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Last active April 5, 2020 02:43
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Multicore / Multiprocess custom python bruteforcer
# Multi-Core python custom bruteforcer
# To use, write a function that takes a plain-text candidate and returns the hash
# Implement any one-way hashing function.
# (See an example for md5sum at the end)
import multiprocessing
import itertools
class Bruteforcer:
def __init__(self, charset, min_len, max_len, processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
self.charset = charset
self.min_len = min_len
self.max_len = max_len
self.processes = processes + 1
self.candidates = sum(len(self.charset) ** i for i in range(self.min_len, self.max_len+1))
print "[*] Total candidates: %d" % self.candidates
def run(self, params):
start, end, length = params
for candidate in itertools.islice(itertools.product(self.charset, repeat=length), start, end):
candidate = ''.join(candidate)
if self.user_fct(candidate) == self.to_find:
return candidate
return None
def fun(self, f, q_in, q_out):
while True:
i, x = q_in.get()
if i is None or self.found:
res = f(x)
q_out.put((i, res))
if res:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def parmap(self, f, X):
q_in = multiprocessing.Queue(1)
q_out = multiprocessing.Queue()
proc = [multiprocessing.Process(, args=(f, q_in, q_out))
for _ in range(self.processes)]
for p in proc:
p.daemon = True
sent = [q_in.put((i, x)) for i, x in enumerate(X)]
[q_in.put((None, None)) for _ in range(self.processes)]
res = [q_out.get() for _ in range(len(sent))]
[p.join() for p in proc]
return [x for i, x in sorted(res)]
def brute(self, to_find, user_fct):
self.found = False
self.to_find = to_find
self.user_fct = user_fct
for length in range(self.min_len, self.max_len+1):
nb_candidates = len(self.charset) ** length
step = nb_candidates // self.processes
params = [(pos, pos+step, length) for pos in range(0, nb_candidates, step)]
print "[+] Bruteforcing candidates of length %d..." % length
for i in range(self.processes):
for res in self.parmap(, params):
if res:
return res
return None
# Usage example: Bruteforce md5sum
import hashlib
def do_md5(candidate):
return hashlib.md5(candidate).digest().encode('hex')
# Set the charset, min_len, max_len.
bf = Bruteforcer('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 5, 5)
# Bruteforce your hash with your custom function
res = bf.brute('d26b93ad37e9017465673eaaac260839', do_md5)
print "Found result:", res
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