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Created October 30, 2024 14:57
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library(lofifonts) # remotes::install_github('coolbutuseless/lofifonts')
bitmap_text_coords("Hello", font = 'unifont') |>
text <- glue::glue("It is a period of civil war.
Rebel spaceships, striking
from a hidden base, have won
their first victory against
the evil Galactic Empire.
During the battle, Rebel
spies managed to steal secret
plans to the Empire's
ultimate weapon, the DEATH
STAR, an armored space
station with enough power to
destroy an entire planet.
Pursued by the Empire's
sinister agents, Princess
Leia races home aboard her
starship, custodian of the
stolen plans that can save
her people and restore
freedom to the galaxy....")
text_img <- text |>
bitmap_text_raster() |>
image_read() |>
image_resize("237x320") |>
image_border(color = "white", geometry = "20x20") |>
out_list <- seq(360, 0, by = -10) |>
map(\(y) {
img <- text_img |>
image_border(color = "white", geometry = paste0("x", y)) |>
coordinates <- c(0, 0, 100, 0, # Top left corner moves inward
image_info(img)$width, 0, image_info(img)$width - 100, 0, # Top right corner moves inward
0, image_info(img)$height, 0, image_info(img)$height, # Bottom left stays the same
image_info(img)$width, image_info(img)$height, image_info(img)$width, image_info(img)$height) # Bottom right stays the same
img |>
image_distort("perspective", coordinates)
animation <- image_animate(image_join(out_list), fps = 2, optimize = TRUE)
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jrosell commented Oct 30, 2024


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