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Last active August 19, 2016 17:04
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  • Save jrdmcgr/3eca10d05f3b02d424d6c9cf684b6b53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jrdmcgr/3eca10d05f3b02d424d6c9cf684b6b53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Packer Issue
2016/08/19 12:51:36 [INFO] Packer version: 0.10.1
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Built with Go Version: go1.6.2
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/jmcguire
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for null
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for docker
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for openstack
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for azure-arm
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for file
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for qemu
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for shell
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for ansible
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for file
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for powershell
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for artifice
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for atlas
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for compress
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/jmcguire
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Attempting to open config file: /Users/jmcguire/.packerconfig
2016/08/19 12:51:36 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /Users/jmcguire/.packerconfig
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[amazon-ebs:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs amazon-instance:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance openstack:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack azure-arm:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-azure-arm virtualbox-ovf:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf vmware-iso:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso file:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file vmware-vmx:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx parallels-iso:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso digitalocean:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean parallels-pvm:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm qemu:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu null:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null virtualbox-iso:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso amazon-chroot:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot docker:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker googlecompute:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute] PostProcessors:map[compress:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress docker-push:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push docker-tag:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag vagrant-cloud:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud vsphere:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere amazon-import:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import vagrant:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant atlas:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-atlas artifice:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice docker-import:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import docker-save:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save shell-local:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local] Provisioners:map[ansible:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible ansible-local:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local chef-client:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client powershell:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell salt-masterless:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless puppet-masterless:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless shell-local:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local shell:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell windows-shell:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell file:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file puppet-server:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server windows-restart:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart chef-solo:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo]}
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Setting cache directory: /Users/jmcguire/Desktop/packer-test/packer_cache
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/jmcguire
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Loading builder: virtualbox-iso
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Current exe path: /usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Creating plugin client for path: /usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Starting plugin: /usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer []string{"/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-builder-virtualbox-iso"}
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 [INFO] Packer version: 0.10.1
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Built with Go Version: go1.6.2
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/jmcguire
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for docker
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for openstack
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for null
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for file
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for azure-arm
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for qemu
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for shell
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for file
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for ansible
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for powershell
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for compress
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for atlas
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Using internal plugin for artifice
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/jmcguire
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Attempting to open config file: /Users/jmcguire/.packerconfig
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /Users/jmcguire/.packerconfig
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[amazon-ebs:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs null:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null openstack:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack parallels-iso:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso file:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file googlecompute:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute amazon-instance:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance parallels-pvm:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm azure-arm:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-azure-arm qemu:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu vmware-vmx:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx virtualbox-ovf:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf digitalocean:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean docker:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker virtualbox-iso:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso amazon-chroot:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot vmware-iso:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso] PostProcessors:map[docker-push:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push docker-tag:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag shell-local:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local vagrant:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant vsphere:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere vagrant-cloud:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud amazon-import:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import docker-import:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import artifice:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice compress:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress docker-save:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save atlas:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-atlas] Provisioners:map[windows-restart:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart windows-shell:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell salt-masterless:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless ansible:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible ansible-local:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local puppet-server:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server shell:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell chef-client:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client chef-solo:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo file:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file puppet-masterless:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless shell-local:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local powershell:/usr/local/Cellar/packer/0.10.1/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell]}
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Setting cache directory: /Users/jmcguire/Desktop/packer-test/packer_cache
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 args: []string{"packer-builder-virtualbox-iso"}
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/jmcguire
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Plugin address: unix /var/folders/gh/wc4wnf8x2d5c0f3xvsyl5yvc0000gp/T/packer-plugin966931867
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Waiting for connection...
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Serving a plugin connection...
2016/08/19 12:51:36 ui: virtualbox output will be in this color.
2016/08/19 12:51:36 ui:
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Build debug mode: false
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Force build: false
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Preparing build: virtualbox
virtualbox output will be in this color.
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Waiting on builds to complete...
