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Last active September 19, 2016 13:46
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build service dependency chain
require "yaml"
require "cheetah"
require "pp"
require "rexml/document"
class Package
attr_accessor :layer, :name, :depends, :time, :total_time
def initialize(name, depends)
@name = name
@layer = -1
@depends = depends
@time = -1
@total_time = 0
def get_packages(project, build_target, arch)
output = "osc", "dependson", project, build_target, arch, stdout: :capture
res = {}
current_pkg = nil
current_deps = []
output.lines.each do |line|
case line
when /^(\S+) :$/
res[current_pkg] =, current_deps) if current_pkg
current_pkg = $1
current_deps = []
when /^\s+(\S+)$/
current_deps << $1
raise "unknown line '#{line}'"
res[current_pkg] =, current_deps) if current_pkg
def compute_layers(packages)
dependencies = Hash[{ |p| [, p.depends]}]
current_layer = 0
while(!dependencies.empty?) do
pkgs_for_layer ={ |k,v| v.empty? }.keys
pkgs_for_layer.each do |pkg|
packages[pkg].layer = current_layer
dependencies.keep_if { |k, v| !pkgs_for_layer.include?(k) }
dependencies.each_pair { |k, v| dependencies[k] = v - pkgs_for_layer }
current_layer += 1
def compute_time(packages, project, target, arch)
Dir.chdir("/tmp") do
packages.values.each do |pkg|
puts "Obtaining build time for #{}" "osc", "-v", "getbinaries", project,, target, arch, "_statistics"
next unless File.exist? "/tmp/binaries/_statistics"
doc ="/tmp/binaries/_statistics")
pkg.time = doc.root.elements["times/total/time"].text.to_i "rm", "-rf", "binaries"
def compute_min_time(packages)
pkgs_by_layer = packages.values.sort_by{ |p| p.layer }
pkgs_by_layer.each do |pkg|
slowest_dep = pkg.depends.max_by { |p| packages[p].time }
dep_time = slowest_dep ? packages[slowest_dep].time : 0
pkg.total_time = dep_time + pkg.time
def print_yaml(output_file, packages)
result_map = {}
result_map["critical path"] = {}
critical_pkg = packages.values.max_by { |p| p.total_time }
result_map["critical path"]["total time"] = critical_pkg.total_time
result_deps = []
to_process = critical_pkg
while(to_process) do
result_deps << "#{} [#{to_process.time}s]"
next_dep = to_process.depends.max_by { |p| packages[p].total_time }
to_process = next_dep ? packages[next_dep] : nil
result_map["critical path"]["path"] = result_deps
max_layer = packages.values.max_by { |p| p.layer }.layer
result_map["layers"] = {}
(0..max_layer).each { |l| result_map["layers"][l] = [] }
packages.each do |name, pkg|
result_map["layers"][pkg.layer] << name
result_map["dependencies"] = Hash[ { |p| ["#{} ~ #{p.time}s", { |d| "#{d} [#{packages[d].layer}]" }]}]
File.write(output_file, result_map.to_yaml)
project, target, arch, output_file = ARGV
raise "Usage: $0 <obs_project> <obs_build_target> <arch> <output_file>" unless output_file
packages = get_packages(project, target, arch)
compute_time(packages, project, target, arch)
print_yaml(output_file, packages)
critical path:
total time: 914
- yast2-auth-server [261s]
- yast2-storage [209s]
- yast2-perl-bindings [236s]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [181s]
- libyui-ncurses [412s]
- libyui [263s]
- SUSEConnect
- aytests-tests
- kupdateapplet
- libstorage
- libxkbcommon-sle12
- libyui
- libzypp
- perl-Bootloader
- rubygem-ast
- rubygem-astrolabe
- rubygem-aytests
- rubygem-byebug
- rubygem-cfa
- rubygem-cfa_grub2
- rubygem-childprocess
- rubygem-coveralls
- rubygem-docile
- rubygem-docker-api
- rubygem-domain_name
- rubygem-excon
- rubygem-gettext
- rubygem-http-cookie
- rubygem-iniparse
- rubygem-libyui-rake
- rubygem-locale
- rubygem-mime-types
- rubygem-mime-types-1
- rubygem-netrc
- rubygem-overcommit
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks
- rubygem-parser
- rubygem-powerpack
- rubygem-rainbow
- rubygem-raspell
- rubygem-rest-client
- rubygem-rspec
- rubygem-rspec-core
- rubygem-rspec-expectations
- rubygem-rspec-mocks
- rubygem-rubocop
- rubygem-ruby-lint
- rubygem-ruby-progressbar
- rubygem-simplecov
- rubygem-simplecov-html
- rubygem-term-ansicolor
- rubygem-text
- rubygem-tins
- rubygem-unf
- rubygem-unf_ext
- rubygem-unicode-display_width
- rubygem-yast-rake
- sled-release-sp
- sles-release-sp
- yast2-devtools
- yast2-trans-allpacks
- yast2-trans-pot
- PackageKit
- libqt5-qtsvg-sle12
- libqt5-qtx11extras-sle12
- libyui-bindings
- libyui-doc
- libyui-ncurses
- libyui-ncurses-doc
- libyui-ncurses-pkg-doc
- libyui-qt-doc
- libyui-qt-graph-doc
- libyui-qt-pkg-doc
- rubygem-yast-rake-ci
- rubygem-yast-rake-ci-old
- snapper
- yast2-control-center
- yast2-control-center-gnome
- yast2-core
- yast2-firstboot
