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Last active January 31, 2024 17:12
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TimescaleDB on AWS


  • SSH in: ssh -i ~/.ssh/KEY-PAIR.pem ubuntu@HOSTNAME

  • Switch to the postgres user: sudo -u postgres -s

  • The config directory is /etc/postgresql/12/main/.

    • in postgresql.conf, change listen_addresses = '*'
    • in pg_hba.conf, add host all all YOUR-IP-ADDRESS/32 md5
    • Run psql then ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'newPassword'; to set a password.
    • Run timescaledb-tune to tune for the VM.
  • Run pg_ctlcluster 12 main reload to reload / Run sudo service postgresql restart to restart.

  • In AWS EC2: create a security group for PostgreSQL, allowing inbound port 5432.

  • Install and configure pgAdmin with the above password.

Database Setup

CREATE TABLE sensors (
  timestamp    timestamptz    NOT NULL,
  -- %
  air_humidity_percent    real,
  soil_moisture_percent    real,
  outdoor_humidity_percent    real,
  -- PPFD
  light_ppfd    real,
  -- °C
  air_temp_degc    real,
  soil_temp_degc    real,
  outdoor_temp_degc    real,
  -- boolean
  light_ison    boolean, 
  window_isopen    boolean
SELECT create_hypertable('sensors', 'timestamp');
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