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Starting build run: virtualbox
2016/08/19 12:51:36 Running builder: virtualbox-iso
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 VBoxManage path: /usr/local/bin/VBoxManage
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 VBoxManage --version output: 5.0.26r108824
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 VirtualBox version: 5.0.26
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Found Default Guest Additions ISO: /Applications/
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Guest additions URL: file:///Applications/
2016/08/19 12:51:36 ui: ==> virtualbox: Downloading or copying Guest additions
==> virtualbox: Downloading or copying Guest additions
2016/08/19 12:51:36 ui:  virtualbox: Downloading or copying: file:///Applications/
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Acquiring lock to download: file:///Applications/
 virtualbox: Downloading or copying: file:///Applications/
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Parsed URL: &url.URL{Scheme:"file", Opaque:"", User:(*url.Userinfo)(nil), Host:"", Path:"/Applications/", RawPath:"", RawQuery:"", Fragment:""}
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 [DEBUG] Using local file: /Applications/
2016/08/19 12:51:36 ui: ==> virtualbox: Downloading or copying ISO
==> virtualbox: Downloading or copying ISO
2016/08/19 12:51:36 ui:  virtualbox: Downloading or copying: file:///Users/jmcguire/Desktop/packer-test/ubuntu/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Acquiring lock to download: file:///Users/jmcguire/Desktop/packer-test/ubuntu/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso
 virtualbox: Downloading or copying: file:///Users/jmcguire/Desktop/packer-test/ubuntu/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Parsed URL: &url.URL{Scheme:"file", Opaque:"", User:(*url.Userinfo)(nil), Host:"", Path:"/Users/jmcguire/Desktop/packer-test/ubuntu/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso", RawPath:"", RawQuery:"", Fragment:""}
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 [DEBUG] Using local file: /Users/jmcguire/Desktop/packer-test/ubuntu/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso
2016/08/19 12:51:36 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:36 Verifying checksum of /Users/jmcguire/Desktop/packer-test/ubuntu/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 No floppy files specified. Floppy disk will not be made.
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 Trying port: 8329
2016/08/19 12:51:37 ui: ==> virtualbox: Starting HTTP server on port 8329
==> virtualbox: Starting HTTP server on port 8329
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 Suppressing annoying messages in VirtualBox
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"setextradata", "global", "GUI/RegistrationData", "triesLeft=0"}
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"setextradata", "global", "GUI/SuppressMessages", "confirmInputCapture,remindAboutAutoCapture,remindAboutMouseIntegrationOff,remindAboutMouseIntegrationOn,remindAboutWrongColorDepth"}
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"setextradata", "global", "GUI/UpdateCheckCount", "60"}
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"setextradata", "global", "GUI/UpdateDate", "1 d, 2017-01-01, stable"}
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:37 ui: ==> virtualbox: Creating virtual machine...
==> virtualbox: Creating virtual machine...
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"createvm", "--name", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "--ostype", "Ubuntu_64", "--register"}
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 stdout: Virtual machine 'packer-virtualbox-1471625496' is created and registered.
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: UUID: aa8502b9-12ce-478c-8b9c-a62b8ebaad0a
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: Settings file: '/Users/jmcguire/VirtualBox VMs/packer-virtualbox-1471625496/packer-virtualbox-1471625496.vbox'
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"modifyvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "--boot1", "disk", "--boot2", "dvd", "--boot3", "none", "--boot4", "none"}
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:37 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:37 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"modifyvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "--cpus", "1"}
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"modifyvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "--memory", "512"}
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 ui: ==> virtualbox: Creating hard drive...
==> virtualbox: Creating hard drive...
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"createhd", "--filename", "output-virtualbox/packer-virtualbox-1471625496.vdi", "--size", "40000", "--format", "VDI", "--variant", "Standard"}
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stdout: Medium created. UUID: 8d7dc642-e53e-4447-8256-385e7ad949a0
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stderr: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"storagectl", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "--name", "IDE Controller", "--add", "ide"}
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"storageattach", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "--storagectl", "IDE Controller", "--port", "0", "--device", "0", "--type", "hdd", "--medium", "output-virtualbox/packer-virtualbox-1471625496.vdi"}
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"storageattach", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "--storagectl", "IDE Controller", "--port", "0", "--device", "1", "--type", "dvddrive", "--medium", "/Users/jmcguire/Desktop/packer-test/ubuntu/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso"}
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Not attaching guest additions since we're uploading.
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Looking for available port between 5900 and 6000
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Trying port: 5947
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"modifyvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "--vrdeaddress", "", "--vrdeauthtype", "null", "--vrde", "on", "--vrdeport", "5947"}
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 No floppy disk, not attaching.
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Looking for available communicator (SSH, WinRM, etc) port between 2222 and 4444
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Trying port: 3460
2016/08/19 12:51:38 ui: ==> virtualbox: Creating forwarded port mapping for communicator (SSH, WinRM, etc) (host port 3460)
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"modifyvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "--natpf1", "packercomm,tcp,,3460,,22"}
==> virtualbox: Creating forwarded port mapping for communicator (SSH, WinRM, etc) (host port 3460)
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:38 ui: ==> virtualbox: Starting the virtual machine...
2016/08/19 12:51:38 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:38 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"startvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "--type", "gui"}
==> virtualbox: Starting the virtual machine...
