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jrobinson01 / SketchSystems.spec
Last active February 28, 2019 20:22
My Awesome CLI thing
My Awesome CLI thing
input event ->
jrobinson01 / wdio-0-0.log
Created February 28, 2019 00:22
WDIO Safari refetch logs
2019-02-28T00:12:02.744Z DEBUG wdio-config: @wdio/sync found, running tests synchronous
2019-02-28T00:12:02.920Z INFO wdio-local-runner: Run worker command: run
2019-02-28T00:12:02.963Z DEBUG wdio-local-runner:utils: init remote session
2019-02-28T00:12:02.985Z INFO webdriver: [POST]
2019-02-28T00:12:02.985Z INFO webdriver: DATA { capabilities: { alwaysMatch: { browserName: 'safari' }, firstMatch: [ {} ] },
desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'safari' } }
2019-02-28T00:12:03.803Z INFO webdriver: COMMAND navigateTo("")
2019-02-28T00:12:03.804Z INFO webdriver: [POST]
2019-02-28T00:12:03.804Z INFO webdriver: DATA { url: '' }
2019-02-28T00:12:04.435Z INFO webdriver: COMMAND findElement("css selector", "blog-app")
jrobinson01 / SketchSystems.spec
Last active October 22, 2018 23:15
cases list*
cases list*
open and assign case -> open case
open case
success -> assign case
failure -> keep retrying open?
assign case
success -> done
failure -> keep retrying assign?
keep retrying open?
open attempts remaining? -> open case
load list -> loading list
loading list
success -> list
error -> error loading list
cancel -> exit
select item -> loading item details
error loading list
retry -> loading list