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Created November 16, 2015 15:28
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Save jronallo/dac62d51128905339d5e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quick Ruby script to get libnotify desktop notifications of the current vote tally of your talk
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# To add this to cron do something like this to use the ruby wrapper script:
# */15 8-17 * * 1-5 env DISPLAY=:0.0 /home/jnronall/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.1.1/ruby /home/jnronall/bin/code4lib-vote > $HOME/tmp/code4lib-vote-cron.log 2>&1
require 'httpclient'
require 'json'
require 'date'
require 'libnotify'
require 'slop'
require 'fileutils'
opts = Slop.parse do |o|
o.banner = %Q{
Usage: code4lib-vote --vote 33 --mytalk 655 --top 20 --timeout 15 --icon /home/jnronall/bin/images/ballot-box.png
o.integer '--vote', 'Number identifying vote', default: 39
o.integer '--mytalk', 'Number identifying your talk', default: 869
o.integer '--top', 'Number of results to show in notification', default: 10
o.integer '--timeout', 'Number of seconds to show the desktop notification for', default: 60
o.string '--icon', 'Path to the icon to show in the notification area', default: '/home/jnronall/bin/images/ballot-box.png'
o.on '--help', 'help', 'Show as: String,this help message'
if opts[:help]
puts opts
http =
response = http.get "{opts[:vote]}.json"
results = JSON.parse(response.body)
ordered_results = results.sort_by{|talk| talk['score']}.reverse
rank = nil
score = nil
talks_list = []
ordered_results.each_with_index do |talk, index|
title = talk['title'].slice(0,30)
if talk['id'] == opts[:mytalk]
rank = index + 1
score = talk['score']
title = "<b>#{title}</b>"
talks_list << "#{talk['score']} #{title}"
top_talks = talks_list.slice(0,opts[:top])
message = %Q|<a href="{opts[:vote]}">Code4Lib Vote</a>|
rank_message = "\nRANK: #{rank}\nscore: #{score}\nhigh score: #{ordered_results.first['score']}\n\n"
message << rank_message
top_ten = top_talks.slice(0,10)
# top_rest = top_talks.slice(10,top_talks.length)
message << top_ten.join("\n")
# message << "\n\n--------------\n\n"
# message << top_rest.join("\n\n")
puts message
# Change this to whatever desktop notification system you use message, :timeout => opts[:timeout], icon_path: opts[:icon])
log_directory = "~/tmp/"
logfile = File.expand_path(File.join(log_directory, '/code4lib-vote.log'))
FileUtils.mkdir_p log_directory unless File.exist? log_directory, 'a') do |fh|
fh.puts message
fh.puts "\n----------------\n"
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