2016/08/19 12:51:39 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:39 stdout: Waiting for VM "packer-virtualbox-1471625496" to power on...
2016/08/19 12:51:39 packer: VM "packer-virtualbox-1471625496" has been successfully started.
2016/08/19 12:51:39 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:39 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:39 ui: ==> virtualbox: Waiting 10s for boot...
==> virtualbox: Waiting 10s for boot...
2016/08/19 12:51:49 ui: ==> virtualbox: Typing the boot command...
==> virtualbox: Typing the boot command...
2016/08/19 12:51:49 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:49 Special code '<enter>' found, replacing with: [1c 9c]
2016/08/19 12:51:49 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:49 Special code <wait> found, will sleep 1 second at this point.
2016/08/19 12:51:49 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:49 Special code '<f6>' found, replacing with: [40 c0]
2016/08/19 12:51:49 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:49 Special code '<esc>' found, replacing with: [01 81]
2016/08/19 12:51:49 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:49 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1c"}
2016/08/19 12:51:49 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:49 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:49 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:49 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:49 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:49 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9c"}
2016/08/19 12:51:49 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:49 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:49 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:49 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "40"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "c0"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "01"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "81"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:50 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:50 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:51 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:51 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:52 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:52 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:53 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:53 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: [0e 8e]
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:54 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:54 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'i', code '[17 97]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 's', code '[1f 9f]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'v', code '[2f af]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'm', code '[32 b2]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'i', code '[17 97]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'u', code '[16 96]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'z', code '[2c ac]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'p', code '[19 99]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'i', code '[17 97]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char 'c', code '[2e ae]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "35"}
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:55 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:55 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b5"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "17"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "97"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "35"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b5"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2f"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "af"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "32"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b2"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "17"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "97"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "16"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "96"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2c"}
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:56 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:56 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "ac"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "39"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b9"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "19"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "99"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "17"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "97"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2e"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "ae"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "39"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b9"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'p', code '[19 99]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 's', code '[1f 9f]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'u', code '[16 96]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '=', code '[0d 8d]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'h', code '[23 a3]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'p', code '[19 99]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char ':', code '[2a 27 aa a7]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '1', code '[02 82]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '0', code '[0b 8b]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '.', code '[34 b4]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '0', code '[0b 8b]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '.', code '[34 b4]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '2', code '[03 83]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '.', code '[34 b4]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '2', code '[03 83]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char ':', code '[2a 27 aa a7]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '8', code '[09 89]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '3', code '[04 84]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '2', code '[03 83]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '9', code '[0a 8a]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'p', code '[19 99]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 's', code '[1f 9f]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char '.', code '[34 b4]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'c', code '[2e ae]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'f', code '[21 a1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char 'g', code '[22 a2]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "19"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "99"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "13"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "93"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:57 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:57 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "35"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b5"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "16"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "96"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "13"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "93"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0d"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8d"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "23"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a3"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "19"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "99"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2a"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "27"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "aa"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a7"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "35"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b5"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "35"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b5"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "02"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "82"}
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:58 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:58 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0b"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8b"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "34"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b4"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0b"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8b"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "34"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b4"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "03"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "83"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "34"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b4"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "03"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "83"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2a"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "27"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "aa"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a7"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "09"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "89"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "04"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "84"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "03"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "83"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0a"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8a"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "35"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b5"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "19"}
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:51:59 packer: 2016/08/19 12:51:59 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "99"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "13"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "93"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "34"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b4"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "ae"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "21"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "22"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a2"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "39"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b9"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'b', code '[30 b0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'i', code '[17 97]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char '-', code '[0c 8c]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'i', code '[17 97]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 's', code '[1f 9f]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char '=', code '[0d 8d]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char '_', code '[2a 0c aa 8c]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'U', code '[2a 16 aa 96]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'S', code '[2a 1f aa 9f]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'u', code '[16 96]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'c', code '[2e ae]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char '=', code '[0d 8d]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char '_', code '[2a 0c aa 8c]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'U', code '[2a 16 aa 96]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'S', code '[2a 1f aa 9f]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'k', code '[25 a5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'b', code '[30 b0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char '-', code '[0c 8c]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'c', code '[2e ae]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'h', code '[23 a3]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 's', code '[1f 9f]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'm', code '[32 b2]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'h', code '[23 a3]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char '=', code '[0d 8d]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 'u', code '[16 96]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char 's', code '[1f 9f]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "30"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "17"}
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:00 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:00 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "97"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "17"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "97"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "13"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "93"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:01 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:01 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2a"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "aa"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2a"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "16"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "aa"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "96"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2a"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "aa"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "39"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b9"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "16"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "96"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "39"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b9"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:02 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:02 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "ae"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2a"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "aa"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2a"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "16"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "aa"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "96"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2a"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "aa"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "39"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b9"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "25"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a5"}
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:03 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:03 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "30"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "ae"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "23"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a3"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "13"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "93"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "35"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b5"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "32"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b2"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "23"}
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:04 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:04 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a3"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "16"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "96"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "39"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b9"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'h', code '[23 a3]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 's', code '[1f 9f]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'm', code '[32 b2]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char '=', code '[0d 8d]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'c', code '[2e ae]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'h', code '[23 a3]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 's', code '[1f 9f]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "23"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a3"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "32"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b2"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:05 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:05 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "ae"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "23"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a3"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "39"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b9"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'g', code '[22 a2]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'u', code '[16 96]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'b', code '[30 b0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char '-', code '[0c 8c]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'i', code '[17 97]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 's', code '[1f 9f]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'b', code '[30 b0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'v', code '[2f af]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char '=', code '[0d 8d]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'v', code '[2f af]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 's', code '[1f 9f]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Special code <wait> found, will sleep 1 second at this point.