- yast2-installation-control
- yast2-testsuite
- yast2-theme
- yast2-theme-SLE
- yast2-trans
- yast2-x11
- libyui-ncurses-pkg
- libyui-qt
- skelcd-control-SLES
- skelcd-control-openSUSE
- skelcd-control-openSUSE-LangAddOn
- skelcd-control-openSUSE-promo
- yast2-hardware-detection
- yast2-pkg-bindings
- yast2-pkg-bindings-devel-doc
- yast2-trans-stats
- yast2-xml
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings
- libyui-qt-graph
- libyui-qt-pkg
- yast2-python-bindings
- yast2-ruby-bindings
- yast2-dbus-server
- yast2-perl-bindings
- yast2
- yast2-add-on
- yast2-add-on-creator
- yast2-alternatives
- yast2-apparmor
- yast2-audit-laf
- yast2-boot-server
- yast2-ca-management
- yast2-cluster
- yast2-country
- yast2-crowbar
- yast2-docker
- yast2-drbd
- yast2-fcoe-client
- yast2-firewall
- yast2-fonts
- yast2-geo-cluster
- yast2-installation
- yast2-instserver
- yast2-iplb
- yast2-iscsi-client
- yast2-iscsi-lio-server
- yast2-isns
- yast2-journal
- yast2-nfs-client
- yast2-nfs-server
- yast2-pam
- yast2-printer
- yast2-proxy
- yast2-scanner
- yast2-services-manager
- yast2-slp
- yast2-slp-server
- yast2-snapper
- yast2-sound
- yast2-squid
- yast2-storage
- yast2-support
- yast2-sysconfig
- yast2-tftp-server
- yast2-transfer
- yast2-tune
- yast2-vpn
- yast2-wagon
- yast2-bootloader
- yast2-multipath
- yast2-nis-client
- yast2-ntp-client
- yast2-packager
- yast2-rear
- yast2-samba-client
- yast2-security
- yast2-kdump
- yast2-metapackage-handler
- yast2-network
- yast2-online-update
- yast2-online-update-configuration
- yast2-reipl
- yast2-update
- yast2-vm
- autoyast2
- yast2-auth-client
- yast2-http-server
- yast2-ldap
- yast2-migration
- yast2-nis-server
- yast2-registration
- yast2-dns-server
- yast2-product-creator
- yast2-users
- yast2-auth-server
- yast2-dhcp-server
- yast2-inetd
- yast2-samba-server
- yast2-sudo
- yast2-ftp-server
- yast2-mail
- yast2-schema
PackageKit ~ -1s:
- libxkbcommon-sle12 [0]
- libzypp [0]
SUSEConnect ~ 60s: []
autoyast2 ~ 168s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-installation [6]
- yast2-installation-control [1]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-services-manager [6]
- yast2-slp [6]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-update [8]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
aytests-tests ~ 43s: []
kupdateapplet ~ 148s: []
libqt5-qtsvg-sle12 ~ -1s:
- libxkbcommon-sle12 [0]
libqt5-qtx11extras-sle12 ~ -1s:
- libxkbcommon-sle12 [0]
libstorage ~ 653s: []
libxkbcommon-sle12 ~ -1s: []
libyui ~ 263s: []
libyui-bindings ~ 182s:
- libyui [0]
libyui-doc ~ 301s:
- libyui [0]
libyui-ncurses ~ 412s:
- libyui [0]
libyui-ncurses-doc ~ 417s:
- libyui [0]
libyui-ncurses-pkg ~ 183s:
- libyui [0]
- libyui-ncurses [1]
- libzypp [0]
libyui-ncurses-pkg-doc ~ 234s:
- libyui [0]
libyui-qt ~ 142s:
- libqt5-qtsvg-sle12 [1]
- libqt5-qtx11extras-sle12 [1]
- libxkbcommon-sle12 [0]
- libyui [0]
libyui-qt-doc ~ 414s:
- libyui [0]
libyui-qt-graph ~ 105s:
- libqt5-qtsvg-sle12 [1]
- libqt5-qtx11extras-sle12 [1]
- libxkbcommon-sle12 [0]
- libyui [0]
- libyui-qt [2]
libyui-qt-graph-doc ~ 365s:
- libyui [0]
libyui-qt-pkg ~ 172s:
- libqt5-qtsvg-sle12 [1]
- libqt5-qtx11extras-sle12 [1]
- libxkbcommon-sle12 [0]
- libyui [0]
- libyui-qt [2]
- libzypp [0]
libyui-qt-pkg-doc ~ 278s:
- libyui [0]
libzypp ~ -1s: []
perl-Bootloader ~ 58s: []
rubygem-ast ~ 85s: []
rubygem-astrolabe ~ 65s: []
rubygem-aytests ~ 148s: []
rubygem-byebug ~ 167s: []
rubygem-cfa ~ 103s: []
rubygem-cfa_grub2 ~ 135s: []
rubygem-childprocess ~ 127s: []
rubygem-coveralls ~ 90s: []
rubygem-docile ~ 67s: []
rubygem-docker-api ~ 298s: []
rubygem-domain_name ~ 209s: []
rubygem-excon ~ 71s: []
rubygem-gettext ~ 123s: []
rubygem-http-cookie ~ 73s: []
rubygem-iniparse ~ 109s: []
rubygem-libyui-rake ~ 47s: []
rubygem-locale ~ 63s: []
rubygem-mime-types ~ -1s: []
rubygem-mime-types-1 ~ 65s: []
rubygem-netrc ~ 54s: []
rubygem-overcommit ~ 158s: []
rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks ~ 56s: []
rubygem-parser ~ 184s: []
rubygem-powerpack ~ 57s: []
rubygem-rainbow ~ 74s: []
rubygem-raspell ~ 67s: []
rubygem-rest-client ~ 181s: []
rubygem-rspec ~ -1s: []
rubygem-rspec-core ~ -1s: []
rubygem-rspec-expectations ~ -1s: []
rubygem-rspec-mocks ~ -1s: []
rubygem-rubocop ~ 100s: []
rubygem-ruby-lint ~ 212s: []
rubygem-ruby-progressbar ~ 99s: []
rubygem-simplecov ~ 74s: []
rubygem-simplecov-html ~ 62s: []
rubygem-term-ansicolor ~ 119s: []
rubygem-text ~ 109s: []
rubygem-tins ~ 62s: []
rubygem-unf ~ 55s: []
rubygem-unf_ext ~ 78s: []
rubygem-unicode-display_width ~ 74s: []
rubygem-yast-rake ~ 66s: []
rubygem-yast-rake-ci ~ 87s:
