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Created January 8, 2024 22:15
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Demo of plotting using pyromat
import pyromat as pm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def ismultiphase(subst):
"""Test whether the PYroMat substance instance is a multi-phase model
:param subst: A PYroMat substance instance
:return True/False:
# Explicitly list the supported classes
# This was my favorite of a few candidate algorithms. It is quick,
# it ensures that the instance will have the correct property
# methods (which is really what you want to test for), and it will
# be immune from creating strange new substance models in the future.
testfor = ['mp1']
for thisclass in testfor:
if isinstance(subst, pm.reg.registry[thisclass]):
return True
return False
# There are a few other candidate algorithms we could consider:
# 1) We could test the substance's collection from its id string
# This has advantages if we ever add ideal liquid, solid, or
# other substance collections.
# 2) We could test for a complete list of mandatory property methods
# This would ensure compatibility with the algorithm, but it
# would be slower.
# 3) We could test for a single candidate property method (like ps)
# This isn't bad, but it's prone to problems if we aren't careful
# down the line. However unlikely, it's possible that we'll make
# a new substance model with ps() that has a different meaning.
def get_practical_limits(subst):
"""Return practical temperature and pressure boundaries for a substance
Tmin,pmin,Tmax,pmax = get_practical_limits( subst )
Temeprature limits are always set based on the substance's Tlim() method,
but ideal gas substance models have no explicit pressure limits, and
most multi-phase minimum pressures are zero. If the substance is a
multiphase instance with zero minimum pressure, 10% of the triple point
is used. Ideal gas models use the pressure at T=Tmin,d=0.01 and T=Tmax,
if ismultiphase(subst):
pmin, pmax = subst.plim()
Tt, pt = subst.triple()
if pmin == 0:
pmin = 0.1 * pt
Tmin, Tmax = subst.Tlim()
Tmin, Tmax = subst.Tlim()
pmin, pmax = np.array(
[subst.p(T=Tmin, d=0.01), subst.p(T=Tmax, d=1000)]).flatten()
peps_hi, peps_lo = 0.01 * pmax, pmin
Teps = 0.001 * (Tmax - Tmin)
return Tmin + Teps, pmin + peps_lo, Tmax - Teps, pmax - peps_hi
def get_default_lines(subst, prop):
Get a default set of isolines for a given property.
:param subst: A pyromat substance object
:param prop: A string representing the requested property
:return: vals - a np array of suitable default values.
if not hasattr(subst, prop):
raise pm.utility.PMParamError(f"{subst} has no such property: {prop}")
vals = None
multiphase = hasattr(subst, 'ps')
Tmin, pmin, Tmax, pmax = get_practical_limits(subst)
if multiphase:
Tt, pt = subst.triple()
if prop == 'p':
vals = np.logspace(np.log10(pmin), np.log10(pmax), 10)
elif prop == 'T':
vals = np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax, 10)
elif prop == 'x':
vals = np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 9)
elif prop in ['v', 'd', 'h', 'e', 's']:
pfn = getattr(subst, prop)
try: # Finding the low value can be flaky for some substances
propmin = pfn(T=Tmin, p=pmax)
except pm.utility.PMParamError:
if multiphase:
pfns = getattr(subst, prop + 's')
propmin = pfns(T=Tt)[0]
propmin = pfn(T=Tmin, p=pmin)
propmax = pfn(T=Tmax, p=pmin)
if prop == 'v':
vals = np.logspace(np.log10(propmin), np.log10(propmax), 10)
elif prop == 'd': # Inverse of v means max and min flip
vals = np.logspace(np.log10(propmax), np.log10(propmin), 10)
vals = np.linspace(propmin, propmax, 10)
raise pm.utility.PMParamError(f'Default Lines Undefined for {prop}.')
return vals
def compute_iso_line(subst, n=25, scaling='linear', **kwargs):
Compute a constant line for a given property at a given value
:param subst: a pyromat substance object
:param n: The number of points to compute to define the line
:param scaling: Should point spacing be 'linear' or 'log'
:param kwargs: A property specified by name. If 'default' is specified in
kwargs, the value of the prop will be ignored and a set
of default lines for that prop will be computed (see
:return: A dict containing arrays of properties. If 'default' flag is set
the response will be an array of dicts representing all the
individual lines.
