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Last active June 6, 2018 16:30
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CCArchitects DIP access - User management
Feature: User management and permissions
The CCArchitects DIP access application has four major user types:
- Administrators: Administrators and Reference Librarians in the user stories.
- Editors: Belong to the "Edit Collections and Folders" group. Processing Archivist in the user stories.
- Basic: Researches in the user stories.
- Unauthenticated: Not mentioned in the user stories.
This user types have different permission over the application:
Scenario: Unauthenticated
Given a DIP access application running
When users without credentials try to access the app
Then they only can see the FAQ and the login pages
And all the other pages will redirect them to the login page
Scenario: Administrators
Given a DIP access aplication running
And a superuser created in the database with the Django task
When administrators log in the app with the superuser credentials
Then they are able to view, create and edit users
And they can make those users administrators
And they can add the users to the "Edit Collections and Folders" group
And they can deactivate users
And they have access to all the parts of the application
Scenario: Editors
Given a DIP access aplication running
And an user that belongs to the "Edit Collections and Folders" group is created by an administrator
When an editor enter the application with those user credentials
Then the editor can't see or manage users
And the editor can view, create and edit Collections and Folders but not delete them
And the editor has access to all the other parts of the application
Scenario: Basic
Given a DIP access aplication running
And an user that doesn't belongs to the "Edit Collections and Folders" group
And is not a superuser has been created by an administrator
When the basic user access the application with those credentials
Then the basic user can browse and view Collections
And can browse and view Folders
And can browse and view Digital Files
And can download the Folders ZIP files
And can not manage users
And can not create or edit Collections or Folders
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