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Created September 16, 2012 08:18
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Static Import Scala
object CoffeeImport extends App {
try {
val result = args.toList match {
case Nil => throw new Exception("Please provide a filename: coffee-import <filename>")
case file :: Nil => resolve(file)
} catch {
case e => println(e.getMessage)
class InsertionSet[A](o: List[A], s: Option[Set[A]] = None) {
val ordering = o
val set = s match {
case None => Set(o: _*)
case Some(st) => st
def +(e: A): InsertionSet[A] =
if (!set.contains(e)) new InsertionSet(e :: ordering, Some(set + e)) else this
def contains(e: A): Boolean = set contains e
def toList = ordering.reverse
override def toString = toList.toString /* make more efficent */
/* Implicits for treating File's and Strings interchangeable */
implicit def fileToString(f: File): String = f.getAbsolutePath
implicit def stringToFile(s: String) = new File(s)
def readFile(file: String): String = Source.fromFile(file).mkString
def extractName(line: String) = {
def stripQuotes(s: String) = s.substring(1, s.length - 1)
val importR = """#import (("|').*("|'))""".r
val fileR = """(("|').*("|'))""".r
importR findFirstIn line match {
case None => ""
case Some(importS) => fileR findFirstIn importS match {
case None => throw new Exception("Import ERROR: " + line)
case Some(filename) => stripQuotes(filename)
def dirContents(dir: File) =!_.isHidden)
def rootPath(file: String) = {
val i = (file lastIndexOf "/") + 1
file.substring(0, i)
def expandWildCard(filename: String): List[String] =
filename endsWith "/*" match {
case false => filename :: Nil
case true => dirContents(filename)
def getDeps(filename: String) = {
val contents = readFile(filename)
val lines = contents.lines { _ != "" }
def orderDeps(set: InsertionSet[String], file: String): List[String] = {
val root = rootPath(file)
/* need to make it a method not a val to fix forward declare */
def _step(set: InsertionSet[String], file: String): InsertionSet[String] = {
val files = getDeps(file).map(root + _).flatMap(expandWildCard)
files.foldLeft(set)(_step) + file
_step(set, file).toList
def resolve(file: String): String = {
val emptySet = new InsertionSet[String](List())
val deps = orderDeps(emptySet, file)
val result = => "#" + x + "\n" + readFile(x)).reduce(_ + "\n\n" + _)
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