# Keep track of whether the users want the defaults
default_mode = False
if 'default' in kwargs:
kwargs.pop('default') # remove from prop list
default_mode = True
# Test the legality of inputs
if len(kwargs) != 1:
raise pm.utility.PMParamError("Specify exactly one property "
"for an isoline")
# We now definitely have only a single property, so pull its name
prop = list(kwargs.keys())[0]
# If the user wants multiple lines, we'll behave differently
multiline = None
if default_mode:
# In default_mode, we'll get the default lines for the substance
multiline = get_default_lines(subst, prop)
elif hasattr(kwargs[prop], "__iter__") and np.size(kwargs[prop]) > 1:
# The user might have also submitted an array to ask for multiple lines
multiline = kwargs[prop]
# If we're looking for multiples, compute each by recursion
if multiline is not None:
lines = []
for val in multiline:
arg = {prop: val} # Build an argument
lines.append(compute_iso_line(subst, n, scaling, **arg))
except pm.utility.PMParamError:
# This may error if stuff is out of bounds, just skip that line
return lines
# We were asked for a single line, so begin computations for that line
# Set P&T limits, including special cases for multiphase
multiphase = hasattr(subst, 'Ts')
Tmin, pmin, Tmax, pmax = get_practical_limits(subst)
if multiphase:
Tc, pc = subst.critical()
Tt, pt = subst.triple()
# The props for which we will plot against a T list
if prop in ['p', 'd', 'v', 's', 'x']:
# If quality, we stop at the crit pt
if 'x' in kwargs:
if multiphase:
Tmax = Tc
raise pm.utility.PMParamError('x cannot be computed for non-'
'multiphase substances.')
line_T = np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax, n).flatten()
# We can insert the phase change points
if multiphase and 'p' in kwargs and pc > kwargs['p'] > pt:
Tsat = subst.Ts(p=kwargs['p'])
i_insert = np.argmax(line_T > Tsat)
line_T = np.insert(line_T, i_insert,
np.array([Tsat, Tsat]).flatten())
x = -np.ones_like(line_T)
x[line_T == Tsat] = np.array([0, 1])
kwargs['x'] = x
kwargs['T'] = line_T
elif prop in ['h', 'e']:
try: # Finding the low value can be flaky for some substances
dmax = subst.d(T=Tmin, p=pmax)
except pm.utility.PMParamError:
if multiphase:
dmax = subst.ds(T=Tt)[0]
dmax = subst.d(T=Tmin, p=pmin)
dmin = subst.d(T=Tmax, p=pmin)
line_d = np.logspace(np.log10(dmin), np.log10(dmax), n).flatten()
# line_d = np.linspace(dmin, dmax, n)
kwargs['d'] = line_d
elif prop in ['T', 'h', 'e']:
# ph & pe are going to be really slow, but what's better?
line_p = np.logspace(np.log10(pmin), np.log10(pmax), n).flatten()
# We can insert the phase change points
if multiphase and 'T' in kwargs and Tc > kwargs['T'] > Tt:
psat =['T'])
i_insert = np.argmax(line_p > psat)
line_p = np.insert(line_p, i_insert,
np.array([psat, psat]).flatten())
x = -np.ones_like(line_p)
x[line_p == psat] = np.array([1, 0])
kwargs['x'] = x
kwargs['p'] = line_p
else: # Should never arrive here without error
raise pm.utility.PMParamError('property invalid')
states = subst.state(**kwargs)
return states
def compute_steam_dome(subst):
Tc, pc, dc = subst.critical(density=True)
Tt, pt = subst.triple()
# Use an epsilon, we'll manually add the critical point later
ep = (Tc - Tt) * .01
Ts = np.linspace(Tt + ep, Tc - ep, 31)
data = {}
# OK, we've got Ts - go calculate the state
dsL, dsV = subst.ds(T=Ts)
data['liquid'] = subst.state(T=Ts, d=dsL)
data['vapor'] = subst.state(T=Ts, d=dsV)
# Throw away the liquid pressure - it is not numerically correct.
data['liquid']['p'] = data['vapor']['p']
crit_state = subst.state(p=pc, d=dc)
for prop in crit_state:
data['liquid'][prop] = \
np.append(data['liquid'][prop], crit_state[prop])
data['vapor'][prop] = \
np.append(data['vapor'][prop], crit_state[prop])
return data
if __name__ == "__main__":
water = pm.get("mp.H2O")
sd_data = compute_steam_dome(water)
plt.xlabel('s (kJ/kg-K)')
plt.ylabel('T (K)')
# Steam Dome
for line in ['liquid', 'vapor']:
plt.plot(sd_data[line]['s'], sd_data[line]['T'], 'k-')
# P isolines
for line in compute_iso_line(water, p=0, n=25, default=True):
plt.plot(line['s'], line['T'], 'r-')
# v isolines
for line in compute_iso_line(water, v=0, n=25, default=True):
plt.plot(line['s'], line['T'], 'b-')
# h isolines
for line in compute_iso_line(water, h=0, n=25, default=True):
plt.plot(line['s'], line['T'], 'g-')
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