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Created April 24, 2014 20:07
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import Keyboard
import Window
import Debug
(gameWidth,gameHeight) = (600,800)
(halfWidth,halfHeight) = (300,400)
type Input = {space:Bool, dir:Int, delta:Time, timestamp:Time}
type Spaceship = {x:Float, y:Float, rotation:Float}
type Ball = {x:Float, y:Float, vx:Float, vy:Float, angle:Float, status:BallState}
type Enemy = {x:Float, y:Float, vx:Float, vy:Float, deltaToWait:Float}
type Game = {spaceship:Spaceship, balls:[Ball], enemy:Enemy, enemies:[Enemy], state:State}
data State = Shooting | NotShooting
data BallState = Flying | OutOfBounds | Colliding | ReadyToFly
data Event = Regular (Bool, Int, Time, Time) | Add
positionEnemies : [Float]
positionEnemies = [-290, -250, -200, -150, -100, -50, 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 290]
defaultGame : Game
defaultGame =
{ spaceship = {x=0, y=-halfHeight+40, rotation=90},
balls = [],
enemy = {x=0, y=halfHeight-40, vx=200, vy=200, deltaToWait=100},
enemies = [defaultEnemy 3],
state = NotShooting
defaultBall : Float -> Ball
defaultBall a = {x=0, y=-halfHeight+40, vx=600, vy=600, angle=a, status=Flying}
defaultSpaceship : Float -> Spaceship
defaultSpaceship h = {x=0, y=h + 40, rotation=90}
defaultEnemy index = let posX = if index == 0 then 8 else 4 --last (take ((length positionEnemies) `mod` index) positionEnemies)
in {x=posX, y=halfHeight-40, vx=200, vy=200, deltaToWait=100}
delta = inSeconds <~ fps 35
timestamp = foldp (+) 0 <| inSeconds <~ fps 35
input = sampleOn delta (Input <~
~ lift .x Keyboard.arrows
~ delta
~ timestamp)
drawSpaceship : Spaceship -> Color -> Form
drawSpaceship spaceship clr = (rotate (degrees spaceship.rotation) ( move (spaceship.x, spaceship.y) (filled clr (ngon 3 20))))
drawEnemy : Enemy -> Color -> Form
drawEnemy enemy clr = move (enemy.x, enemy.y) (filled clr (ngon 4 15))
drawBall : Ball -> Color -> Form
drawBall ball clr = ( move (ball.x, ball.y) (filled clr (circle 4)))
stepGame : Input -> Game -> Game
stepGame ({space, dir, delta, timestamp} as input) ({spaceship, balls, enemy, enemies, state} as game) =
let spaceship' = moveSpaceship spaceship delta dir
balls' = addBall balls space delta spaceship.rotation state enemy
enemy' = moveEnemy enemy delta balls
enemies' = addEnemy enemies balls delta timestamp
state' = updateState state space
in { game | spaceship <- spaceship',
balls <- balls',
enemy <- enemy',
enemies <- enemies',
state <- state'
addBall : [Ball] -> Bool -> Time -> Float -> State -> Enemy -> [Ball]
addBall balls isSpacePressed delta angle state enemy = let balls' = if isSpacePressed then balls ++ [defaultBall angle] else balls
in updateAllBalls balls' delta angle state enemy
addEnemy : [Enemy] -> [Ball] -> Time -> Time -> [Enemy]
addEnemy enemies balls delta timestamp = let enemies' = if ((truncate timestamp) `mod` 10 == 0) then enemies ++ [(defaultEnemy (length balls))] else enemies
in updateAllEnemies enemies' delta
updateAllEnemies : [Enemy] -> Time -> [Enemy]
updateAllEnemies enemies delta = map (\e -> updateEnemy e delta) enemies
updateEnemy enemy delta = let deltaToWait' = if enemy.deltaToWait == 0 then 0 else enemy.deltaToWait-1
y' = updateYEnemy enemy delta
in {enemy | y <- y', deltaToWait <- deltaToWait'}
updateYEnemy enemy delta = case (enemy.y, enemy.deltaToWait)
of (y, 0) -> if y < -halfHeight then halfHeight else y - enemy.vy * delta
