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Created December 6, 2019 00:00
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loading a .PRS Sun Nuclear file and analyzing the symmetry
import pandas as pd
from pylinac.core.profile import SingleProfile
from pylinac.flatsym import SYMMETRY_EQUATIONS
prs_file = '9E GA0.prs'
data_slice = slice(5, 259) # this cuts off the empty columns before and after in the data
detector_row = 106
bias_row = 107
calibration_row = 108
data_row = 110
with open(prs_file) as f:
raw_data =
detectors = raw_data[detector_row].split('\t')[data_slice]
bias = raw_data[bias_row].split('\t')[data_slice]
calibration = raw_data[calibration_row].split('\t')[data_slice]
data = raw_data[data_row].split('\t')[data_slice]
timetic = float(raw_data[bias_row].split('\t')[2])
df = pd.DataFrame({'Bias': bias, 'Calibration': calibration, 'Data': data})
df = df.astype(float) # convert from string to floats
df['Detector'] = detectors # these are strings, so add this column after float conversion
df["Integrated Dose"] = df['Calibration'] * (df['Data'] - df['Bias'] * timetic)
x_values = df['Integrated Dose'].iloc[:64] # the first 65 values are the X detectors
x_prof = SingleProfile(x_values.values) # convert to a pylinac Profile
x_prof_interp_values = x_prof._values_interp # I'm cheating here using a private attr,
# but this is the interpolated values using the default interpolation of 'linear' and factor of 100
x_prof_interp = SingleProfile(x_prof_interp_values) # this another shortcut.
# I made a new profile using the interpolated values of the original profile.
# this is an extra annoying step, but convenient nonetheless.
x_sym, _, _, _ = SYMMETRY_EQUATIONS['varian'](x_prof_interp) # calc the symmetry
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