- rubygem-ast [0]
- rubygem-gettext [0]
- rubygem-locale [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-parser [0]
- rubygem-powerpack [0]
- rubygem-rainbow [0]
- rubygem-raspell [0]
- rubygem-rubocop [0]
- rubygem-ruby-progressbar [0]
- rubygem-text [0]
- rubygem-unicode-display_width [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2-devtools [0]
rubygem-yast-rake-ci-old ~ -1s:
- yast2-devtools [0]
skelcd-control-SLES ~ 29s:
- yast2-installation-control [1]
skelcd-control-openSUSE ~ 89s:
- yast2-installation-control [1]
skelcd-control-openSUSE-LangAddOn ~ 121s:
- yast2-installation-control [1]
skelcd-control-openSUSE-promo ~ 108s:
- yast2-installation-control [1]
sled-release-sp ~ 72s: []
sles-release-sp ~ 75s: []
snapper ~ 334s:
- libzypp [0]
yast2 ~ 131s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-add-on ~ 66s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-add-on-creator ~ 207s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-alternatives ~ 69s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-apparmor ~ 84s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-audit-laf ~ 73s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-auth-client ~ 144s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-auth-server ~ 261s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-ldap [9]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-security [7]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-users [10]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-boot-server ~ 72s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-bootloader ~ 73s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-cfa_grub2 [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-ca-management ~ 135s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-cluster ~ 75s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-control-center ~ 143s:
- libxkbcommon-sle12 [0]
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-control-center-gnome ~ 288s:
- libxkbcommon-sle12 [0]
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-core ~ 467s:
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-country ~ 88s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-crowbar ~ 72s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-dbus-server ~ 255s:
- libyui [0]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-devtools ~ 133s: []
yast2-dhcp-server ~ 92s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-dns-server [10]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-ldap [9]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-sysconfig [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-dns-server ~ 112s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-ldap [9]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-docker ~ 115s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-docker-api [0]
- rubygem-excon [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-drbd ~ 69s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-fcoe-client ~ 73s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-firewall ~ 280s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-firstboot ~ 97s:
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-fonts ~ 139s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-ftp-server ~ 249s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-inetd [11]
- yast2-ldap [9]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-security [7]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-users [10]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-geo-cluster ~ 129s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-hardware-detection ~ 86s:
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-http-server ~ 99s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-inetd ~ 96s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-ldap [9]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-security [7]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-users [10]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-installation ~ 104s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-installation-control ~ 56s:
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-instserver ~ 178s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-iplb ~ 69s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-iscsi-client ~ 75s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-iscsi-lio-server ~ 101s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-isns ~ 98s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-journal ~ 72s:
- libyui [0]
