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Created February 12, 2015 16:55
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rubygems 2.4.5+ bundler 1.8.0 + ruby 2.1.5 + bundle install --jobs=4 results in random "Bundler::GemfileNotFound: Could not locate Gemfile" errors
11:46:04 ~/Code/manageiq/vmdb (master) (2.1.5) - rm -rf ~/.gem/ruby/2.1.5
11:46:12 ~/Code/manageiq/vmdb (master) (2.1.5) + gem install bundler -v1.8.0
Fetching: bundler-1.8.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed bundler-1.8.0
1 gem installed
11:46:29 ~/Code/manageiq/vmdb (master) (2.1.5) + gem update --system
Updating rubygems-update
Fetching: rubygems-update-2.4.5.gem (100%)
Successfully installed rubygems-update-2.4.5
Installing RubyGems 2.4.5
RubyGems 2.4.5 installed
=== 2.4.5 / 2014-12-03
Bug fixes:
* Improved speed of requiring gems. (Around 25% for a 60 gem test). Pull
request #1060 by unak.
* RubyGems no longer attempts to look up gems remotely with the --local flag.
Pull request #1084 by Jeremy Evans.
* Executable stubs use the correct gem version when RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS is
active. Issue #1072 by Michael Kaiser-Nyman.
* Fixed handling of pinned gems in lockfiles with versions. Issue #1078 by
Ian Ker-Seymer.
* Fixed handling of git@example:gem.git URIs. Issue #1054 by Mogutan Mogu.
* Fixed handling of platforms retrieved from the dependencies API. Issue
#1058 and patch suggestion by tux-mind.
* RubyGems now suggests a copy-pasteable `gem pristine` command when
extensions are missing. Pull request #1057 by Shannon Skipper.
* Improved errors for long file names when packaging. Pull request #1016 by
Piotrek Bator.
* `gem pristine` now skips gems cannot be found remotely. Pull request #1064
by Tuomas Kareinen.
* `gem pristine` now caches gems to the proper directory. Pull request #1064
by Tuomas Kareinen.
* `gem pristine` now skips bundled gems properly. Pull request #1064 by
Tuomas Kareinen.
* Improved interoperability of Vagrant with RubyGems. Pull request #1057 by
Vít Ondruch.
* Renamed CONTRIBUTING to CONTRIBUTING.rdoc to allow markup. Pull request
#1090 by Roberto Miranda.
* Switched from #partition to #reject as only one collection is used. Pull
request #1074 by Tuomas Kareinen.
* Fixed installation of gems on systems using memory-mapped files. Pull
request #1038 by Justin Li.
* Fixed bug in Gem::Text#min3 where `a == b < c`. Pull request #1026 by
* Fixed uninitialized variable warning in BasicSpecification. Pull request
#1019 by Piotr Szotkowski.
* Removed unneeded exception handling for cyclic dependencies. Pull request
#1043 by Jens Wille.
* Fixed grouped expression warning. Pull request #1081 by André Arko.
* Fixed handling of platforms when writing lockfiles.
=== 2.4.4 / 2014-11-12
Bug fixes:
* Add alternate Root CA for upcoming certificate change. Fixes #1050 by
=== 2.4.3 / 2014-11-10
Bug fixes:
* Fix redefine MirrorCommand issue. Pull request #1044 by @akr.
* Fix typo in platform= docs. Pull request #1048 by @jasonrclark
* Add root SSL certificates for upcoming certificate change. Fixes #1050 by
=== 2.4.2 / 2014-10-01
This release was sponsored by Ruby Central.
Bug fixes:
* RubyGems now correctly matches wildcard no_proxy hosts. Issue #997 by
* Added support for missing git_source method in the gem dependencies API.
* Fixed handling of git gems with an alternate install directory.
* Lockfiles will no longer be truncated upon resolution errors.
* Fixed messaging for `gem owner -a`. Issue #1004 by Aaron Patterson, Ryan
* Removed meaningless ensure. Pull request #1003 by gogotanaka.
* Improved wording of --source option help. Pull request #989 by Jason Clark.
* Empty build_info files are now ignored. Issue #903 by Adan Alvarado.
* Gem::Installer ignores dependency checks when installing development
dependencies. Issue #994 by Jens Willie.
