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Last active July 16, 2020 22:04
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TextField override that makes sure the emptyText displays when grow: true is used on a field
Ext.define(null, {
override: 'Ext.form.field.Text',
* Override that makes sure to display the emptyText
* and adds the padding and margin of the inputEl
autoSize: function () {
var me = this,
triggers, triggerId, triggerWidth, inputEl, width, value;
if (me.grow && me.rendered && me.getSizeModel() {
inputEl = me.inputEl;
triggers = me.getTriggers();
triggerWidth = 0;
value = Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(
// OVERRIDE start
// me.getGrowWidth() || (me.hasFocus ? '' : me.emptyText) || ''
me.getGrowWidth() || me.emptyText
// Translate spaces to non-breaking spaces
value = value.replace(/\s/g, ' ');
for (triggerId in triggers) {
if (, triggerId)) {
triggerWidth += triggers[triggerId].el.getWidth();
width = inputEl.getTextWidth(value) + triggerWidth +
// The element that has the border depends on theme - inputWrap (classic)
// or triggerWrap (neptune)
me.inputWrap.getBorderWidth('lr') + me.triggerWrap.getBorderWidth('lr') +
// OVERRIDE start - adds in the inputEl's left/right margin
width = width + inputEl.getMargin('lr');
width = Math.min(Math.max(width, me.growMin), me.growMax);
me.fireEvent('autosize', me, width);
* Override that returns either the current input value or the value of this.emptyText
* based on which string is the longest. This will then make the autoSize method will
* keep an input field at least as wide as the empty text is.
getGrowWidth: function() {
var val = this.inputEl.dom.value;
// this.inputEl.dom.value;
return val.length < this.emptyText.length ? this.emptyText : val;
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