- libyui-ncurses [1]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-kdump ~ 148s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-cfa_grub2 [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-bootloader [7]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-ldap ~ 101s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-mail ~ 209s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-auth-server [11]
- yast2-ca-management [6]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-ldap [9]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-security [7]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-users [10]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-metapackage-handler ~ 71s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-migration ~ 166s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-installation [6]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-services-manager [6]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-update [8]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-multipath ~ 75s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-network ~ 81s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-nfs-client ~ 138s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-nfs-server ~ 87s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-nis-client ~ 282s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-nis-server ~ 141s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-nis-client [7]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-ntp-client ~ 157s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-online-update ~ 159s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-online-update-configuration ~ 75s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-packager ~ 75s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-theme [1]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-pam ~ 110s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-perl-bindings ~ 236s:
- libyui [0]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-pkg-bindings ~ 159s:
- libzypp [0]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-pkg-bindings-devel-doc ~ 158s:
- libzypp [0]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-printer ~ 81s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-product-creator ~ 98s:
- autoyast2 [9]
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libyui-ncurses [1]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-cfa_grub2 [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-add-on-creator [6]
- yast2-bootloader [7]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-installation [6]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-security [7]
- yast2-services-manager [6]
- yast2-slp [6]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-update [8]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-proxy ~ 60s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-python-bindings ~ 195s:
- libyui [0]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-rear ~ 121s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-registration ~ 102s:
- SUSEConnect [0]
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-installation [6]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-services-manager [6]
- yast2-slp [6]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-update [8]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-reipl ~ 84s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-cfa_grub2 [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-bootloader [7]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-ruby-bindings ~ 181s:
- libyui [0]
- libyui-ncurses [1]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-samba-client ~ 120s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-samba-server ~ 106s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-ldap [9]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-samba-client [7]
- yast2-security [7]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-users [10]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-scanner ~ 155s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-schema ~ 195s:
- autoyast2 [9]
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- perl-Bootloader [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-cfa_grub2 [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-add-on [6]
- yast2-audit-laf [6]
- yast2-auth-client [9]
- yast2-auth-server [11]
- yast2-bootloader [7]
- yast2-ca-management [6]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-dhcp-server [11]
- yast2-dns-server [10]
- yast2-firewall [6]
- yast2-firstboot [1]