* `gem update` now continues after dependency errors. Issue #993 by aaronchi.
* RubyGems no longer warns about semantic version dependencies for the 0.x
range. Issue #987 by Jeff Felchner, pull request #1006 by Hsing-Hui Hsu.
* Added minimal lock to allow multithread installation of gems. Issue #982
and pull request #1005 by Yorick Peterse
* RubyGems now considers prerelease dependencies as it did in earlier versions
when --prerelease is given. Issue #990 by Jeremy Tryba.
* Updated capitalization in README. Issue #1010 by Ben Bodenmiller.
* Fixed activating gems from a Gemfile for default gems. Issue #991 by khoan.
* Fixed windows stub script generation for Cygwin. Issue #1000 by Brett
* Allow gem bindir and ruby.exe to live in separate diretories. Pull request
#942 by Ian Flynn.
* Fixed handling of gemspec in gem dependencies files to match Bundler
behavior. Issue #1020 by Michal Papis.
* Fixed `gem update` when updating to prereleases. Issue #1028 by Santiago
* RubyGems now fails immediately when a git reference cannot be found instead
of spewing git errors. Issue #1031 by Michal Papis
=== 2.4.1 / 2014-07-17
Bug fixes:
* RubyGems can now be updated on Ruby implementations that do not support
vendordir in RbConfig::CONFIG. Issue #974 by net1957.
=== 2.4.0 / 2014-07-16
Minor enhancements:
* The contents command now supports a --show-install-dir option that shows
only the directory the gem is installed in. Feature request #966 by Akinori
* Added a --build-root option to the install command for packagers. Pull
request #965 by Marcus Rückert.
* Added vendor gem support to RubyGems. Package managers may now install gems
in Gem.vendor_dir with the --vendor option to gem install. Issue #943 by
Marcus Rückert.
Bug fixes:
* Kernel#gem now respects the prerelease flag when activating gems.
Previously this behavior was undefined which could lead to bugs when a
prerelease version was unintentionally activated. Bug #938 by Joe Ferris.
* RubyGems now prefers gems from git over installed gems. This allows gems
from git to override an installed gem with the same name and version. Bug
#944 by Thomas Kriechbaumer.
* Fixed handling of git gems in a lockfile with unversioned dependencies. Bug
#940 by Michael Kaiser-Nyman.
* The ruby directive in a gem dependencies file is ignored when installing.
Bug #941 by Michael Kaiser-Nyman.
* Added open to list of builtin commands (`gem open` now works). Reported by
Espen Antonsen.
* `gem open` now works with command-line editors. Pull request #962 by Tim
* `gem install -g` now respects `--conservative`. Pull request #950 by Jeremy
* RubyGems releases announcements now now include checksums. Bug #939 by
Alexander E. Fischer.
* RubyGems now expands ~ in $PATH when checking if installed executables will
be runnable. Pull request #945 by Alex Talker.
* Fixed `gem install -g --explain`. Issue #947 by Luis Lavena. Patch by
Hsing-Hui Hsu.
* RubyGems locks less during gem activation. Pull request #951 by Aaron
Patterson and Justin Searls, #969 by Jeremy Tryba.
* Kernel#gem is now thread-safe. Pull request #967 by Aaron Patterson.
* RubyGems now handles spaces in directory names for some parts of extension
building. Pull request #949 by Tristan Hill.
* RubyGems no longer defines an empty Date class. Pull Request #948 by Benoit
* RubyGems respects --document options for `gem update` again. Bug 946 by
jonforums. Patch by Hsing-Hui Hsu.
* RubyGems generates documentation again with --ignore-dependencies. Bug #961
by Pulfer.
* RubyGems can install extensions across partitions now. Pull request #970 by
Michael Scherer.
* `-s` is now short for `--source` which resolves an ambiguity with
--no-suggestions. Pull request #955 by Alexander Kahn.
* Added extra test for ~> for 0.0.X versions. Pull request #958 by Mark
* Fixed typo in gem updated help. Pull request #952 by Per Modin.
* Clarified that the gem description should not be excessively long. Part of
bug #956 by Renier Morales.
* Hid documentation of outdated test_files related methods in Specification.
Guides issue #90 by Emil Soman.
