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Created June 21, 2011 16:25
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Save jrochkind/1038232 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
my (rails2) blacklight_config.rb as of now
# You can configure Blacklight from here.
# Blacklight.configure(:environment) do |config| end
# :shared (or leave it blank) is used by all environments.
# You can override a shared key by using that key in a particular
# environment's configuration.
# If you have no configuration beyond :shared for an environment, you
# do not need to call configure() for that envirnoment.
# For specific environments:
# Blacklight.configure(:test) {}
# Blacklight.configure(:development) {}
# Blacklight.configure(:production) {}
Blacklight.configure(:shared) do |config|
# Tell ruby marc to use best available installed parser, hopefully
# nokogiri, and output into log what we're using.
MARC::XMLReader.best_available!"\nMARC::XMLReader using parser: \"#{MARC::XMLReader.parser}\"")
# setup and register the marc extension
SolrDocument.extension_parameters[:marc_source_field] = :marc_display
SolrDocument.extension_parameters[:marc_format_type] = :marc21
SolrDocument.use_extension( Blacklight::Solr::Document::Marc) do |document|
document.key?( :marc_display )
# Setup and register extension to provide better Marc to OpenURL mapping,
# from the MarcDisplay plugin
SolrDocument.extension_parameters[:rfr_id] = ""
if Rails.env == "production"
SolrDocument.extension_parameters[:self_uri_prefix] = ""
SolrDocument.extension_parameters[:self_uri_prefix] = ""
SolrDocument.use_extension(MarcDisplay::Blacklight::MarcToOpenUrlExtension) do |document|
# dlf-expanded format passthrough
SolrDocument.extension_parameters[:ils_di_base] = HipConfig.ws_base_not_secure + "/holdings"
SolrDocument.use_extension( DlfExpandedPassthrough::DocumentExtension ) do |document|
document["id"] =~ /^bib_/
# and add #to_holdings method too, based on dlf-expanded.
SolrDocument.use_extension( DlfExpandedPassthrough::ToHoldingsExtension) do |document|
# Add in bulk-loading of DLF responses behavior
CatalogController.class_eval do
include DlfExpandedPassthrough::BulkLoad
# single valued. See Blacklight::Solr::Document::ExtendableClassMethods#field_semantics
# and Blacklight::Solr::Document#to_semantic_value_hash
if (SolrDocument.respond_to?(:field_semantics))
:title => "title_display",
:author => "author_display",
:publisher => "published_display",
:language => "language_facet"
config[:default_solr_params] = {
:qt => "search",
:per_page => 10,
:"facet.limit" => 9,
:"f.format.facet.limit" => -1,
:"facet.field" => [
# solr field values given special treatment in the show (single result) view
config[:show] = {
:html_title => "title_display",
:heading => "title_display",
:display_type => "format"
# solr fld values given special treatment in the index (search results) view
config[:index] = {
:show_link => "title_display",
:record_display_type => "format"
# solr fields that will be treated as facets by the blacklight application
# The ordering of the field names is the order of the display
config[:facet] = {
:field_names => [
:labels => {
"format" => "Format",
"location_facet" => "Library Location",
"pub_date_sort" => "Publication Year",
"author_facet" => "Author",
"subject_facet" => "Subject",
"language_facet" => "Language",
"series_facet" => "Series",
"discipline_facet" => "Discipline",
"subject_topic_facet" => "Topic",
"subject_era_facet" => "Topic (Era)",
"subject_geo_facet" => "Topic (Region)",
"instrumentation_facet" => "Musical Instrumentation",
# Setting a limit will trigger Blacklight's 'more' facet values link.
# If left unset, then all facet values returned by solr will be displayed.
# nil key can be used for a general limit applying to all facets.
:limits => {
"format" => true,
"location_facet" => true,
"author_facet" => true,
"subject_facet" => true,
"language_facet" => true,
"series_facet" => true,
"discipline_facet" => true,
"subject_topic_facet" => true,
"subject_era_facet" => true,
"subject_geo_facet" => true,
"instrumentation_facet" => true
:range => {
"pub_date_sort" => true
# solr fields to be displayed in the index (search results) view
# The ordering of the field names is the order of the display
config[:index_fields] = {
:field_names => [
:labels => {
"title_display" => "Title:",
"title_vern_display" => "Title:",
"author_display" => "Author:",
"author_vern_display" => "Author:",
"format" => "Format:",
"language_facet" => "Language:",
"published_display" => "Published:",
"published_vern_display" => "Published:",
"lc_callnum_display" => "Call number:"
# solr fields to be displayed in the show (single result) view
# The ordering of the field names is the order of the display
config[:show_fields] = {
:field_names => [
:labels => {
"title_display" => "Title:",
"title_vern_display" => "Title:",
"subtitle_display" => "Subtitle:",
"subtitle_vern_display" => "Subtitle:",
"author_display" => "Author:",
"author_vern_display" => "Author:",
"format" => "Format:",
"url_fulltext_display" => "URL:",
"url_suppl_display" => "More Information:",
"material_type_display" => "Physical description:",
"language_facet" => "Language:",
"published_display" => "Published:",
"published_vern_display" => "Published:",
"lc_callnum_display" => "Call number:",
"isbn_t" => "ISBN:"
