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Created September 20, 2012 17:08
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+(CCRenderTexture*) createStroke: (CCLabelTTF*) label size:(float)size color:(ccColor3B)cor
CCRenderTexture* rt = [CCRenderTexture renderTextureWithWidth:label.texture.contentSize.width+size*2 height:label.texture.contentSize.height+size*2];
CGPoint originalPos = [label position];
ccColor3B originalColor = [label color];
BOOL originalVisibility = [label visible];
[label setColor:cor];
[label setVisible:YES];
ccBlendFunc originalBlend = [label blendFunc];
[label setBlendFunc:(ccBlendFunc) { GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE }];
CGPoint bottomLeft = ccp(label.texture.contentSize.width * label.anchorPoint.x + size, label.texture.contentSize.height * label.anchorPoint.y + size);
//CGPoint positionOffset = ccp(label.texture.contentSize.width * label.anchorPoint.x - label.texture.contentSize.width/2,label.texture.contentSize.height * label.anchorPoint.y - label.texture.contentSize.height/2);
//use this for adding stoke to its self...
CGPoint positionOffset= ccp(-label.contentSize.width/2,-label.contentSize.height/2);
CGPoint position = ccpSub(originalPos, positionOffset);
[rt begin];
for (int i=0; i<360; i+=30) // you should optimize that for your needs
[label setPosition:ccp(bottomLeft.x + sin(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(i))*size, bottomLeft.y + cos(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(i))*size)];
[label visit];
[rt end];
[label setPosition:originalPos];
[label setColor:originalColor];
[label setBlendFunc:originalBlend];
[label setVisible:originalVisibility];
[rt setPosition:position];
return rt;
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