* RubyGems now falls back to the old index if the API fails
during gem resolution.
=== 2.3.0 / 2014-06-10
Minor enhancements:
* Added the `open` command which allows you to inspect the source of a gem
using your editor.
Issue #789 by Mike Perham. Pull request #804 by Vitali F.
* The `update` command shows a summary of which gems were and were not
updated. Issue #544 by Mark D. Blackwell.
Pull request #777 by Tejas Bubane.
* Improved "could not find 'gem'" error reporting. Pull request #913 by
Richard Schneeman.
* Gem.use_gemdeps now accepts an argument specifying the path of the gem
dependencies file. When the file is not found an ArgumentError is raised.
* Writing a .lock file for a gem dependencies file is now controlled by the
--[no-]lock option. Pull reuqest #774 by Jeremy Evans.
* Suggestion of alternate names and spelling corrections during install can be
suppressed with the --no-suggestions option. Issue #867 by Jimmy Cuadra.
* Added mswin64 support. Pull request #881 by U. Nakamura.
* A gem is installable from an IO again (as in RubyGems 1.8.x and older).
Pull request #716 by Xavier Shay.
* RubyGems no longer attempts to build extensions during activation. Instead
a warning is issued instructing you to run `gem pristine` which will build
the extensions for the current platform. Issue #796 by dunric.
* Added Gem::UserInteraction#verbose which prints when the --verbose option is
given. Pull request #811 by Aaron Patterson.
* RubyGems can now fetch gems from private repositories using S3. Pull
request #856 by Brian Palmer.
* Added Gem::ConflictError subclass of Gem::LoadError so you can distinguish
conflicts from other problems. Pull request #841 by Aaron Patterson.
* Cleaned up unneeded load_yaml bootstrapping in Rakefile. Pull request #815
by Zachary Scott.
* Improved performance of conflict resolution. Pull request #842 by Aaron
* Add documentation of "~> 0" to Gem::Version. Issue #896 by Aaron Suggs.
* Added CONTRIBUTING file. Pull request #849 by Mark Turner.
* Allow use of bindir in windows_stub_script in .bat
Pull request #818 by @unak and @nobu
* Use native File::PATH_SEPARATOR and remove $ before gem env on
Gem::Dependency#to_specs. Pull request #915 by @parkr
* RubyGems recommends SPDX IDs for licenses now. Pull request #917 by
Benjamin Fleischer.
Bug fixes:
* RubyGems now only fetches the latest specs to find misspellings which speeds
up gem suggestions. Pull request #808 by Aaron Patterson.
* The given .gem is installed again when multiple versions of the same gem
exist in the current directory. Bug #875 by Prem Sichanugrist.
* Local gems are preferred by name over remote gems again. Bug #834 by
* RubyGems can install local prerelease gems again. Pull request #866 by
Aaron Patterson. Issue #813 by André Arko.
* RubyGems installs development dependencies correctly again. Issue #893 by
Jens Wille.
* RubyGems only installs prerelease versions when they are requested again.
Issue #853 by Seth Vargo, special thanks to Zachary Scott and Ben Moss.
Issue #884 by Nathaniel Bibler.
* Fixed RubyGems list and search command help. Pull request #905 and #928 by
Gabriel Gilder.
* The list of gems to uninstall is always sorted now. Bug #918 by postmodern.
* The update command only updates exactly matching gem names now. Bug #919 by
* Gem::Server now supports prerelease versions. Bug #857 by Marcelo Alvim.
* RubyGems no longer raises an exception immediately when gems are missing
with RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS. A warning is printed instead. Issue #886 by Michael
* Commands using the API no longer try to sign-in when a
non-rubygems API key has been chosen. Bug #826 by Ben Sedat.
* Updated documentation of Gem::Specification#executables to indicate that
only ruby scripts are allowed. Bug #830 by Geoff Nixon.
* Gem dependency API supports multiple platforms for #platform and #platforms
now. Bug #821 by johnny5-.
* Gem dependency API supports lockfiles without explicit sources. Bug #820 by
* Gem dependency API supports lockfiles with multiple sources. Bug #822 by
johnny5-, bug #851 by sumit shah.
* Gem dependency API supports lockfiles with git sources using branch, tag and
ref. Bug #822 by johnny5-, #931 by Christoph Blank.
