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Created February 14, 2022 22:01
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This is a set of AZ CLI commands to create a sample workload for resiliency testing.
# # Setup
# PREFIX=jrtest-lb
# REGION=eastus
# Create Resource Group
az group create --name $PREFIX --location $REGION
# Create VNet
az network vnet create --resource-group $PREFIX --name $PREFIX-vnet --address-prefix
az network vnet subnet create --resource-group $PREFIX --vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet --name $PREFIX-sub-a --address-prefixes
az network vnet subnet create --resource-group $PREFIX --vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet --name $PREFIX-sub-b --address-prefixes
# Create NSGs
az network nsg create \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--name $PREFIX-nsg
az network nsg rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--nsg-name $PREFIX-nsg \
--name port-80-in \
--protocol '*' \
--direction inbound \
--source-address-prefix '*' \
--source-port-range '*' \
--destination-address-prefix '*' \
--destination-port-range 80 \
--access allow \
--priority 200
# Create VMs
for i in {1..3}; do
az network nic create \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--name "$PREFIX-nic$i" \
--vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet \
--subnet $PREFIX-sub-b \
--network-security-group $PREFIX-nsg
az vm create \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--name "$PREFIX-vm$i" \
--nics "$PREFIX-nic$i" \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--public-ip-address "" \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--zone "$i" \
--admin-username azureuser \
--custom-data lib/nginx-vm-config.txt
# Create Inbound Public IP & Load Balancers
az network public-ip create --resource-group $PREFIX --name $PREFIX-ip --allocation-method Static --sku Standard
az network lb create \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--name $PREFIX-lb \
--public-ip-address $PREFIX-ip \
--sku Standard \
--frontend-ip-name $PREFIX-fe \
--backend-pool-name $PREFIX-be
# Probe and Routing
az network lb probe create \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--name $PREFIX-probe \
--lb-name $PREFIX-lb \
--protocol http \
--path / \
--port 80
az network lb rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--name $PREFIX-rule \
--lb-name $PREFIX-lb \
--protocol tcp \
--frontend-port 80 \
--backend-port 80 \
--frontend-ip-name $PREFIX-fe \
--backend-pool-name $PREFIX-be \
--probe-name $PREFIX-probe \
--disable-outbound-snat true \
--idle-timeout 15 \
--enable-tcp-reset true
# Add vms/nics to the load balancers backend pool
for i in {1..3}; do
az network nic ip-config address-pool add \
--address-pool "$PREFIX-be" \
--ip-config-name ipconfig1 \
--nic-name "$PREFIX-nic$i" \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--lb-name $PREFIX-lb
# Create Outbound IP
az network public-ip create \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--name "$PREFIX-ip-out" \
--sku Standard
# Create Outbound IP Configuration
az network lb frontend-ip create \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--name "$PREFIX-fe-out" \
--lb-name $PREFIX-lb \
--public-ip-address "$PREFIX-ip-out"
az network lb address-pool create \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--name "$PREFIX-be-out" \
--lb-name $PREFIX-lb
# Create outbound rule
az network lb outbound-rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--name "$PREFIX-rule-out" \
--lb-name $PREFIX-lb \
--frontend-ip-configs "$PREFIX-fe-out" \
--protocol All \
--idle-timeout 15 \
--outbound-ports 10000 \
--address-pool "$PREFIX-be-out"
# Add vms/nics to the load balancers outbound pool
for i in {1..3}; do
az network nic ip-config address-pool add \
--address-pool "$PREFIX-be-out" \
--ip-config-name ipconfig1 \
--nic-name "$PREFIX-nic$i" \
--resource-group $PREFIX \
--lb-name $PREFIX-lb
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