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "22"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a2"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "13"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "93"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "16"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "96"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "30"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:06 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:06 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "17"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "97"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "13"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "93"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "35"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b5"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "30"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:07 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:07 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "af"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "35"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b5"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "af"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "35"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b5"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:08 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:08 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "39"}
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b9"}
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'f', code '[21 a1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'b', code '[30 b0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char '=', code '[0d 8d]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'f', code '[21 a1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 's', code '[1f 9f]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'b', code '[30 b0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'c', code '[2e ae]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'f', code '[21 a1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'f', code '[21 a1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char '=', code '[0d 8d]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'i', code '[17 97]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'c', code '[2e ae]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'i', code '[17 97]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'v', code '[2f af]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "21"}
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:09 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:09 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "30"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "21"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "39"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b9"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "30"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "ae"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "21"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:10 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:10 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "35"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b5"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "21"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "13"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "93"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "17"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "97"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:11 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:11 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "13"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "93"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "ae"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "17"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "97"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "af"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "39"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b9"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'k', code '[25 a5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'y', code '[15 95]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'b', code '[30 b0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char '-', code '[0c 8c]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'c', code '[2e ae]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'f', code '[21 a1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'i', code '[17 97]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'g', code '[22 a2]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'u', code '[16 96]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'i', code '[17 97]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'm', code '[32 b2]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'c', code '[2e ae]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char '=', code '[0d 8d]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'S', code '[2a 1f aa 9f]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'K', code '[2a 25 aa a5]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'I', code '[2a 17 aa 97]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'P', code '[2a 19 aa 99]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'k', code '[25 a5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'e', code '[12 92]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'y', code '[15 95]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'b', code '[30 b0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'd', code '[20 a0]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char '-', code '[0c 8c]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'c', code '[2e ae]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'f', code '[21 a1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'i', code '[17 97]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'g', code '[22 a2]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'u', code '[16 96]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'r', code '[13 93]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'i', code '[17 97]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'n', code '[31 b1]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char '/', code '[35 b5]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'l', code '[26 a6]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'a', code '[1e 9e]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'y', code '[15 95]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'o', code '[18 98]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'u', code '[16 96]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 't', code '[14 94]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char '=', code '[0d 8d]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'U', code '[2a 16 aa 96]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'S', code '[2a 1f aa 9f]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char 'A', code '[2a 1e aa 9e]', shift true
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Sending char ' ', code '[39 b9]', shift false
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "25"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a5"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "15"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "95"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "30"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:12 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:12 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "13"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "93"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "ae"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "21"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "17"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "97"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "22"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a2"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "16"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "96"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "13"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "93"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "14"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "94"}
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:13 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:13 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "17"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "97"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "31"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b1"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "35"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b5"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "32"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b2"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "26"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a6"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "ae"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8d"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2a"}
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:14 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:14 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "aa"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9f"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2a"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "25"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "aa"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a5"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2a"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "17"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "aa"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "97"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2a"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "19"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "aa"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "99"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "39"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b9"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "25"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a5"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "12"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "92"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "15"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "95"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "30"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "b0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "1e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "9e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "13"}
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:15 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:15 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "93"}
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "20"}
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "a0"}
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "0c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "8c"}
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "2e"}
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "ae"}
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "18"}
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stdout:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 stderr:
2016/08/19 12:52:16 packer: 2016/08/19 12:52:16 Executing VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-1471625496", "keyboardputscancode", "98"}