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Created October 2, 2013 13:51
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My current Vocola 2 config.
# Voice commands for putty
# tmux
mux next = {Ctrl + T} {n};
mux prev = {Ctrl + t} {p};
mux 0..9 = {Ctrl + T} {$};
mux detach = {Ctrl + T} {d};
mux attach = "tmux attach {enter}";
mux reattach = "tmux attach -d {enter}";
# emacs
open = {Ctrl+X}{Ctrl+F};
save = {Ctrl+X}{Ctrl+S};
center = {Ctrl+L};
menu = {Ctrl+X}{Ctrl+B};
direct = {Ctrl+X}{d};
kaill = {Ctrl+X}{k};
up = {Ctrl+b};
down = {Ctrl+f};
norm = {Esc};
jump = " ";
quit = {Ctrl+G};
switch = {Ctrl + X} {o};
split = {Ctrl +X} {3};
slap = {enter};
search = {ctrl +s};
clam = "!";
lat = "@";
numb = "#";
lace = "{";
race = "}";
score = "_";
eke = "=";
dall = "$";
pipe = "|";
laip = "(";
rye = ")";
# cursor commands
# letters, shorttalk
Alpha = "a";
bravo = "b";
Charlie = "c";
Delta = "d";
echo = "e";
foxtrot = "f";
golf = "g";
Hotel = "h";
India = "i";
Juliet = "j";
kilo = "k";
Lima = "l";
Mike = "m";
November = "n";
Oscar = "o";
Poppa = "p";
Québec = "q";
Romeo = "r";
Sierra = "s";
tango = "t";
uniform = "u";
Victor = "v";
whiskey = "w";
x-ray = "x";
Yankee = "y";
Zulu = "z";
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