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Created September 29, 2011 16:40
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#NOW we do this, in our plugin app/helpers
module CatalogHelper
def actual_methods
# This is very hard to over-ride in a sensible way in local app.
# Instead, if we split things up:
module CatalogHelper
include CatalogHelperBehavior
# that's IT, all the actual method sare in CatalogHelperBehavior.
# No need for ActiveSupport::Concern here, I don't think,
# just very straightforward ruby.
# NOW... if the local app has no CatalogHelper, no problem,
# it'll automatically use the one from the plugin
# If the local app DOES have a CatalogHelper, it will completely replace the
# one from the plugin. But no problem, as long as you #include....
# in local app:
module CatalogHelper
include CatalogHelperBehavior # it'll get this from the plugin, great
# and now we can individually over-ride whatever methods
# from CatalogHelperBehavior we want, and not the others.
# We'd want to stick to a VERY consistent convention here. Like XHelper
# always has a module XHelperBehavior with actual implementation, so
# when you over-ride locally, you can know you just put XHelperBehavior
# in there, and you are forwards compatible.
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