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Created August 6, 2017 19:05
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using BenchmarkTools
using ReverseDiff: @forward, GradientTape, gradient!, compile
# Similar to XDiff's @diff_rule, except it gets the derivative automatically via forward mode.
# In future versions, `@forward` will no longer be necessary.
@forward logistic(x::Real) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
# This is how I would write this for ReverseDiff usage if parser fusion didn't mess things up.
# In the future, this form will be performant (all the pieces already exist, they just have
# to be hooked up).
function autoencoder_cost(We1, We2, Wd, b1, b2, x)
firstLayer = logistic.(We1 * x .+ b1)
encodedInput = logistic.(We2 * firstLayer .+ b2)
reconstructedInput = logistic.(Wd * encodedInput)
cost = sum(reconstructedInput .- x .^ 2.0)
return cost
# Same thing as above, but uglier - the only difference is that this prevents parser fusion
function autoencoder_cost_no_fuse(We1, We2, Wd, b1, b2, x)
tmp = We1 * x .+ b1
firstLayer = logistic.(tmp)
tmp = We2 * firstLayer .+ b2
encodedInput = logistic.(tmp)
reconstructedInput = logistic.(Wd * encodedInput)
tmp = reconstructedInput .- x
v = 2.0
cost = sum(tmp .^ v)
return cost
We1 = rand(2000, 10_000); b1 = rand(2000); We2 = rand(1000, 2000); b2 = rand(1000);
Wd = rand(10_000, 1000); x = rand(10_000, 100);
vals = (We1, We2, Wd, b1, b2, x);
results = map(similar, vals);
f_tape = compile(GradientTape(autoencoder_cost_no_fuse, vals))
@benchmark gradient!($results, $f_tape, $vals)
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