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Created May 22, 2014 09:58
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Logstash Configuration for HTCondor Job History Logs
input {
file {
path => "/var/lib/condor/spool/history"
sincedb_path => "/opt/logstash/sincedb"
start_position => "beginning"
filter {
multiline {
pattern => "^\*\*\* .*$"
negate => true
what => "next"
kv {
field_split => "\n"
trim => " \\\""
trimkey => " "
remove_field => "message"
grok {
match => ["***Offset", "%{NUMBER:Offset}ClusterId=%{NUMBER:ClusterId}ProcId=%{NUMBER:ProcId}Owner=%{DATA:Owner}CompletionDate=%{NUMBER:CompletionDate}"]
remove_field => "***Offset"
kv {
source => "Env"
target => "Env"
field_split => ";"
remove_field => "EnvDelim"
date {
match => ["EnteredCurrentStatus", "UNIX"]
target => "EnteredCurrentStatus_"
date {
match => ["QDate", "UNIX"]
target => "QDate_"
date {
match => ["JobStartDate", "UNIX"]
target => "JobStartDate_"
date {
match => ["JobCurrentStartDate", "UNIX"]
target => "JobCurrentStartDate_"
date {
match => ["JobCurrentStartExecutingDate", "UNIX"]
target => "JobCurrentStartExecutingDate_"
date {
match => ["JobFinishedHookDone", "UNIX"]
target => "JobFinishedHookDone_"
date {
match => ["LastJobLeaseRenewal", "UNIX"]
target => "LastJobLeaseRenewal_"
date {
match => ["LastMatchTime", "UNIX"]
target => "LastMatchTime_"
date {
match => ["CompletionDate", "UNIX"]
# Use this as the event timestamp
output {
# Uncommment for debugging!
# stdout {
# codec => "rubydebug"
# }
elasticsearch {
host => ""
cluster => "mycluster"
index => "condor-history-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
node_name => ""
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