List moved
Please use to fork and pull changes.
#!/bin/bash | |
set -e | |
git reflog -n100 --pretty='%cr|%gs' --grep-reflog='checkout: moving' HEAD | { | |
seen=":" | |
git_dir="$(git rev-parse --git-dir)" | |
while read line; do | |
date="${line%%|*}" | |
branch="${line##* }" | |
if ! [[ $seen == *:"${branch}":* ]]; then |
*.json diff=json |
List moved
Please use to fork and pull changes.
# This assumes you have the metric_fu and kablame plugins installed. | |
# For kablame I like to modify it to include your stories or features dir as well as the specs. | |
# Set the artifacts dir for development | |
ENV['CC_BUILD_ARTIFACTS'] ||= File.expand_path("#{RAILS_ROOT}/metrics") | |
rspec_base = File.expand_path("#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/rspec/lib") | |
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(rspec_base) if File.exist?(rspec_base) | |
require 'spec/rake/spectask' | |
require 'spec/rake/verify_rcov' |