- yast2-ftp-server [12]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-http-server [9]
- yast2-inetd [11]
- yast2-installation [6]
- yast2-iscsi-client [6]
- yast2-kdump [8]
- yast2-ldap [9]
- yast2-mail [12]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-nfs-client [6]
- yast2-nfs-server [6]
- yast2-nis-client [7]
- yast2-nis-server [9]
- yast2-ntp-client [7]
- yast2-online-update-configuration [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-printer [6]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-samba-client [7]
- yast2-samba-server [11]
- yast2-security [7]
- yast2-services-manager [6]
- yast2-slp [6]
- yast2-sound [6]
- yast2-squid [6]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-sysconfig [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-update [8]
- yast2-users [10]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-security ~ 187s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-services-manager ~ 119s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-slp ~ 77s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-slp-server ~ 202s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-snapper ~ 95s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-sound ~ 107s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- perl-Bootloader [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-squid ~ 103s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-storage ~ 209s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-sudo ~ 72s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-ldap [9]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-security [7]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-users [10]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-support ~ 99s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-sysconfig ~ 81s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-testsuite ~ 120s:
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-tftp-server ~ 70s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-theme ~ 61s:
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-theme-SLE ~ 112s:
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-trans ~ 617s:
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-trans-allpacks ~ 169s: []
yast2-trans-pot ~ 142s: []
yast2-trans-stats ~ 125s:
- yast2-trans [1]
- yast2-trans-allpacks [0]
yast2-transfer ~ 88s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-tune ~ 65s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-update ~ 143s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-installation-control [1]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-users ~ 136s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-ldap [9]
- yast2-network [8]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-pam [6]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-proxy [6]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-security [7]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-vm ~ 225s:
- libstorage [0]
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-cfa_grub2 [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-bootloader [7]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-country [6]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-packager [7]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-storage [6]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-transfer [6]
- yast2-xml [2]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-vpn ~ 89s:
- libyui [0]
- libzypp [0]
- rubygem-cfa [0]
- rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks [0]
- rubygem-rspec [0]
- rubygem-rspec-core [0]
- rubygem-rspec-expectations [0]
- rubygem-rspec-mocks [0]
- rubygem-yast-rake [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-wagon ~ -1s:
- libzypp [0]
- yast2 [5]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
- yast2-hardware-detection [2]
- yast2-installation-control [1]
- yast2-perl-bindings [4]
- yast2-pkg-bindings [2]
- yast2-ruby-bindings [3]
- yast2-testsuite [1]
- yast2-ycp-ui-bindings [2]
yast2-x11 ~ 143s:
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-xml ~ 88s:
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
yast2-ycp-ui-bindings ~ 107s:
- libyui [0]
- yast2-core [1]
- yast2-devtools [0]
Copy link

mvidner commented Sep 19, 2016

So the canonical usage is this, right?

ruby print_deps.rb YaST:Head openSUSE_Factory x86_64 yast_deps.yaml

Edit: confirmed.

Copy link

mvidner commented Sep 19, 2016

I have promoted this to a regular repo at , added @jreidinger as a collaborator.

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