(_, 1) -> halfHeight
(y, _) -> y
updateAllBalls : [Ball] -> Time -> Float -> State -> Enemy -> [Ball]
updateAllBalls balls delta angle state enemy = filter (\b -> b.status /= Colliding && b.status /= OutOfBounds) (map (\b -> moveBall b delta state angle (isColliding enemy b)) balls)
getDeltaToWait : [Enemy] -> Float
getDeltaToWait enemies = if isEmpty enemies then 0 else 5
updateState : State -> Bool -> State
updateState state isSpacePressed = case (state, isSpacePressed) of
(Shooting, _) -> Shooting
(NotShooting, True) -> Shooting
(NotShooting, False) -> NotShooting
(_,_) -> NotShooting
moveBall : Ball -> Time -> State -> Float -> Bool -> Ball
moveBall ({x,y,vx,vy} as ball) delta state angle isColliding = let (x',y') = updateBallPosition ball state delta
status' = updateBallState ball isColliding
angle' = if state == NotShooting || ball.status == ReadyToFly then angle else ball.angle
in {ball | x <- x', y <- y', angle <- angle', status <- status' }
updateBallState : Ball -> Bool -> BallState
updateBallState ball isColliding = if isColliding then Colliding
else if ball.y > halfHeight || ball.x < -halfWidth || ball.x > halfWidth then OutOfBounds
else if ball.status == ReadyToFly then Flying
else Flying
updateBallPosition : Ball -> State -> Time -> (Float,Float)
updateBallPosition ({x,y,vx,vy,angle,status} as ball) state delta= case (x, y, status, state) of
(_,_,ReadyToFly, Shooting) -> (0, -halfHeight+40)
(_,_,Flying,NotShooting) -> (0, -halfHeight+40)
(_,_,Flying,Shooting) -> (x + vx * delta * cos (convertAngleToRadian angle), y + vy * delta * sin (convertAngleToRadian ball.angle))
convertAngleToRadian angleInDegree = angleInDegree / 180 * pi
moveSpaceship : Spaceship -> Time -> Int -> Spaceship
moveSpaceship spaceship delta angle = let rotation' = spaceship.rotation - ((toFloat angle))
in {spaceship | rotation <- rotation'}
moveEnemy : Enemy -> Time -> [Ball] -> Enemy
moveEnemy ({x,y,vx,vy} as enemy) delta balls = let y' = if (y > -halfHeight && y < halfHeight && not (checkCollisions enemy balls))
then y - vy * delta
else halfHeight-40
in {enemy | y <- y'}
checkCollisions : Enemy -> [Ball] -> Bool
checkCollisions enemy balls = any (\b -> isColliding enemy b) balls
isColliding : Enemy -> Ball -> Bool
isColliding enemy ball = (abs (enemy.x - ball.x)) < 30 && (abs (enemy.y - ball.y)) < 30
gameState : Signal Game
gameState = foldp stepGame defaultGame input
display : (Int, Int) -> Game -> Input -> Element
display (w,h) {spaceship, balls, enemy, enemies, state} i = collage w h [
move (0, 0) (filled yellow (rect gameWidth gameHeight)),
move (0, 0) (filled green (rect 5 5)),
move (0, 0) (toForm (asText (length enemies))),
move (0, -20) (toForm (asText ((truncate i.timestamp) `mod` 10 == 0))),
(drawSpaceship spaceship red),
(displayBalls balls)
--(drawEnemies enemies)]
displayBalls : [Ball] -> Form
displayBalls balls = group (map (\b -> drawBall b blue) balls)
createEnemy : Float -> Enemy
createEnemy posX = {x=posX, y=halfHeight+10, vx=200, vy=200, deltaToWait=10}
createEnemies : [Float] -> [Enemy]
createEnemies positions = map (\px -> createEnemy px) positions
displayEnemies = group (map (\b -> drawEnemy b brown) (createEnemies positionEnemies))
drawEnemies enemies = group (map (\b -> drawEnemy b brown) enemies)
main = lift3 display Window.dimensions gameState input
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