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Last active January 22, 2018 11:07
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  • Save jredfox/e48a36fd162fa63ad112eea57a276a67 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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<resourceMessege>"§l§1✽§r§l§f `int` resources §1✽"</resourceMessege><!--the carrot is a characater flag in string to alter the string later for unicode and int-->
<!--allows for differnt mobs as villagers and different nbt per villager-->
<mode>"rnd"</mode><!--also allows for true/false-->
<pos>"0,0,0"</pos><!--pos for the mobs-->
<hasTimeLimit>false</hasTimeLimit><!--infinite time? if not will kill wave mobs at end of ticks-->
<timeLimit>9600</timeLimit><!--Saves as Long-->
<lastWave>-1</lastWave><!--if != -1 will have a limited amount of waves-->
<teamblock>"minecraft:wool"</teamblock><!--block where the team logo is for example purple wool-->
<teamblock>"minecraft:wool"</teamblock><!--what block for others to know what base they at-->
<!--Defaults at 9x3 for guis-->
<!--makes you specify what block to display along with meta-->
<Name>"§7Team: `color`Green"</Name>
<Name>"§7Team: `color`Yellow"</Name>
<Name>"§7Team: `color`Red"</Name>
<Name>"§7Team: `color`Blue"</Name>
<!--to add the first player add 3:"", to the lore in memory otherwise just add it to the end of the list in memory-->
<nbt>{HideFlags:63,display:{Lore:[0:"§7You can vote",1:"§7for weather, that will be",2:"§7during the game.",3:"",4:"§9⚑ §7MimoPetar25",],Name:"§r§a§lWeather: §r§b§l§r§aSunny",},}</nbt>
<nbt>{HideFlags:63,display:{Lore:[0:"§7You can vote",1:"§7for weather, that will be",2:"§7during the game.",],Name:"§r§a§lWeather: §r§b§l§r§aRainy",},}</nbt>
<!--time of day, sunset,nighttime,daytime-->
<!--to add the first player add 3:"", to the lore in memory otherwise just add it to the end of the list in memory-->
<nbt>{HideFlags:63,display:{Lore:[0:"§7You can vote",1:"§7In time, when you",2:"§7are in game.",],Name:"§r§a§lTime: §r§a§l§r§a§lDay",},} </nbt>
<nbt>{HideFlags:63,display:{Lore:[0:"§7You can vote",1:"§7In time, when you",2:"§7are in game.",],Name:"§r§a§lTime: §r§a§l§r§a§lNight",},}</nbt>
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