* Gem dependency API no longer raises an exception when a gem does not exist
in one of the configured sources. Bug #897 by Michael Kaiser-Nyman.
* Gem dependency API no longer lists development dependencies in the lockfile.
Bug #768 by Diego Viola, #916 by Santiago Pastorino.
* SSL configuration entries in ~/.gemrc are properly round-tripped. Bug #837
by Noah Luck Easterly.
* The environment command now shows the system configuration directory where
the all-users gemrc lives. Bug #827 by Ben Langfeld.
* Improved speed of conflict checking when activating gems. Pull request #843
by Aaron Patterson.
* Improved speed of levenshtein distance for gem suggestion misspellings.
Pull requests #809, #812 by Aaron Patterson.
* Restored persistent connections. Pull request #869 by Aaron Patterson.
* Reduced requests when fetching gems with the bundler API. Pull request #773
by Charlie Somerville.
* Reduced dependency prefetching to improve install speed. Pull requests
#871, #872 by Matthew Draper.
* RubyGems now avoids net/http auto-proxy detection. Issue #824 by HINOHARA
* Removed conversion of Gem::List (used for debugging installs) to unless
necessary. Pull request #870 by Aaron Patterson.
* RubyGems now prints release notes from the current release. Bug #814 by
André Arko.
* RubyGems allows installation of unsigned gems again with -P MediumSecurity
and lower. Bug #859 by Justin S. Collins.
* Fixed typo in Jim Weirich's name. Ruby pull request #577 by Mo Khan.
* Fixed typo in Gem.datadir documentation. Pull request #868 by Patrick
* Fixed File.exists? warnings. Pull request #829 by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Fixed show_release_notes test for LANG=C. Issue #862 by Luis Lavena.
* Fixed Gem::Package from IO tests on windows. Patch from issue #861 by Luis
* Check for nil extensions as BasicSpecification does not initialize them.
Pull request #882 by André Arko.
* Fixed Gem::BasicSpecification#require_paths receives a String for
@require_paths. Pull requrest #904 by @danielpclark
* Fixed circular require warnings. Bug #908 by Zachary Scott.
* Gem::Specification#require_paths can no longer accidentally be an Array.
Pull requests #904, #909 by Daniel P. Clark.
* Don't build extensions if `build_dir/extensions` isn't writable.
Pull request #912 by @dunric
* Gem::BasicSpecification#require_paths respects default_ext_dir_for now. Bug
#852 by Vít Ondruch.
=== 2.2.2 / 2014-02-05
Bug fixes:
* Fixed ruby tests when BASERUBY is not set. Patch for #778 by Nobuyoshi
* Removed double requests in RemoteFetcher#cache_update_path to improve remote
install speed. Pull request #772 by Charlie Somerville.
* The mkmf.log is now placed next to gem_make.out when building extensions.
* `gem install -g --local` no longer accesses the network. Bug #776 by Jeremy
* RubyGems now correctly handles URL passwords with encoded characters. Pull
request #781 by Brian Fletcher.
* RubyGems now correctly escapes URL characters. Pull request #788 by Brian
* RubyGems can now unpack tar files where the type flag is not given. Pull
request #790 by Cody Russell.
* Typo corrections. Pull request ruby/ruby#506 by windwiny.
* RubyGems now uses both the default certificates and ssl_ca_cert instead of
one or the other. Pull request #795 by zebardy.
* RubyGems can now use the bundler API against hosted gem servers in a
directory. Pull request #801 by Brian Fletcher.
* RubyGems bin stubs now ignore non-versions. This allows RubyGems bin stubs
to list file names like "_foo_". Issue #799 by Postmodern.
* Restored behavior of Gem::Version::new when subclassed. Issue #805 by
Sergio Rubio.
