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Last active March 3, 2017 17:46
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Simple gulpfile.js
"presets": [ "latest", "react" ],
"plugins": [ "transform-runtime" ]
es6: true
node: true
browser: true
sourceType: module
parser: babel-eslint
plugins: [react]
react/jsx-uses-react: warn
react/jsx-uses-vars: warn
react/jsx-no-undef: error
no-alert: off
no-array-constructor: off
no-bitwise: off
no-caller: off
no-case-declarations: error
no-catch-shadow: off
no-class-assign: error
no-cond-assign: error
no-confusing-arrow: off
no-console: warn
no-const-assign: error
no-constant-condition: error
no-continue: off
no-control-regex: error
no-debugger: error
no-delete-var: error
no-div-regex: off
no-dupe-class-members: error
no-dupe-keys: error
no-dupe-args: error
no-duplicate-case: error
no-duplicate-imports: off
no-else-return: off
no-empty: error
no-empty-character-class: error
no-empty-function: off
no-empty-pattern: error
no-eq-null: off
no-eval: off
no-ex-assign: error
no-extend-native: off
no-extra-bind: off
no-extra-boolean-cast: error
no-extra-label: off
no-extra-parens: off
no-extra-semi: error
no-fallthrough: error
no-floating-decimal: off
no-func-assign: error
no-implicit-coercion: off
no-implicit-globals: off
no-implied-eval: off
no-inline-comments: off
no-inner-declarations: error
no-invalid-regexp: error
no-invalid-this: off
no-irregular-whitespace: warn
no-iterator: off
no-label-var: off
no-labels: off
no-lone-blocks: off
no-lonely-if: off
no-loop-func: off
no-mixed-requires: off
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: warn
linebreak-style: off
no-multi-spaces: warn
no-multi-str: off
no-multiple-empty-lines: off
no-native-reassign: off
no-negated-condition: off
no-negated-in-lhs: error
no-nested-ternary: off
no-new: off
no-new-func: off
no-new-object: off
no-new-require: off
no-new-symbol: error
no-new-wrappers: off
no-obj-calls: error
no-octal: error
no-octal-escape: off
no-param-reassign: off
no-path-concat: off
no-plusplus: off
no-process-env: off
no-process-exit: off
no-proto: off
no-redeclare: error
no-regex-spaces: error
no-restricted-globals: off
no-restricted-imports: off
no-restricted-modules: off
no-restricted-syntax: off
no-return-assign: off
no-script-url: off
no-self-assign: error
no-self-compare: off
no-sequences: off
no-shadow: off
no-shadow-restricted-names: off
no-whitespace-before-property: off
no-spaced-func: off
no-sparse-arrays: error
no-sync: off
no-ternary: off
no-trailing-spaces: warn
no-this-before-super: error
no-throw-literal: off
no-undef: error
no-undef-init: off
no-undefined: off
no-unexpected-multiline: error
no-underscore-dangle: off
no-unmodified-loop-condition: off
no-unneeded-ternary: off
no-unreachable: error
no-unused-expressions: off
no-unused-labels: error
no-unused-vars: warn
no-use-before-define: off
no-useless-call: off
no-useless-concat: off
no-useless-constructor: off
no-void: off
no-var: warn
no-warning-comments: warn
no-with: off
no-magic-numbers: off
array-bracket-spacing: [warn, never]
array-callback-return: off
arrow-body-style: off
arrow-parens: off
arrow-spacing: [warn, {before: true, after: true}]
accessor-pairs: off
block-scoped-var: off
block-spacing: off
brace-style: off
callback-return: off
camelcase: off
comma-dangle: [warn, always-multiline]
comma-spacing: off
comma-style: off
complexity: [off, warn]
computed-property-spacing: off
consistent-return: off
consistent-this: off
constructor-super: error
curly: off
default-case: off
dot-location: off
dot-notation: off
eol-last: warn
eqeqeq: off
func-names: off
func-style: off
generator-star-spacing: off
