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Created May 3, 2010 22:36
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irb(main):010:0> @trip.stops
~ (0.000097) SELECT "id", "trip_id", "place_id" FROM "stops" WHERE "trip_id" = 19 ORDER BY "id"
=> [#<Stop @id=28 @trip_id=19 @place_id=28>, #<Stop @id=29 @trip_id=19 @place_id=29>, #<Stop @id=30 @trip_id=19 @place_id=30>]
irb(main):011:0> @trip.stops[-1..1]
=> []
#expected last 2:
=> [#<Stop @id=29 @trip_id=19 @place_id=29>, #<Stop @id=30 @trip_id=19 @place_id=30>]
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