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Last active July 7, 2016 13:25
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An MPI.jl-based implementation of kernel 0 from
# execute by running `➜ mpiexec -n $NUM_PROCS julia mpi_pagerank_kernel0.jl`
import MPI
# KronGraph500NoPerm #
# equivalent to `KronGraph500NoPerm` in the original version
function generate_vertices(scale, edges_per_vertex)
m = total_edges(scale, edges_per_vertex)
return generate_vertices!(ones(Int, m), ones(Int, m), scale)
function generate_vertices!(start_vertex, end_vertex, scale)
# set R-MAT (2x2 Kronecker) coefficients
a = 0.57
b = 0.19
c = 0.19
d = 1.0 - (a + b + c)
# calculate normalization coefficients
a_plus_b = a + b
c_norm = c / (1.0 - a_plus_b)
a_norm = a / a_plus_b
# loop over each scale
for i in 1:scale
k = 2^(i-1)
for j in eachindex(start_vertex)
ii_bit = rand() > a_plus_b
jj_bit = rand() > (c_norm * ii_bit) + (a_norm * !(ii_bit))
start_vertex[j] += k * ii_bit
end_vertex[j] += k * jj_bit
return start_vertex, end_vertex
total_edges(scale, edges_per_vertex) = edges_per_vertex * 2^scale
# Kernel 0 #
# Write vertices to a file. This follows the same TSV specification used in the original
# MATLAB kernel 0 implementation.
function write_vertices!(buffer, file_name, start_vertex, end_vertex)
for j in eachindex(start_vertex)
write(buffer, string(start_vertex[j]))
write(buffer, '\t')
write(buffer, string(end_vertex[j]))
write(buffer, '\n')
open(file_name, "w") do file
write(file, takebuf_string(buffer))
# the MPI-independent, serial part of kernel 0 (executed by each process)
function kernel0_serial(path, myfiles, scale, edges_per_vertex)
# initialize buffer for edge writing
buffer = IOBuffer()
# initialize vertices
m = total_edges(scale, edges_per_vertex)
start_vertex, end_vertex = ones(Int, m), ones(Int, m)
# write to files
for file_index in myfiles
srand(file_index) # uniquely seed RNG specifically for this file
file_name = joinpath(path, "$(file_index).tsv")
# fill vertex vectors with computed edges
generate_vertices!(start_vertex, end_vertex, scale)
# write vertices to the file
write_vertices!(buffer, file_name, start_vertex, end_vertex)
# reset vertices for next iteration
fill!(start_vertex, 1)
fill!(end_vertex, 1)
# kernel 0 (executed by each process)
function kernel0(path, nfiles, scale, edges_per_vertex)
numprocs = MPI.Comm_size(MPI.COMM_WORLD)
myrank = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD)
start_file = ceil(Int, 1 + (nfiles / numprocs) * myrank)
end_file = ceil(Int, (nfiles / numprocs) * (myrank + 1))
kernel0_serial(path, start_file:end_file, scale, edges_per_vertex)
function main()
is_master_process = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0
# problem parameters
scale = 18
edges_per_vertex = 16 # must be power of 2
nfiles = edges_per_vertex # must be power of 2
# set up directoriess
data_path = joinpath(pwd(), "pagerankdata")
kernel0_path = joinpath(data_path, "kernel0")
if is_master_process
!(isdir(data_path)) && mkdir(data_path)
!(isdir(kernel0_path)) && mkdir(kernel0_path)
is_master_process && println("starting kernel 0")
is_master_process && tic()
kernel0(kernel0_path, nfiles, scale, edges_per_vertex)
is_master_process && toc()
is_master_process && println("done")
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