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Created August 9, 2014 03:59
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import java.nio._
import charset._
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
import scala.language.experimental.macros
/* A set of example encodings */
sealed trait Encoding {
val encodingName: String
sealed trait UTF8 extends Encoding
case object UTF8 extends UTF8 {
val encodingName = "UTF-8"
sealed trait ASCII extends Encoding
case object ASCII extends ASCII {
val encodingName = "ASCII"
sealed trait Binary extends Encoding
case object Binary extends Binary {
val encodingName = "ISO-8859-1"
/* Inteface for an Encoded String */
trait EncodedString[E <: Encoding] {
val encoding: String
val contents: Array[Byte]
override def toString = new String(contents, encoding)
def concat(other: EncodedString[E]): EncodedString[E] = {
val that = this
new EncodedString[E] {
val encoding = that.encoding
val contents = that.contents ++ other.contents
/* Macro for building encoded literals */
class StaticEncoding(val c: Context) {
def encodeAs[E <: Encoding : c.WeakTypeTag](enc: c.Expr[E], s: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[EncodedString[E]] = {
import c.universe._
s.tree match {
case Literal(Constant(literal: String)) =>
val encoding = getEncoding(enc.tree)
val encodingName = encoding.encodingName
validInEncoding(encoding, literal) match {
case true =>
val etpe = weakTypeTag[E].tpe
val tree = q"""new EncodedString[$etpe] {
val encoding = $encodingName
val contents = $literal.getBytes
case _ =>
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "The string can not be transcoded")
case _ =>
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "You must pass a string literal to assert its encoding statically.")
def validInEncoding(encoding: Encoding, s: String): Boolean = {
val charset = Charset.forName(encoding.encodingName)
val charBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(s)
val encoder = charset.newEncoder
try {
} catch {
case _: UnmappableCharacterException => false
def getEncoding(name: c.Tree): Encoding = {
import c.universe._
name match {
case q"UTF8" => UTF8
case q"ASCII" => ASCII
case q"Binary" => Binary
object StringEncodingMacros {
def staticEncoding[E <: Encoding](enc: E, s: String) = macro StaticEncoding.encodeAs[E]
object Transcode {
type Aux[E <: Encoding, R <: Encoding] = Transcode[E] { type Result = R }
implicit def identityTranscode[E <: Encoding] = new Transcode[E] {
type Result = E
def transcode(s: EncodedString[E]): EncodedString[E] = s
implicit def asciiToUtf8[E <: ASCII, R <: UTF8] = new Transcode[E] {
type Result = R
def transcode(s: EncodedString[E]) = new EncodedString[Result] {
val encoding = "UTF-8"
val contents = s.contents
trait Transcode[Initial <: Encoding] {
type Result <: Encoding
def transcode(s: EncodedString[Initial]): EncodedString[Result]
object Concatable {
implicit def concatable[E1 <: Encoding, E2 <: Encoding, R <: Encoding]
(implicit t1: Transcode.Aux[E1, R], t2: Transcode.Aux[E2, R]) = new Concatable[E1, E2] {
type Result = R
def concat(s1: EncodedString[E1], s2: EncodedString[E2]) = {
val s1p = t1.transcode(s1)
val s2p = t2.transcode(s2)
trait Concatable[Prefix <: Encoding, Suffix <: Encoding] {
type Result <: Encoding
def concat(s1: EncodedString[Prefix], s2: EncodedString[Suffix]): EncodedString[Result]
object enc {
def concat[E1 <: Encoding, E2 <: Encoding](s1: EncodedString[E1], s2: EncodedString[E2])(implicit c: Concatable[E1, E2]) =
c.concat(s1, s2)
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