global-require: off
guard-for-in: off
handle-callback-err: off
id-length: off
indent: [warn, tab]
init-declarations: off
jsx-quotes: off
key-spacing: off
keyword-spacing: off
lines-around-comment: off
max-depth: off
max-len: off
max-nested-callbacks: off
max-params: off
max-statements: off
new-cap: off
new-parens: off
newline-after-var: off
newline-before-return: off
newline-per-chained-call: off
object-curly-spacing: [warn, never]
object-shorthand: off
one-var: off
one-var-declaration-per-line: off
operator-assignment: off
operator-linebreak: off
padded-blocks: off
prefer-arrow-callback: off
prefer-const: warn
prefer-reflect: off
prefer-rest-params: off
prefer-spread: off
prefer-template: off
quote-props: off
quotes: [warn, single, {avoidEscape: true}]
radix: off
id-match: off
id-blacklist: off
require-jsdoc: off
require-yield: off
semi: [warn, never]
semi-spacing: off
sort-vars: off
sort-imports: off
space-before-blocks: warn
space-before-function-paren: [warn, {anonymous: always, named: never}]
space-in-parens: off
space-infix-ops: off
space-unary-ops: off
spaced-comment: warn
strict: [error, global]
template-curly-spacing: off
use-isnan: error
valid-jsdoc: off
valid-typeof: error
vars-on-top: off
wrap-iife: off
wrap-regex: off
yield-star-spacing: off
yoda: off
// npm i --save-dev gulp gulp-autoprefixer gulp-babel del gulp-less lodash.once webpack
'use strict'
const gulp = require('gulp')
const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer')
const babel = require('gulp-babel')
const del = require('del')
const less = require('gulp-less')
const plumber = require('gulp-plumber')
const webpack = require('webpack')
gulp.task('default', [ 'css', 'js:client', 'js:server' ])
gulp.task('css', () => gulp.src([ 'src/public/css/**/*.less', '!**/lib/**/*.*' ])
const compiler = webpack(require('./webpack.config.js'))
const reporter = (err, stats) => console.log(stats.toString('normal'))
if (process.argv.includes('watch')) {
gulp.task('js:public'){}, reporter)
} else {
gulp.task('js:public', done =>, stats) => {
reporter(err, stats)
gulp.task('js:server', () => gulp.src('src/main/**/*.js')
gulp.task('watch', [ 'default' ], function () {'src/public/css/**/*.less', [ 'css' ])'src/public/js/**/*.js', [ 'js:client' ])'src/main/**/*.js', [ 'js:server' ])
gulp.task('clean', () => Promise.all([
'use strict'
const glob = require('globby').sync
const path = require('path')
const webpack = require('webpack')
const NotifierPlugin = require('webpack-notifier')
const Visualizer = require('webpack-visualizer-plugin')
const entry = { }
glob([ 'src/public/js/**/*.js', '!**/lib/**/*.js' ])
.forEach(f => entry[path.relative('src/public/js', f)] = path.resolve(process.cwd(), f)) // eslint-disable-line no-return-assign
const PROD = process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production'
const PROD_PLUGINS = [ new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
comments: false,
compress: { warnings: false },
minimize: true,
}), new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env': {
NODE_ENV: '"production"',
}) ]
const DEV_PLUGINS = [ new Visualizer() ]
module.exports = {
devtool: PROD ? '' : '#source-map',
output: {
path: `${__dirname}/build/public/js`,
filename: '[name]',
module: {
loaders: [ {
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'babel-loader',
exclude: /node_modules/,
}, {
test: /\.scss$/,
loader: 'style!css?modules&localIdentName=[name]_[local]_[hash:base64:5]!sass',
} ],
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'common',
filename: 'common.js',
minChunks: 2,
new NotifierPlugin({
alwaysNotify: false,
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