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Created July 14, 2015 19:46
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function toQueryString(obj, urlEncode) {
// Helper function that flattens an object, retaining key structer as a path array:
// Input: { prop1: 'x', prop2: { y: 1, z: 2 } }
// Example output: [
// { path: [ 'prop1' ], val: 'x' },
// { path: [ 'prop2', 'y' ], val: '1' },
// { path: [ 'prop2', 'z' ], val: '2' }
// ]
function flattenObj(x, path) {
let result = [ ]
path = path || []
Object.keys(x).forEach(key => {
if (!x.hasOwnProperty(key))
let newPath = path.slice()
let vals = [ ]
if (typeof x[key] == 'object') {
vals = flattenObj(x[key], newPath)
} else {
vals.push({ path: newPath, val: x[key] })
vals.forEach(obj => result.push(obj))
return result
} // flattenObj
// start with flattening `obj`
let parts = flattenObj(obj) // [ { path: [ ], val: ... }, ... ]
// convert to array notation:
parts = => {
if (varInfo.path.length == 1)
varInfo.path = varInfo.path[0]
else {
let first = varInfo.path[0]
let rest = varInfo.path.slice(1)
varInfo.path = first + '[' + rest.join('][') + ']'
return varInfo
}) //
// join the parts to a query-string url-component
let queryString = => varInfo.path + '=' + varInfo.val).join('&')
if (urlEncode)
return encodeURIComponent(queryString)
return queryString
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