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Created October 30, 2011 19:43
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OPML List - October 2011 (pre-pruning)
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text="Ashburton Grove - Arsenal news and Arsenal opinion"
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title="The Backwards Gooner" type="rss"
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text="Young Guns - Arsenal Reserves &amp; Youth News"
title="Young Guns - Arsenal Reserves &amp; Youth News"
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type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
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text="Deep Thoughts by Raymond Hettinger » Python’s super() considered super!"
title="Deep Thoughts by Raymond Hettinger » Python’s super() considered super!"
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title="good coders code, great reuse" type="rss"
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text="Improved Means For Achieving Deteriorated Ends"
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title="Golem XIV - Thoughts" type="rss"
xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
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type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Jesse's Café Américain"
title="Jesse's Café Américain" type="rss"
xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Liberty vs. Leviathan"
title="Liberty vs. Leviathan" type="rss"
xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
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title="Macroeconomic Resilience" type="rss"
xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
text="Mises Institute Daily Articles (Full-text version)"
title="Mises Institute Daily Articles (Full-text version)"
type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
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title="Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis" type="rss"
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<outline text="Steve Dekorte" title="Steve Dekorte"
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title="The Daily Reckoning" type="rss"
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<outline text="Value Restoration Project"
title="Value Restoration Project" type="rss"
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type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Washington's Blog" title="Washington's Blog"
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title="1001 rules for my unborn son" type="rss"
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<outline text="A Restless Transplant"
title="A Restless Transplant" type="rss"
xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="A Working Library: Writing"
title="A Working Library: Writing" type="rss"
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type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
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title="Kaufmann Mercantile Blog &amp; Store" type="rss"
xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
text="Men's style and design from Men and Women of Industry"
title="Men's style and design from Men and Women of Industry"
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title="Mr. Miner's Phish Thoughts" type="rss"
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type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
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xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="The Burning House" title="The Burning House"
type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="The Parallax" title="The Parallax" type="rss"
xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
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title="The William Brown Project" type="rss"
xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
text="Tiny Farm Blog» organic gardening: vegetables, herbs, flowers – growing local food"
title="Tiny Farm Blog» organic gardening: vegetables, herbs, flowers – growing local food"
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xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
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title="Geospatial things I do" type="rss"
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<outline text=""
title="" type="rss"
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<outline text="James Fee GIS Blog"
title="James Fee GIS Blog" type="rss"
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<outline text="Letters from the SAL"
title="Letters from the SAL" type="rss"
xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Linfiniti Geo Blog"
title="Linfiniti Geo Blog" type="rss"
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type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Spatial Scrawl" title="Spatial Scrawl"
type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Thinking in GIS" title="Thinking in GIS"
type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
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