RubyGems installed the following executables:
RubyGems system software updated
11:47:10 ~/Code/manageiq/vmdb (master) (2.1.5) + ruby -v; gem --version; bundle --version; time bundle install --without test:metric_fu:development:qpid --jobs 4
ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13 revision 48405) [x86_64-darwin13.0]
Bundler version 1.8.0
Fetching source index from
Fetching git://
Fetching git://
Fetching git://
Fetching git://
Fetching git://
Fetching git://
Fetching git://
Fetching git://
Fetching git://
Fetching git://
Installing Platform 0.4.0
Installing CFPropertyList 2.3.0
Installing rake 10.1.1
Installing multi_json 1.10.1
Installing i18n 0.7.0
Installing builder 3.0.4
Installing journey 1.0.4
Installing erubis 2.7.0
Installing rack 1.4.5
Installing hike 1.2.3
Installing tilt 1.4.1
Installing mime-types 1.25.1
Installing polyglot 0.3.5
Installing acts_as_list 0.1.9
Installing arel 3.0.3
Installing tzinfo 0.3.43
Installing american_date 1.1.0
Installing amq-protocol 1.9.2
Bundler::GemfileNotFound: Could not locate Gemfile
Installing little-plugger 1.1.3
Bundler::GemfileNotFound: Could not locate Gemfile
Installing sexp_processor 4.4.5
Bundler::GemfileNotFound: Could not locate Gemfile
Installing awesome_spawn 1.3.0
Bundler::GemfileNotFound: Could not locate Gemfile
Installing nokogiri 1.5.11
Installing bcrypt-ruby 3.0.1
Installing benchmark-ips 2.1.1
Installing json 1.8.2
Installing binary_struct 2.0.0
Installing commonjs 0.2.7
Installing color 1.7.1
Installing daemons 1.1.9
Installing default_value_for 2.0.3
Installing dalli 2.2.1
Installing get_process_mem 0.2.0
Installing memory_profiler 0.0.4
Installing elif 0.1.0
Installing execjs 2.3.0
Installing excon 0.44.2
Installing ezcrypto 0.7
Installing facade 1.0.6
Installing fast_gettext 0.9.2
Installing formatador 0.2.5
Installing net-ssh 2.9.2
Installing inflecto 0.0.2
Bundler::GemfileNotFound: Could not locate Gemfile
Installing ipaddress 0.8.0
Bundler::GemfileNotFound: Could not locate Gemfile
Installing oauth 0.4.7
Bundler::GemfileNotFound: Could not locate Gemfile
Installing ffi 1.9.6
Installing eventmachine 1.0.6
Installing netrc 0.10.2
Installing thor 0.19.1
Installing highline 1.6.21
Installing inifile 2.0.2
Using bundler 1.8.0
Installing httpclient
Installing recursive-open-struct 0.5.0
Bundler::GemfileNotFound: Could not locate Gemfile
Installing io-extra 1.2.6
Installing memoist 0.11.0
Using minitest 4.7.5
Installing log4r 1.1.8
Installing net-ping 1.7.7
Installing net-ldap 0.7.0
Installing nori 2.1.0
Installing open4 1.3.4
Installing parallel 0.5.21
Installing outfielding-jqplot-rails 1.0.8
Installing transaction-simple
Installing pg 0.12.2
Bundler::GemfileNotFound: Could not locate Gemfile
Installing psych 2.0.12
Installing ruby-progressbar 0.0.10
Installing ref 1.0.5
Using rubyrep 1.2.0 from git:// (at v1.2.0-2)
Installing rubyntlm 0.4.0
Installing rubyzip 0.9.5
Installing rufus-lru 1.0.5
Installing sass 3.1.20
Installing secure_headers 2.0.0
Installing simple-rss 1.3.1
Installing snmp 1.1.1
Installing trollop 1.16.2
Using ziya 2.3.0 from git:// (at v2.3.0-2)
Installing uuidtools 2.1.5
Installing fission 0.5.0
Using activesupport 3.2.17 from git:// (at vendored-3.2.17-13)
Installing fog-json 1.0.0
Installing gyoku 1.0.0
Installing rack-test 0.6.3
Installing rack-cache 1.2
Installing rack-ssl 1.3.4
Installing httpi 2.0.2
Installing sprockets 2.2.3
Installing haml 4.0.6
Installing rufus-scheduler 2.0.24
Installing treetop 1.4.15
Installing libv8
An error occurred while installing amq-protocol (1.9.2), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install amq-protocol -v '1.9.2'` succeeds before bundling.
bundle install --without test:metric_fu:development:qpid --jobs 4 45.19s user 19.53s system 24% cpu 4:24.82 total
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