# FIXME: is this now redundant with above?
# type of raw data in index. Currently marcxml and marc21 are supported.
config[:raw_storage_type] = "marc21"
# name of solr field containing raw data
config[:raw_storage_field] = "marc_display"
# These are over-rides sent to Solr when in :unstemmed_search mode
# They need to be kind of carefully calibrated with the settings in Solr
# and Blacklight for individual search types, sorry it's a bit fragile.
config[:unstemmed_overrides] = {
"title_qf" => [
"subject_qf" => "subject_unstem^40",
"series_qf" => "title_series_unstem^10",
# this 'qf' will be used for default 'all fields' search
# when in unstemmed mode, over-riding the qf defaults set
# in solrconfig.xml, which include some stemmed fields.
"qf" => [
# "fielded" search select (pulldown)
# label in pulldown is followed by the name of a SOLR request handler as
# defined in solr/conf/solrconfig.xml
config[:search_fields] ||= []
# Search fields will inherit the :qt solr request handler from
# config[:default_solr_parameters], OR can specify a different one
# with a :qt key/value. Below examples inherit.
# The :key is what will be used to identify this BL search field internally,
# as well as in URLs -- so changing it after deployment may break bookmarked
# urls. A display label will be automatically calculated from the :key,
# or can be specified manually to be different.
config[:search_fields] << {
:display_label => 'Any Field',
:key => "all_fields",
:unstemmed_override => {
:solr_local_parameters => {
:qf => "$default_qf_unstemmed"
config[:search_fields] << {:display_label => 'Title', :key => "title",
:solr_local_parameters => {
:qf => "$title_qf",
:pf => "$title_pf"
:solr_parameters =>{
:"spellcheck.dictionary" => "title"
config[:search_fields] << {:display_label => 'Author', :key => "author",
:solr_local_parameters => {
:qf => "$author_qf",
:pf => "$author_pf"
:solr_parameters => {
:"spellcheck.dictionary" => "author"
config[:search_fields] << {:display_label => 'Subject', :key => "subject",
:solr_local_parameters => {
:qf => "$subject_qf",
:pf => "$subject_pf"
:solr_parameters => {
:"spellcheck.dictionary" => "subject"
# Combining numbers is weird. Call numbers end up as multiple tokens,
# so we use pf/ps/mm to try to make sure call number searches are reasonable
# Everything else should just be one token, usually.
config[:search_fields] << {
:display_label => "Numbers",
:key => "number",
:solr_local_parameters => {
:qf => "$numbers_qf",
:pf => "$numbers_pf"
:solr_parameters => {
:ps => "0",
:spellcheck => "false"
config[:search_fields] << {:display_label => 'Series Title', :key=>'series', :qt => 'search',
:include_in_simple_select => false,
:solr_local_parameters => {
:qf => "$series_qf",
:pf => "$series_pf"
# Hidden searches.
# We don't want ISBN/ISSN/Callnum/Oclcnum/LCCN in our search popup
# But we leave them defined here for CQL access, but with
# :show_in_simple_select => false
config[:search_fields] << {:display_label => "ISBN", :qt => "search", :key =>"isbn",
:include_in_simple_select => false,
:include_in_advanced_search => false,
:solr_parameters => {
:qf => "isbn_t",
:pf =>"",
:spellcheck => "false"
config[:search_fields] << {:display_label => 'ISSN', :qt => 'issn_search',
:key => "issn",
:include_in_simple_select => false,
:include_in_advanced_search => false,
:solr_parameters => {
:qf => "issn issn_related",
:pf => "",
:spellcheck => "false"
config[:search_fields] << {:display_label => 'OCLC number', :key => "oclcnum", :qt => 'search',
:include_in_simple_select => false,
:include_in_advanced_search => false,
:solr_parameters => {
:qf => "oclcnum_t",
:pf => "",
:spellcheck => "false"
# cql plugin can't handle the qt=>'standard' thing properly right now.
#config[:search_fields] << {:display_label => "LCCN", :qt => "standard",
# :include_in_simple_select => false,
# :solr_parameters => {
# :df => "lccn",
# :pf => "",
# :spellcheck => "false"
# }
config[:search_fields] << {:display_label => 'Call number', :qt =>"search",
:key => "call_number",
:include_in_simple_select => false,
:solr_parameters => {
:qf => "local_call_number_t",
:pf =>"local_call_number_t^100",
:ps => "0",
:spellcheck => "false"
# "sort results by" select (pulldown)
# label in pulldown is followed by the name of the SOLR field to sort by and
# whether the sort is ascending or descending (it must be asc or desc
# except in the relevancy case).
# label is key, solr field is value
config[:sort_fields] ||= []
config[:sort_fields] << ['relevance', 'score desc, pub_date_sort desc, title_sort asc']
config[:sort_fields] << ['year', 'pub_date_sort desc, title_sort asc']
config[:sort_fields] << ['author', 'author_sort asc, title_sort asc']
config[:sort_fields] << ['title', 'title_sort asc, pub_date_sort desc']
# If there are more than this many search results, no spelling ("did you
# mean") suggestion is offered.
config[:spell_max] = 5
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