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Last active August 6, 2018 12:12
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using Cassette
using Core: CodeInfo, SlotNumber, SSAValue
Cassette.@context Ctx
struct Slice end
const SLICE = Slice()
function Cassette.execute(ctx::Ctx, ::Slice, callback, f, args...)
if Cassette.canoverdub(ctx, f, args...)
_ctx = Cassette.similarcontext(ctx, metadata = callback)
return Cassette.overdub(_ctx, f, args...) # return result, callback
return Cassette.fallback(ctx, f, args...), callback
function Cassette.execute(ctx::Ctx, ::Slice, callback, ::typeof(println), args...)
return nothing, () -> (callback(); println(args...))
# Note that this uses some Cassette stuff that isn't documented yet but will be (e.g. `:contextslot` and `:nooverdub` expr heads, but you can guess what those are)
function sliceprintln(::Type{<:Ctx}, ::Type{S}, ir::CodeInfo) where {S}
callbackslotname = gensym("callback")
push!(ir.slotnames, callbackslotname)
push!(ir.slotflags, 0x00)
callbackslot = SlotNumber(length(ir.slotnames))
getmetadata = Expr(:call, Expr(:nooverdub, GlobalRef(Core, :getfield)), Expr(:contextslot), QuoteNode(:metadata))
# Insert the initial `callbackslot` assignment into the IR.
# This is an internal Cassette utility, which we'll use for now for convenience. It'd be
# nice for Base to expose something like this for pre-inference IR...
Cassette.insert_statements!(ir.code, ir.codelocs,
(stmt, i) -> i == 1 ? 2 : nothing,
(stmt, i) -> [Expr(:(=), callbackslot, getmetadata), stmt])
# Replace all calls of the form `f(args...)` with `SLICE(callback, f, args...)`,
# taking care to properly destructure the returned `(result, callback)` into the
# appropriate statements.
Cassette.insert_statements!(ir.code, ir.codelocs,
(stmt, i) -> begin
i > 1 || return nothing # don't slice callback assignment
stmt = Base.Meta.isexpr(stmt, :(=)) ? stmt.args[2] : stmt
return Base.Meta.isexpr(stmt, :call) ? 3 : nothing
(stmt, i) -> begin
items = Any[]
callstmt = Base.Meta.isexpr(stmt, :(=)) ? stmt.args[2] : stmt
push!(items, Expr(:call, GlobalRef(Main, :SLICE), callbackslot, callstmt.args...))
push!(items, Expr(:(=), callbackslot, Expr(:call, Expr(:nooverdub, GlobalRef(Core, :getfield)), SSAValue(i), 2)))
result = Expr(:call, Expr(:nooverdub, GlobalRef(Core, :getfield)), SSAValue(i), 1)
if Base.Meta.isexpr(stmt, :(=))
result = Expr(:(=), stmt.args[1], result)
push!(items, result)
return items
# Replace return statements of the form `return x` with `return x, callback`.
Cassette.insert_statements!(ir.code, ir.codelocs,
(stmt, i) -> Base.Meta.isexpr(stmt, :return) ? 2 : nothing,
(stmt, i) -> begin
return [
Expr(:call, Expr(:nooverdub, GlobalRef(Core, :tuple)), stmt.args[1], callbackslot)
Expr(:return, SSAValue(i))
return ir
const sliceprintlnpass = Cassette.@pass sliceprintln
ctx = Ctx(pass=sliceprintlnpass, metadata = () -> nothing)
a = rand(3)
b = rand(3)
result, callback = Cassette.overdub(ctx, add, a, b)
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