.(2lats).^2 .+ 2)

# Compute native map projection coordinates of lat/lon grid.
x, y = map(rad2deg.(lons), rad2deg.(lats))

# Contour data over the map.
cs = map.contour(x, y, wave+mean, 15, linewidths=1.5)
title("Global Contour Lines")



Great Circles
using PyPlot, PyCall
# basemap = pyimport("mpl_toolkits.basemap")

lightBlue = (220/255, 220/255, 255/255)
lightGreen = (230/255, 255/255, 230/255)

# Set up mercator map projection.
map = basemap.Basemap(llcrnrlon=-100, llcrnrlat=20, urcrnrlon=20, urcrnrlat=60,
            rsphere=(6378137.00, 6356752.3142),
            resolution="l", projection="merc",
            lat_0=40, lon_0=-20, lat_ts=20)
map.fillcontinents(color=lightGreen, lake_color=lightBlue)

# Draw parallels & meridians
map.drawmeridians(collect(-180:30:180), labels=[1,1,0,1])
map.drawparallels(collect(10:20:90), labels=[1,1,0,1])

# Start, end coordinates (New York & London)
ny  = (40.78, -73.98)
lon = (51.53, 0.08)

# Draw great circle route between New York and London
map.drawgreatcircle(ny[2], ny[1], lon[2], lon[1], linewidth=3, color="m")
for (lat, lon) in [ny, lon]
    x, y = map(lon, lat)
    map.scatter(x, y, zorder=3, s=60, edgecolor="k", color="yellow")

title("Great Circle from New York to London")

Great Circle


Day / Night
using PyPlot, PyCall, Dates
basemap = pyimport("mpl_toolkits.basemap")

# Miller projection
map = basemap.Basemap(projection="mill", lon_0=180)

# Plot coastlines, draw label meridians and parallels
map.fillcontinents(color="coral", lake_color="aqua")
map.drawmeridians(collect(map.lonmin:60:map.lonmax+30), labels=[0,0,0,1])
map.drawparallels(collect(-90:30:90), labels=[1,0,0,0])

# Shade the night areas using current time in UTC
CS = map.nightshade(now(Dates.UTC))
title("Day/Night Map for " * Libc.strftime(time()) * " (UTC)")

Day / Night

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To fix the error

KeyError: 'PROJ_LIB'

I needed

using PyCall

import os
import conda

conda_file_dir = conda.__file__
conda_dir = conda_file_dir.split('lib')[0]
proj_lib = os.path.join(os.path.join(conda_dir, 'share'), 'proj')
os.environ["PROJ_LIB"] = proj_lib

basemap = pyimport("mpl_toolkits.basemap")

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