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Last active December 11, 2015 04:49
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Web Services in Clojure, simple example. Both server and client.
(ns wsclj.core
(:import [javax.jws WebService])
(:import [ Endpoint]))
;; Based on a blog-comment by Jonathan Seltzer
(defprotocol Calculator
(hello [this yourname])
(add [this a b])
(append [this s1 s2]))
(deftype ^{WebService {:targetNamespace ""}}
CalcWeb []
(^{WebMethod []} hello [this yourname] (str "Hello, " yourname))
(^{WebMethod []} add [this a b] (+ a b) #_(let [result (+ a b)]
(println "Got" a (type a) "and" b (type b)
"-> will return" result (type result))
(^{WebMethod []} append [this a b] (let [result (str a b)]
(println "Got" a (type a) "and" b (type b)
"-> will return" result (type result))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [url "http://localhost:8080/calcWeb"
endpoint (Endpoint/publish url (CalcWeb.))]
(println "Do your thing, I am listening:" url)))
;; run the above, then in a separate terminal do this to act as a client:
;;wsimport is a JDK tool
$ wsimport -keep -verbose -d target/classes http://localhost:8080/calcWeb?wsdl
$ lein repl
(def my-service (com.example.wsclj_calculator.CalcWebService.))
(def my-proxy (.getCalcWebPort my-service))
(.add my-proxy 4 5)
(.append my-proxy "abc" "cde")
(.hello my-proxy "Jörg")
(time (last (pmap #(.add my-proxy % %) (range 1001))))
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