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Last active April 11, 2019 21:51
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function! GetColorFromHighlightGroup(group, color, env)
return synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), a:color, a:env)
function! GetBackgroundColors(group)
\ ' ctermbg=' . GetColorFromHighlightGroup(a:group, 'bg', 'cterm') .
\ ' guibg=' . GetColorFromHighlightGroup(a:group, 'bg', 'gui')
function! GetFrontgroundColors(group)
\ ' ctermfg=' . GetColorFromHighlightGroup(a:group, 'fg', 'cterm') .
\ ' guifg=' . GetColorFromHighlightGroup(a:group, 'fg', 'gui')
function! NeoMakeDefaults()
let l:sign_bg = GetBackgroundColors('SignColumn')
let l:error_sign_fg = GetFrontgroundColors('ErrorMsg')
let l:warning_sign_fg = GetFrontgroundColors('Todo')
let l:information_sign_fg = GetFrontgroundColors('Question')
let l:default_sign_fg = GetFrontgroundColors('ModeMsg')
execute 'highlight NeomakeErrorDefault' . l:error_sign_fg . l:sign_bg
execute 'highlight NeomakeWarningDefault' . l:warning_sign_fg . l:sign_bg
execute 'highlight NeomakeInformationalDefault' . l:information_sign_fg . l:sign_bg
execute 'highlight NeomakeMessageDefault' . l:default_sign_fg . l:sign_bg
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Hello I used your function to set the warning and error sign but, I am not getting "?" , what font are you using

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