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Created December 21, 2014 04:43
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module TypedLogic
import Data.SortedMap
data LType : Type where
FreshType : LType
Atom : String -> LType
DisjUnion : LType -> LType -> LType
Relation : (Vect n LType) -> LType
total confirmEq : Eq a => Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Bool
confirmEq [] [] = True
confirmEq (x::xs) (y::ys) = x == y && (confirmEq xs ys)
confirmEq _ _ = False
instance Eq LType where
FreshType == FreshType = True
(Atom s) == (Atom t) = s == t
(DisjUnion x y) == (DisjUnion x' y') = x == y && x' == y'
(Relation ts) == (Relation us) = confirmEq ts us
_ == _ = False
-- -----------
-- atom : Atom
-- x_1..x_i : t_1..t_i, s : Atom
-- ----------
-- s(x_1..x_i) : Relation t_1..t_i
-- A compile time proof representing type unification between t, u resulting in r.
typeUnify : LType -> LType -> Maybe LType
typeUnify (Atom s) (Atom s') =
case s == s' of
False => Nothing
True => Just (Atom s)
typeUnify FreshType t = Just t
typeUnify t FreshType = Just t
typeUnify (Relation ts) (Relation us) =
if confirmEq ts us then Just (Relation ts) else Nothing
typeUnify _ _ = Nothing
data Term : LType -> Type where
AnAtom : (s: String) -> Term (Atom s)
Var : Term FreshType
Functor : String -> (ts: Vect n LType) -> Term (Relation ts)
Unify : { auto p: typeUnify t u = Just r } -> Term t -> Term u -> Term r
-- Conj : Term _ -> Term t -> Term t
-- Disj : Term t -> Term u -> Term (DisjUnion t u)
-- data Predicates : LType -> Type where
-- And : Term t -> Predicates u -> Predicates [
-- Conj : Term -> Predicates
-- data Clause : LType -> Type where
-- MkClause : (body:
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