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Created January 2, 2022 23:42
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Age handling close to how K8s show pod ages for PowerShell
class Age : System.IComparable {
static hidden [regex] $regex = [regex]'^(\d+\w)+$'
$this.CreationTime = $CreationTime
if($CreationTime -as [datetime]){
$this.CreationTime = [datetime]$CreationTime
elseif ($CreationTime -match [age]::regex)
$this.CreationTime = [age]::ConvertFromString($CreationTime).CreationTime
# This probably needs to throw an actual error
write-error "Invalid value"
$this.CreationTime = Get-Date
hidden SharedConstructor(){
(new-object PSScriptProperty 'Age', {$this.ToString()})
static [Age] ConvertFromString([string]$age)
if($age -as [datetime])
return [Age]::New([datetime]$age)
$ts = New-Object timespan
foreach ($u in $units) {
$digit = $u.trimEnd('d','h','m','s') # dont cast to int incase an unsupported unit is provided.
switch ($u[-1]) {
"d" {$ts += New-TimeSpan -Days $digit }
"h" {$ts += New-TimeSpan -Hours $digit}
"m" {$ts += New-TimeSpan -Minutes $digit}
"s" {$ts += New-TimeSpan -Seconds $digit}
Default { write-error "Invalid unit type!" }
$dt = (get-date).AddSeconds($ts.TotalSeconds *-1 )
return [age]::new($dt)
else {
write-error "Invalid String format!"
return $null
return New-TimeSpan -Start $this.CreationTime -End (get-date)
[string] ToString(){
$rtn = "Err!"
$ts = $this.GetTimeSpan()
$rtn = "$($ts.Days)d"
if($ts.days -lt 5 -and $ts.Hours -gt 3)
$rtn += "$($ts.Hours)h"
elseif ($ts.Hours) {
$rtn = "$($ts.Hours)h"
if($ts.Hours -lt 3 -and $ts.Minutes -gt 15)
$rtn += "$($ts.Minutes)m"
elseif ($ts.Minutes) {
$rtn = "$($ts.minutes)m"
if($ts.Minutes -lt 5 -and $ts.seconds -gt 15)
$rtn += "$($ts.seconds)s"
else {
$rtn = "$($ts.Seconds)s"
return $rtn
[int] CompareTo([object] $obj) {
# If is a string in the 1m14s type notation
if($obj -is [string] -and $obj -match [age]::regex){
$obj = [Age]::ConvertFromString($obj)
# If its an age object provided, or convert from above If
if($obj -is [age]){
# convert to datetime for next If
$obj = $obj.CreationTime
if($obj -as [datetime]) { # the -as allows handling of datetime in string format
if ($this.CreationTime -gt $obj) {return 1}
if ($this.CreationTime -eq $obj) {return 0}
if ($this.CreationTime -lt $obj) {return -1}
return $null
if ($obj -is [timespan]) {
if ($this.GetTimeSpan() -gt $obj) {return 1}
if ($this.GetTimeSpan() -eq $obj) {return 0}
if ($this.GetTimeSpan() -lt $obj) {return -1}
return $null
return $null
$a1 = new-object age #default
$a2 = new-object age '1d1m'
$a3 = new-object age '1/1/2022'
$a1 -gt $a2
$a1 -gt '1d15m'
$a1 -gt '1/1/2022'
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