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Created October 2, 2011 13:19
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A general gibbs sampler object using the proto R package.
##' Gibbs sampler
##' General Gibbs sampler object.
##' TODO
GibbsSampler <- proto(expr = {
##' Initial Parameter values
initpars <- numeric(0)
##' Saved parameter values
savedpars <- numeric(0)
##' Iterations
i <- 0
##' Iteration Saved
##' Number of iterataions saved in savedpars.
##' Due to thinning this can be different than \code{i}.
itersaved <- 0
##' Random number seed
##' The random number seed is set for reproducibility.
seed <- list(seed = 932987,
kind = NULL,
normal.kind = NULL)
##' Parameter names
##' The names of paramters to be saved are specified here.
pars <- character()
##' Metadata about each run of the chain.
##' This keeps track of the number of runs, their lengths, and their times.
runs <- list()
##' Convert an object to parameters
convert2par <- function(., x) {
## using [[ won work because it will only
## look within the current object and not parents
y <- as.numeric(`$.proto`(., x))
n <- length(y)
if (n > 1) {
names(y) <- paste(x, seq_len(n), sep="_")
} else {
names(y) <- x
##' Return current parameters
get_pars <- function(., pars=.$pars, .as.numeric=TRUE) {
if (.as.numeric) {
foo <- sapply(pars, function(x) .$convert2par(x))
## Workaround to get the names correct
## If .as.numeric then the parameters should be named foo_1, foo_2, etc.
names(foo) <- NULL
} else {
pardata <- lapply(pars, function(x) `$.proto`(., x))
names(pardata) <- pars
##' Save parameters
save_pars <- function(., pars=.$pars) {
parstosave <- .$get_pars(pars=pars, .as.numeric=TRUE)
.$savedpars[.$itersaved, ] <- c(.$i, parstosave)
##' Save initial parameters
save_init_pars <- function(., pars=.$pars) {
.$initpars <- .$get_pars(pars=pars, .as.numeric=TRUE)
##' Initialize parameters
##' If object x in par does not exist, and there exists
##' a function init_x then generate that variable
initialize_pars <- function(., pars=.$pars) {
##' Inner loop of the Gibbs sampler
##' The function run inside of .$run(). This is where parameters are updated.
sampler <- function(.) NULL
##' Main Gibbs sampler loop
##' Handles the bookkeeping around .$sampler
##' This function handles the bookkeeping of running a Gibbs sample. Within
##' each iteration it calls, \code{sampler}, which updates the code.
run <- function(., mcmc=2000, burnin=0, thin=1, verbose=FALSE,
append = FALSE) {
## Set seed, .$seed)
##' initial value of iteration
first_iter <- .$i
##' Initialize parameters
if (!append) {
## Save Initial values
ntosave <- floor(mcmc / thin)
k <- length(.$get_pars())
## Allocate space to save variables
if (!append) {
.$savedpars <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), ncol = k + 1, nrow = ntosave)
.$itersaved <- 0
} else {
.$savedpars <- rbind(.$savedpars,
matrix(NA, ncol=k + 1, nrow=ntosave))
## Time the loops
startTime <- proc.time()
## Total length of the run
totlen <- burnin + mcmc
## Progress bar
if (verbose) {
pb <- txtProgressBar(0, totlen)
for (j in seq_len(totlen)) {
## Set iteration value
.$i <- .$i + 1
## Run Gibbs sampler
## Save parameters
if (.$i > burnin && .$i %% thin == 0) {
.$itersaved <- .$itersaved + 1
## TxtProgress Bar
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
## Check whether to continue
## This is a hook for convergence checking
if (! .$continue()) {
## Store the time and number of iterations
.$runs <- c(.$runs,
list(time = time,
mcmc = mcmc,
burnin = burnin,
thin = thin,
append = append,
## This may differ from mcmc if continue breaks
## the iteration
last_iter = .$i,
first_iter = first_iter))
## Save the current seed
.$seed[["seed"]] <- .Random.seed[1]
## Return parameters as MCMC
## Since uniform thinning is not enforced, the time-series parameters
## of the mcmc object are dropped. The indices of the iterations are saved in a new
## attributes
as.mcmc <- function(.) {
y <- mcmc(data = .$savedpars[ , -1])
attr(y, "indices") <- .$savedpars[ , 1]
new <- function(., ...) {
## Placeholder
## Function to continue loop
continue <- function(., ...) TRUE
## LogLik
logLik <- function(., ...) NULL
## LogPrior
logPrior <- function(., ...) NULL
## Log Posterior
logPosterior <- function(., ...) .$logPrior(...) + .$logLik(...)
## Trivial examples just to check things
## Bayesian Classical regression. Known variance.
## Follows discussion in Petris, Petrone (2009)
DlmLinearNormal <- GibbsSampler$new(expr = {
##' mu: initial value of the mean
##' psi: initial value of the precision
##' m0 : mean of prior distribution of beta
##' C0 : precision of prior distribution of beta
##' V : known precision of the system
new <- function(., y, x, V, m0, C0) {
V <- as.matrix(V)
y <- as.matrix(y)
x <- as.matrix(x)
m0 <- as.matrix(m0)
C0 <- as.matrix(C0)
Cn <- C0 + V %*% crossprod(x)
mn <- solve(Cn) %*% (V * t(x) %*% y + C0 %*% m0)
.$proto(x = x,
y = y,
V = V,
m0 = m0,
C0 = C0,
Cn = Cn,
mn = mn,
beta = rep(0, ncol(x)),
pars = "beta")
##' draw mu parameter
draw_mu <- function(.) {
.$beta <- rmvnorm(1, .$mn, solve(.$Cn))
sampler <- function(.) {
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jrnold commented Nov 12, 2011

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