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Last active October 12, 2016 12:07
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Save jrnewell/26cc1963ed997000a134 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A windows git-bash script to use a newer version of grep, egrep, fgrep in git-bash.
set -e
set -o pipefail
cd $TEMP
SEVEN_ZIP="/c/Program Files/7-Zip/7z"
GIT_HOME="/c/Program Files (x86)/Git"
exit_on_error() {
if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then
echo "error detected, exiting..."
exit 1
for archive in ${archives[*]}; do
echo "Downloading $archive"
curl -L -O "$URL/$archive"
exit_on_error $?
echo "Extracting Files using 7-Zip"
tar_archive=`basename $archive .lzma`
"$SEVEN_ZIP" x -y "$archive"
"$SEVEN_ZIP" x -y -ogrep "$tar_archive"
echo "Removing archives"
rm -f "$archive"
rm -f "$tar_archive"
echo "Copying Files to $GIT_HOME"
cd "$GIT_HOME/bin"
rm -f egrep
ls -l "$TEMP"/grep/bin/*
mv -f "$TEMP"/grep/bin/* .
echo "Resetting file permissions"
for file in ${files[*]}; do
icacls "$file" //reset
rm -rf "$TEMP/grep"
echo "Done!"
exit 0
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