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Created June 6, 2014 23:54
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HList in Idris
using (x : Type, P : x -> Type)
data HList : (P : x -> Type) -> List x -> Type where
Nil : HList P []
(::) : {head : x} -> {tail : List x} -> P head -> HList P tail -> HList P (head :: tail)
head : {h : ty} -> {t : List ty} -> {P : ty -> Type} -> HList P (h :: t) -> P h
head (h :: _) = h
tail : {h : ty} -> {t : List ty} -> {P : ty -> Type} -> HList P (h :: t) -> HList P t
tail (_ :: t) = t
tupleHList : HList (\x : Type => (x, x)) [Nat]
tupleHList = (1,1) :: Nil
example : (Nat, Nat)
example = head tupleHList
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