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Created February 24, 2013 18:27
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Homebrew formula for plan9port
require 'formula'
class Plan9port < Formula
homepage ''
url '', :using => :hg, :tag => '697c23cebcec'
version '20120603'
md5 '18993b6993950864f7fb95f73ac47168'
head '', :using => :hg
keg_only "plan9port includes system programs like 'cat' and 'awk', and you may not want to override their OS X equivalents."
def install
ohai "Compiling plan9port ..."
system './INSTALL -b'
prefix.install Dir['*']
def test
# Finish the compilation / install process in the target directory.
# plan9port rewites shebang lines to point to the final install dir.
system "./INSTALL -c"
def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
Add these to your profile environment when you want to use plan9port programs.
PLAN9=#{prefix}; export PLAN9
PATH=$PATH:$PLAN9/bin; export PATH
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why didn't this get submitted to the official repository?

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If this works, please submit it, that'd be nice.

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